$Id: node.xsl 3991 2004-11-10 06:51:55Z balls $ Ball Steve 2001 Steve Ball Node Templates
Introduction This stylesheet module provides functions for reporting on or manipulating nodes and nodesets.
Returns an XPath location path This template returns an XPath location path that uniquely identifies the given node within the document. node The node to create an XPath for. If this parameter is given as a nodeset, then the first node in the nodeset is used. Returns an XPath location path as a string. / [] /comment() [] /processing-instruction() [] /text() [] / /namespace:: /@ /.. Return node type Returns the type of a node as a string. node The node to get the type for. If this parameter is given as a nodeset, then the first node in the nodeset is used. Returns node type as a string. Values returned are: Element element Text Node text Comment comment Processing Instruction processing instruction element text comment processing instruction root namespace attribute Copy Nodes Makes a copy of the given nodes, including attributes and descendants. nodes The nodes to copy. Returns the copied nodes as a result tree fragment.