if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Please specify the location of the boost source tree" exit -1 fi TARGET_DIR=src if [ ! -d "$TARGET_DIR" ]; then mkdir $TARGET_DIR fi ./bcp --boost="$1" \ tools/bcp \ bind.hpp \ date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp \ foreach.hpp \ filesystem.hpp \ filesystem/fstream.hpp \ noncopyable.hpp \ numeric/conversion/cast.hpp \ shared_ptr.hpp \ optional.hpp \ signals.hpp \ program_options.hpp \ thread.hpp \ asio.hpp \ uuid/uuid.hpp \ uuid/uuid_io.hpp \ uuid/uuid_generators.hpp \ regex.hpp \ $TARGET_DIR rm -rf $TARGET_DIR/libs/config rm -rf $TARGET_DIR/libs/smart_ptr LIBS="date_time regex system thread signals filesystem program_options" for lib in $LIBS; do rm -rf $TARGET_DIR/libs/$lib/build $TARGET_DIR/libs/$lib/*.doc $TARGET_DIR/libs/$lib/src/*.doc $TARGET_DIR/libs/$lib/src/CMakeLists.txt $TARGET_DIR/libs/$lib/test done rm -rf $TARGET_DIR/tools/bcp/*.html $TARGET_DIR/libs/test $TARGET_DIR/doc $TARGET_DIR/boost.png $TARGET_DIR/boost/test $TARGET_DIR/tools/bcp/Jamfile.v2 $TARGET_DIR/tools/bcp/doc $TARGET_DIR/tools/bcp/test $TARGET_DIR/Jamroot