////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2012-2012. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // See http://www.boost.org/libs/move for documentation. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \file core.hpp //! This header implements macros to define movable classes and //! move-aware functions #ifndef BOOST_MOVE_CORE_HPP #define BOOST_MOVE_CORE_HPP #include <boost/move/detail/config_begin.hpp> //boost_move_no_copy_constructor_or_assign typedef //used to detect noncopyable types for other Boost libraries. #ifdef BOOST_NO_CXX11_DELETED_FUNCTIONS #define BOOST_MOVE_IMPL_NO_COPY_CTOR_OR_ASSIGN(TYPE) \ private:\ TYPE(TYPE &);\ TYPE& operator=(TYPE &);\ public:\ typedef int boost_move_no_copy_constructor_or_assign; \ private:\ // #else #define BOOST_MOVE_IMPL_NO_COPY_CTOR_OR_ASSIGN(TYPE) \ public:\ TYPE(TYPE const &) = delete;\ TYPE& operator=(TYPE const &) = delete;\ public:\ typedef int boost_move_no_copy_constructor_or_assign; \ private:\ // #endif //BOOST_NO_CXX11_DELETED_FUNCTIONS #if defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES) && !defined(BOOST_MOVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) #include <boost/move/detail/meta_utils.hpp> //Move emulation rv breaks standard aliasing rules so add workarounds for some compilers #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) #define BOOST_MOVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAY_ALIAS __attribute__((__may_alias__)) #else #define BOOST_MOVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAY_ALIAS #endif namespace boost { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // struct rv // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <class T> class rv : public ::boost::move_detail::if_c < ::boost::move_detail::is_class_or_union<T>::value , T , ::boost::move_detail::empty >::type { rv(); ~rv(); rv(rv const&); void operator=(rv const&); } BOOST_MOVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAY_ALIAS; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // move_detail::is_rv // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace move_detail { template <class T> struct is_rv : ::boost::move_detail::integral_constant<bool, false> {}; template <class T> struct is_rv< rv<T> > : ::boost::move_detail::integral_constant<bool, true> {}; template <class T> struct is_rv< const rv<T> > : ::boost::move_detail::integral_constant<bool, true> {}; } //namespace move_detail { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // has_move_emulation_enabled // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<class T> struct has_move_emulation_enabled : ::boost::move_detail::is_convertible< T, ::boost::rv<T>& > {}; template<class T> struct has_move_emulation_enabled<T&> : ::boost::move_detail::integral_constant<bool, false> {}; template<class T> struct has_move_emulation_enabled< ::boost::rv<T> > : ::boost::move_detail::integral_constant<bool, false> {}; } //namespace boost { #define BOOST_RV_REF(TYPE)\ ::boost::rv< TYPE >& \ // #define BOOST_RV_REF_2_TEMPL_ARGS(TYPE, ARG1, ARG2)\ ::boost::rv< TYPE<ARG1, ARG2> >& \ // #define BOOST_RV_REF_3_TEMPL_ARGS(TYPE, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3)\ ::boost::rv< TYPE<ARG1, ARG2, ARG3> >& \ // #define BOOST_RV_REF_BEG\ ::boost::rv< \ // #define BOOST_RV_REF_END\ >& \ // #define BOOST_FWD_REF(TYPE)\ const TYPE & \ // #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF(TYPE)\ const ::boost::rv< TYPE >& \ // #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF_BEG \ const ::boost::rv< \ // #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF_END \ >& \ // #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF_2_TEMPL_ARGS(TYPE, ARG1, ARG2)\ const ::boost::rv< TYPE<ARG1, ARG2> >& \ // #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF_3_TEMPL_ARGS(TYPE, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3)\ const ::boost::rv< TYPE<ARG1, ARG2, ARG3> >& \ // #define BOOST_CATCH_CONST_RLVALUE(TYPE)\ const ::boost::rv< TYPE >& \ // namespace boost { namespace move_detail { template <class Ret, class T> inline typename ::boost::move_detail::enable_if_c < ::boost::move_detail::is_lvalue_reference<Ret>::value || !::boost::has_move_emulation_enabled<T>::value , T&>::type move_return(T& x) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return x; } template <class