// Boost Lambda Library - operators.hpp -------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Jaakko Jarvi (jaakko.jarvi@cs.utu.fi) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // For more information, see www.boost.org // --------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef BOOST_LAMBDA_OPERATORS_HPP #define BOOST_LAMBDA_OPERATORS_HPP #include "boost/lambda/detail/is_instance_of.hpp" namespace boost { namespace lambda { #if defined BOOST_LAMBDA_BE1 #error "Multiple defines of BOOST_LAMBDA_BE1" #endif // For all BOOSTA_LAMBDA_BE* macros: // CONSTA must be either 'A' or 'const A' // CONSTB must be either 'B' or 'const B' // It is stupid to have the names A and B as macro arguments, but it avoids // the need to pass in emtpy macro arguments, which gives warnings on some // compilers #define BOOST_LAMBDA_BE1(OPER_NAME, ACTION, CONSTA, CONSTB, CONVERSION) \ template<class Arg, class B> \ inline const \ lambda_functor< \ lambda_functor_base< \ ACTION, \ tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, typename const_copy_argument <CONSTB>::type> \ > \ > \ OPER_NAME (const lambda_functor<Arg>& a, CONSTB& b) { \ return \ lambda_functor_base< \ ACTION, \ tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, typename const_copy_argument <CONSTB>::type>\ > \ (tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, typename const_copy_argument <CONSTB>::type>(a, b)); \ } #if defined BOOST_LAMBDA_BE2 #error "Multiple defines of BOOST_LAMBDA_BE2" #endif #define BOOST_LAMBDA_BE2(OPER_NAME, ACTION, CONSTA, CONSTB, CONVERSION) \ template<class A, class Arg> \ inline const \ lambda_functor< \ lambda_functor_base< \ ACTION, \ tuple<typename CONVERSION <CONSTA>::type, lambda_functor<Arg> > \ > \ > \ OPER_NAME (CONSTA& a, const lambda_functor<Arg>& b) { \ return \ lambda_functor_base< \ ACTION, \ tuple<typename CONVERSION <CONSTA>::type, lambda_functor<Arg> > \ > \ (tuple<typename CONVERSION <CONSTA>::type, lambda_functor<Arg> >(a, b)); \ } #if defined BOOST_LAMBDA_BE3 #error "Multiple defines of BOOST_LAMBDA_BE3" #endif #define BOOST_LAMBDA_BE3(OPER_NAME, ACTION, CONSTA, CONSTB, CONVERSION) \ template<class ArgA, class ArgB> \ inline const \ lambda_functor< \ lambda_functor_base< \ ACTION, \ tuple<lambda_functor<ArgA>, lambda_functor<ArgB> > \ > \ > \ OPER_NAME (const lambda_functor<ArgA>& a, const lambda_functor<ArgB>& b) { \ return \ lambda_functor_base< \ ACTION, \ tuple<lambda_functor<ArgA>, lambda_functor<ArgB> > \ > \ (tuple<lambda_functor<ArgA>, lambda_functor<ArgB> >(a, b)); \ } #if defined BOOST_LAMBDA_BE #error "Multiple defines of BOOST_LAMBDA_BE" #endif #define BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(OPER_NAME, ACTION, CONSTA, CONSTB, CONST_CONVERSION) \ BOOST_LAMBDA_BE1(OPER_NAME, ACTION, CONSTA, CONSTB, CONST_CONVERSION) \ BOOST_LAMBDA_BE2(OPER_NAME, ACTION, CONSTA, CONSTB, CONST_CONVERSION) \ BOOST_LAMBDA_BE3(OPER_NAME, ACTION, CONSTA, CONSTB, CONST_CONVERSION) #define BOOST_LAMBDA_EMPTY() BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator+, arithmetic_action<plus_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator-, arithmetic_action<minus_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator*, arithmetic_action<multiply_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator/, arithmetic_action<divide_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator%, arithmetic_action<remainder_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator<<, bitwise_action<leftshift_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator>>, bitwise_action<rightshift_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator&, bitwise_action<and_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator|, bitwise_action<or_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator^, bitwise_action<xor_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator&&, logical_action<and_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator||, logical_action<or_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator<, relational_action<less_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator>, relational_action<greater_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator<=, relational_action<lessorequal_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator>=, relational_action<greaterorequal_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator==, relational_action<equal_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator!