attribute set Attribute set for margin.note properties 90% start Description The styling for margin notes. By default, margin notes are not implemented for any element. A stylesheet customization is needed to make use of this attribute-set. You can use a template named floater to create the customization. That template can create side floats by specifying the content and characteristics as template parameters. For example: <xsl:template match="para[@role='marginnote']"> <xsl:call-template name="floater"> <xsl:with-param name="position"> <xsl:value-of select="$margin.note.float.type"/> </xsl:with-param> <xsl:with-param name="width"> <xsl:value-of select="$margin.note.width"/> </xsl:with-param> <xsl:with-param name="content"> <xsl:apply-imports/> </xsl:with-param> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:template>