Ret, class T> inline typename ::boost::move_detail::enable_if_c < !::boost::move_detail::is_lvalue_reference<Ret>::value && ::boost::has_move_emulation_enabled<T>::value , ::boost::rv<T>&>::type move_return(T& x) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return *static_cast< ::boost::rv<T>* >(::boost::move_detail::addressof(x)); } template <class Ret, class T> inline typename ::boost::move_detail::enable_if_c < !::boost::move_detail::is_lvalue_reference<Ret>::value && ::boost::has_move_emulation_enabled<T>::value , ::boost::rv<T>&>::type move_return(::boost::rv<T>& x) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return x; } } //namespace move_detail { } //namespace boost { #define BOOST_MOVE_RET(RET_TYPE, REF)\ boost::move_detail::move_return< RET_TYPE >(REF) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE(TYPE)\ BOOST_MOVE_IMPL_NO_COPY_CTOR_OR_ASSIGN(TYPE)\ public:\ operator ::boost::rv<TYPE>&() \ { return *static_cast< ::boost::rv<TYPE>* >(this); }\ operator const ::boost::rv<TYPE>&() const \ { return *static_cast<const ::boost::rv<TYPE>* >(this); }\ private:\ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE(TYPE)\ public:\ TYPE& operator=(TYPE &t)\ { this->operator=(static_cast<const ::boost::rv<TYPE> &>(const_cast<const TYPE &>(t))); return *this;}\ public:\ operator ::boost::rv<TYPE>&() \ { return *static_cast< ::boost::rv<TYPE>* >(this); }\ operator const ::boost::rv<TYPE>&() const \ { return *static_cast<const ::boost::rv<TYPE>* >(this); }\ private:\ // #define BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE_ALT(TYPE)\ public:\ operator ::boost::rv<TYPE>&() \ { return *static_cast< ::boost::rv<TYPE>* >(this); }\ operator const ::boost::rv<TYPE>&() const \ { return *static_cast<const ::boost::rv<TYPE>* >(this); }\ private:\ // #else //BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES //Compiler workaround detection #if !defined(BOOST_MOVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ < 5) && !defined(__clang__) //Pre-standard rvalue binding rules #define BOOST_MOVE_OLD_RVALUE_REF_BINDING_RULES #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1600) //Standard rvalue binding rules but with some bugs #define BOOST_MOVE_MSVC_10_MEMBER_RVALUE_REF_BUG #define BOOST_MOVE_MSVC_AUTO_MOVE_RETURN_BUG //Use standard library for MSVC to avoid namespace issues as //some move calls in the STL are not fully qualified. //#define BOOST_MOVE_USE_STANDARD_LIBRARY_MOVE #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1700) #define BOOST_MOVE_MSVC_AUTO_MOVE_RETURN_BUG #endif #endif //! This macro marks a type as movable but not copyable, disabling copy construction //! and assignment. The user will need to write a move constructor/assignment as explained //! in the documentation to fully write a movable but not copyable class. #define BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE(TYPE)\ BOOST_MOVE_IMPL_NO_COPY_CTOR_OR_ASSIGN(TYPE)\ public:\ typedef int boost_move_emulation_t;\ // //! This macro marks a type as copyable and movable. //! The user will need to write a move constructor/assignment and a copy assignment //! as explained in the documentation to fully write a copyable and movable class. #define BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE(TYPE)\ // #if !defined(BOOST_MOVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) #define BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE_ALT(TYPE)\ // #endif //#if !defined(BOOST_MOVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) namespace boost { //!This trait yields to a compile-time true boolean if T was marked as //!BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE or BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE and //!rvalue references are not available on the platform. False otherwise. template<class T> struct has_move_emulation_enabled { static const bool value = false; }; } //namespace boost{ //!This macro is used to achieve portable syntax in move //!constructors and assignments for classes marked as //!BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE or BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE #define BOOST_RV_REF(TYPE)\ TYPE && \ // //!This macro is used to achieve portable syntax in move //!constructors and assignments for template classes marked as //!BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE or BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE. //!As macros have problems with comma-separated template arguments, //!the template argument must be preceded with BOOST_RV_REF_BEG //!and ended with BOOST_RV_REF_END #define BOOST_RV_REF_BEG\ \ // //!This macro is used to achieve portable syntax in move //!constructors and assignments for template classes marked as //!BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE or BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE. //!As macros have problems with comma-separated template arguments, //!the template argument must be preceded with BOOST_RV_REF_BEG //!and ended with BOOST_RV_REF_END #define BOOST_RV_REF_END\ && \ //!This macro is used to achieve portable syntax in copy //!assignment for classes marked as BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE. #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF(TYPE)\ const TYPE & \ // //! This macro is used to implement portable perfect forwarding //! as explained in the documentation. #define BOOST_FWD_REF(TYPE)\ TYPE && \ // #if !defined(BOOST_MOVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) #define BOOST_RV_REF_2_TEMPL_ARGS(TYPE, ARG1, ARG2)\ TYPE<ARG1, ARG2> && \ // #define BOOST_RV_REF_3_TEMPL_ARGS(TYPE, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3)\ TYPE<ARG1, ARG2, ARG3> && \ // #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF_BEG \ const \ // #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF_END \ & \ // #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF_2_TEMPL_ARGS(TYPE, ARG1, ARG2)\ const TYPE<ARG1, ARG2> & \ // #define BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF_3_TEMPL_ARGS(TYPE, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3)\ const TYPE<ARG1, ARG2, ARG3>& \ // #define BOOST_CATCH_CONST_RLVALUE(TYPE)\ const TYPE & \ // #endif //#if !defined(BOOST_MOVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) #if !defined(BOOST_MOVE_MSVC_AUTO_MOVE_RETURN_BUG) || defined(BOOST_MOVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) //!This macro is used to achieve portable move return semantics. //!The Standard allows implicit move returns when the object to be returned //!is designated by an lvalue and: //! - The criteria for elision of a copy operation are met OR //! - The criteria would be met save for the fact that the source object is a function parameter //! //!For C++11 conforming compilers this macros only yields to REF: //! <code>return BOOST_MOVE_RET(RET_TYPE, REF);</code> -> <code>return REF;</code> //! //!For compilers without rvalue references //!this macro does an explicit move if the move emulation is activated //!and the return type (RET_TYPE) is not a reference. //! //!For non-conforming compilers with rvalue references like Visual 2010 & 2012, //!an explicit move is performed if RET_TYPE is not a reference. //! //! <b>Caution</b>: When using this macro in a non-conforming or C++03 //!compilers, a move will be performed even if the C++11 standard does not allow it //!(e.g. returning a static variable). The user is responsible for using this macro //!only used to return local objects that met C++11 criteria. #define BOOST_MOVE_RET(RET_TYPE, REF)\ (REF) // #else //!defined(BOOST_MOVE_MSVC_AUTO_MOVE_RETURN_BUG) || defined(BOOST_MOVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) #include <boost/move/detail/meta_utils.hpp> namespace boost { namespace move_detail { template <class Ret, class T> inline typename ::boost::move_detail::enable_if_c < ::boost::move_detail::is_lvalue_reference<Ret>::value , T&>::type move_return(T& x) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return x; } template <class Ret, class T> inline typename ::boost::move_detail::enable_if_c < !::boost::move_detail::is_lvalue_reference<Ret>::value , Ret && >::type move_return(T&& t) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast< Ret&& >(t); } } //namespace move_detail { } //namespace boost { #define BOOST_MOVE_RET(RET_TYPE, REF)\ boost::move_detail::move_return< RET_TYPE >(REF) // #endif //!defined(BOOST_MOVE_MSVC_AUTO_MOVE_RETURN_BUG) || defined(BOOST_MOVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) #endif //BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES #include <boost/move/detail/config_end.hpp> #endif //#ifndef BOOST_MOVE_CORE_HPP