#ifndef CPPUNIT_TESTCALLER_H    // -*- C++ -*-

#include <cppunit/Exception.h>
#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>

#  include <cppunit/extensions/TypeInfoHelper.h>


#if 0
/*! \brief Marker class indicating that no exception is expected by TestCaller.
 * This class is an implementation detail. You should never use this class directly.
class CPPUNIT_API NoExceptionExpected
  //! Prevent class instantiation.

/*! \brief (Implementation) Traits used by TestCaller to expect an exception.
 * This class is an implementation detail. You should never use this class directly.
template<class ExceptionType>
struct ExpectedExceptionTraits
  static void expectedException()
    throw Exception( Message(
                         "expected exception not thrown",
                         "Expected exception type: " + 
                           TypeInfoHelper::getClassName( typeid( ExceptionType ) ) ) );
    throw Exception( "expected exception not thrown" );

/*! \brief (Implementation) Traits specialization used by TestCaller to 
 * expect no exception.
 * This class is an implementation detail. You should never use this class directly.
struct ExpectedExceptionTraits<NoExceptionExpected>
  static void expectedException()


//*** FIXME: rework this when class Fixture is implemented. ***//

/*! \brief Generate a test case from a fixture method.
 * \ingroup WritingTestFixture
 * A test caller provides access to a test case method 
 * on a test fixture class.  Test callers are useful when 
 * you want to run an individual test or add it to a 
 * suite.
 * Test Callers invoke only one Test (i.e. test method) on one 
 * Fixture of a TestFixture.
 * Here is an example:
 * \code
 * class MathTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture {
 *         ...
 *     public:
 *         void         setUp();
 *         void         tearDown();
 *         void         testAdd();
 *         void         testSubtract();
 * };
 * CppUnit::Test *MathTest::suite() {
 *     CppUnit::TestSuite *suite = new CppUnit::TestSuite;
 *     suite->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller<MathTest>( "testAdd", testAdd ) );
 *     return suite;
 * }
 * \endcode
 * You can use a TestCaller to bind any test method on a TestFixture
 * class, as long as it accepts void and returns void.
 * \see TestCase

template <class Fixture>
class TestCaller : public TestCase
  typedef void (Fixture::*TestMethod)();
   * Constructor for TestCaller. This constructor builds a new Fixture
   * instance owned by the TestCaller.
   * \param name name of this TestCaller
   * \param test the method this TestCaller calls in runTest()
  TestCaller( std::string name, TestMethod test ) :
	    TestCase( name ), 
	    m_ownFixture( true ),
	    m_fixture( new Fixture() ),
	    m_test( test )

   * Constructor for TestCaller. 
   * This constructor does not create a new Fixture instance but accepts
   * an existing one as parameter. The TestCaller will not own the
   * Fixture object.
   * \param name name of this TestCaller
   * \param test the method this TestCaller calls in runTest()
   * \param fixture the Fixture to invoke the test method on.
  TestCaller(std::string name, TestMethod test, Fixture& fixture) :
	    TestCase( name ), 
	    m_ownFixture( false ),
	    m_fixture( &fixture ),
	    m_test( test )
   * Constructor for TestCaller. 
   * This constructor does not create a new Fixture instance but accepts
   * an existing one as parameter. The TestCaller will own the
   * Fixture object and delete it in its destructor.
   * \param name name of this TestCaller
   * \param test the method this TestCaller calls in runTest()
   * \param fixture the Fixture to invoke the test method on.
  TestCaller(std::string name, TestMethod test, Fixture* fixture) :
	    TestCase( name ), 
	    m_ownFixture( true ),
	    m_fixture( fixture ),
	    m_test( test )
    if (m_ownFixture)
      delete m_fixture;

  void runTest()
//	  try {
//	  }
//	  catch ( ExpectedException & ) {
//	    return;
//	  }

//  	ExpectedExceptionTraits<ExpectedException>::expectedException();

  void setUp()
  	m_fixture->setUp (); 

  void tearDown()
	  m_fixture->tearDown (); 

  std::string toString() const
  	return "TestCaller " + getName(); 

  TestCaller( const TestCaller &other ); 
  TestCaller &operator =( const TestCaller &other );

  bool m_ownFixture;
  Fixture *m_fixture;
  TestMethod m_test;