=, relational_action<notequal_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator+=, arithmetic_assignment_action<plus_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator-=, arithmetic_assignment_action<minus_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator*=, arithmetic_assignment_action<multiply_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator/=, arithmetic_assignment_action<divide_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator%=, arithmetic_assignment_action<remainder_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator<<=, bitwise_assignment_action<leftshift_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator>>=, bitwise_assignment_action<rightshift_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator&=, bitwise_assignment_action<and_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator|=, bitwise_assignment_action<or_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE(operator^=, bitwise_assignment_action<xor_action>, A, const B, reference_argument) // A special trick for comma operator for correct preprocessing #if defined BOOST_LAMBDA_COMMA_OPERATOR_NAME #error "Multiple defines of BOOST_LAMBDA_COMMA_OPERATOR_NAME" #endif #define BOOST_LAMBDA_COMMA_OPERATOR_NAME operator, BOOST_LAMBDA_BE1(BOOST_LAMBDA_COMMA_OPERATOR_NAME, other_action<comma_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE2(BOOST_LAMBDA_COMMA_OPERATOR_NAME, other_action<comma_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE3(BOOST_LAMBDA_COMMA_OPERATOR_NAME, other_action<comma_action>, const A, const B, const_copy_argument) namespace detail { // special cases for ostream& << Any and istream& >> Any --------------- // the actual stream classes may vary and thus a specialisation for, // say ostream& does not match (the general case above is chosen). // Therefore we specialise for non-const reference: // if the left argument is a stream, we store the stream as reference // if it is something else, we store a const plain by default // Note that the overloading is const vs. non-const first argument #ifdef BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_STREAMS template<class T> struct convert_ostream_to_ref_others_to_c_plain_by_default { typedef typename detail::IF< boost::is_convertible<T*, std::ostream*>::value, T&, typename const_copy_argument <T>::type >::RET type; }; template<class T> struct convert_istream_to_ref_others_to_c_plain_by_default { typedef typename detail::IF< boost::is_convertible<T*, std::istream*>::value, T&, typename const_copy_argument <T>::type >::RET type; }; #else template<class T> struct convert_ostream_to_ref_others_to_c_plain_by_default { typedef typename detail::IF< is_instance_of_2< T, std::basic_ostream >::value, T&, typename const_copy_argument <T>::type >::RET type; }; template<class T> struct convert_istream_to_ref_others_to_c_plain_by_default { typedef typename detail::IF< is_instance_of_2< T, std::basic_istream >::value, T&, typename const_copy_argument <T>::type >::RET type; }; #endif } // detail BOOST_LAMBDA_BE2(operator<<, bitwise_action< leftshift_action>, A, const B, detail::convert_ostream_to_ref_others_to_c_plain_by_default) BOOST_LAMBDA_BE2(operator>>, bitwise_action< rightshift_action>, A, const B, detail::convert_istream_to_ref_others_to_c_plain_by_default) // special case for io_manipulators. // function references cannot be given as arguments to lambda operator // expressions in general. With << and >> the use of manipulators is // so common, that specializations are provided to make them work. template<class Arg, class Ret, class ManipArg> inline const lambda_functor< lambda_functor_base< bitwise_action<leftshift_action>, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, Ret(&)(ManipArg)> > > operator<<(const lambda_functor<Arg>& a, Ret(&b)(ManipArg)) { return lambda_functor_base< bitwise_action<leftshift_action>, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, Ret(&)(ManipArg)> > ( tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, Ret(&)(ManipArg)>(a, b) ); } template<class Arg, class Ret, class ManipArg> inline const lambda_functor< lambda_functor_base< bitwise_action<rightshift_action>, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, Ret(&)(ManipArg)> > > operator>>(const lambda_functor<Arg>& a, Ret(&b)(ManipArg)) { return lambda_functor_base< bitwise_action<rightshift_action>, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, Ret(&)(ManipArg)> > ( tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, Ret(&)(ManipArg)>(a, b) ); } // (+ and -) take their arguments as const references. // This has consquences with pointer artihmetic // E.g int a[]; ... *a = 1 works but not *(a+1) = 1. // the result of a+1 would be const // To make the latter work too, // non-const arrays are taken as non-const and stored as non-const as well. #if defined BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E1 #error "Multiple defines of BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E1" #endif #define BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E1(OPER_NAME, ACTION, CONSTB) \ template<class Arg, int N, class B> \ inline const \ lambda_functor< \ lambda_functor_base<ACTION, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, CONSTB(&)[N]> > \ > \ OPER_NAME (const lambda_functor<Arg>& a, CONSTB(&b)[N]) \ { \ return \ lambda_functor_base<ACTION, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, CONSTB(&)[N]> > \ (tuple<lambda_functor<Arg>, CONSTB(&)[N]>(a, b)); \ } #if defined BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E2 #error "Multiple defines of BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E2" #endif #define BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E2(OPER_NAME, ACTION, CONSTA) \ template<int N, class A, class Arg> \ inline const \ lambda_functor< \ lambda_functor_base<ACTION, tuple<CONSTA(&)[N], lambda_functor<Arg> > > \ > \ OPER_NAME (CONSTA(&a)[N], const lambda_functor<Arg>& b) \ { \ return \ lambda_functor_base<ACTION, tuple<CONSTA(&)[N], lambda_functor<Arg> > > \ (tuple<CONSTA(&)[N], lambda_functor<Arg> >(a, b)); \ } BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E1(operator+, arithmetic_action<plus_action>, B) BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E2(operator+, arithmetic_action<plus_action>, A) BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E1(operator+, arithmetic_action<plus_action>,const B) BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E2(operator+, arithmetic_action<plus_action>,const A) //BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E1(operator-, arithmetic_action<minus_action>) // This is not needed, since the result of ptr-ptr is an rvalue anyway BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E2(operator-, arithmetic_action<minus_action>, A) BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E2(operator-, arithmetic_action<minus_action>, const A) #undef BOOST_LAMBDA_BE1 #undef BOOST_LAMBDA_BE2 #undef BOOST_LAMBDA_BE3 #undef BOOST_LAMBDA_BE #undef BOOST_LAMBDA_COMMA_OPERATOR_NAME #undef BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E1 #undef BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E2 // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // unary operators ----------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined BOOST_LAMBDA_UE #error "Multiple defines of BOOST_LAMBDA_UE" #endif #define BOOST_LAMBDA_UE(OPER_NAME, ACTION) \ template<class Arg> \ inline const \ lambda_functor<lambda_functor_base<ACTION, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg> > > > \ OPER_NAME (const lambda_functor<Arg>& a) \ { \ return \ lambda_functor_base<ACTION, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg> > > \ ( tuple<lambda_functor<Arg> >(a) ); \ } BOOST_LAMBDA_UE(operator+, unary_arithmetic_action<plus_action>) BOOST_LAMBDA_UE(operator-, unary_arithmetic_action<minus_action>) BOOST_LAMBDA_UE(operator~, bitwise_action<not_action>) BOOST_LAMBDA_UE(operator!, logical_action<not_action>) BOOST_LAMBDA_UE(operator++, pre_increment_decrement_action<increment_action>) BOOST_LAMBDA_UE(operator--, pre_increment_decrement_action<decrement_action>) BOOST_LAMBDA_UE(operator*, other_action<contentsof_action>) BOOST_LAMBDA_UE(operator&, other_action<addressof_action>) #if defined BOOST_LAMBDA_POSTFIX_UE #error "Multiple defines of BOOST_LAMBDA_POSTFIX_UE" #endif #define BOOST_LAMBDA_POSTFIX_UE(OPER_NAME, ACTION) \ template<class Arg> \ inline const \ lambda_functor<lambda_functor_base<ACTION, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg> > > > \ OPER_NAME (const lambda_functor<Arg>& a, int) \ { \ return \ lambda_functor_base<ACTION, tuple<lambda_functor<Arg> > > \ ( tuple<lambda_functor<Arg> >(a) ); \ } BOOST_LAMBDA_POSTFIX_UE(operator++, post_increment_decrement_action<increment_action>) BOOST_LAMBDA_POSTFIX_UE(operator--, post_increment_decrement_action<decrement_action>) #undef BOOST_LAMBDA_UE #undef BOOST_LAMBDA_POSTFIX_UE } // namespace lambda } // namespace boost #endif