man.charmap.subset.profile.english string man.charmap.subset.profile.english Profile of character map subset @*[local-name() = 'block'] = 'Miscellaneous Technical' or (@*[local-name() = 'block'] = 'C1 Controls And Latin-1 Supplement (Latin-1 Supplement)' and @*[local-name() = 'class'] = 'symbols') or (@*[local-name() = 'block'] = 'General Punctuation' and (@*[local-name() = 'class'] = 'spaces' or @*[local-name() = 'class'] = 'dashes' or @*[local-name() = 'class'] = 'quotes' or @*[local-name() = 'class'] = 'bullets' ) ) or @*[local-name() = 'name'] = 'HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS' or @*[local-name() = 'name'] = 'WORD JOINER' or @*[local-name() = 'name'] = 'SERVICE MARK' or @*[local-name() = 'name'] = 'TRADE MARK SIGN' or @*[local-name() = 'name'] = 'ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE' Description If the value of the man.charmap.use.subset parameter is non-zero, and your DocBook source is written in English (that is, if its lang or xml:lang attribute on the root element in your DocBook source or on the first refentry element in your source has the value en or if it has no lang or xml:lang attribute), then the character-map subset specified by the man.charmap.subset.profile.english parameter is used instead of the full roff character map. Otherwise, if the lang or xml:lang attribute on the root element in your DocBook source or on the first refentry element in your source has a value other than en, then the character-map subset specified by the man.charmap.subset.profile parameter is used instead of man.charmap.subset.profile.english. The difference between the two subsets is that man.charmap.subset.profile provides mappings for characters in Western European languages that are not part of the Roman (English) alphabet (ASCII character set). The value of man.charmap.subset.profile.english is a string representing an XPath expression that matches attribute names and values for output-character elements in the character map. For other details, see the documentation for the man.charmap.subset.profile.english and man.charmap.use.subset parameters.