#!/usr/bin/env python

import os, sys, re, xml.dom.minidom

def getText(nodelist):
    text = ""
    for node in nodelist:
        if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
            text += node.data
    return text

desktop_generic_names = set()
desktop_comments = set()
f = open("Swift/resources/swift.desktop", "r")
for l in f.readlines() :
    m = re.match("GenericName\[(\w+)\].*", l)
    if m :
    m = re.match("Comment\[(\w+)\].*", l)
    if m :

for filename in os.listdir("Swift/Translations") :
    m = re.match("swift_(.*)\.ts", filename)
    if m :
        language = m.group(1)
        finished = True
        f = open("Swift/Translations/" + filename, "r")
        document = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f)

        for message in document.getElementsByTagName("message") :
            source = message.getElementsByTagName("source")[0]
            sourceText = getText(source.childNodes)
            sourcePlaceholders = set(re.findall("%\d+%?", sourceText))
            translation = message.getElementsByTagName("translation")[0]
            if "type" in translation.attributes.keys() and translation.attributes["type"]. value == "unfinished" :
                finished = False
            translationText = getText(translation.childNodes)
            translationPlaceholders = set(re.findall("%\d+%?", translationText))
            if translationPlaceholders != sourcePlaceholders :
                print "[Error] " + filename + ": Placeholder mismatch in translation '" + sourceText + "'"
        if not finished :
                print "[Warning] " + filename + ": Unfinished"
        if language not in desktop_generic_names and language != "en" :
                print "[Warning] GenericName field missing in desktop entry for " + language
        if language not in desktop_comments and language != "en" :
                print "[Warning] Comment field missing in desktop entry for " + language