#!/usr/bin/env python import sys; import os; import re; from sets import Set filename = sys.argv[1] inPlace = False if "-i" in sys.argv: inPlace = True filename_base = os.path.basename(filename) (filename_name, filename_ext) = os.path.splitext(filename_base) c_stdlib_headers = Set(["assert.h", "limits.h", "signal.h", "stdlib.h", "ctype.h", "locale.h", "stdarg.h", "string.h", "errno.h", "math.h", "stddef.h", "time.h", "float.h", "setjmp.h", "stdio.h", "iso646.h", "wchar.h", "wctype.h", "complex.h", "inttypes.h", "stdint.h", "tgmath.h", "fenv.h", "stdbool.h"]) cpp_stdlib_headers = Set(["algorithm", "fstream", "list", "regex", "typeindex", "array", "functional", "locale", "set", "typeinfo", "atomic", "future", "map", "sstream", "type_traits", "bitset", "initializer_list", "memory", "stack", "unordered_map", "chrono", "iomanip", "mutex", "stdexcept", "unordered_set", "codecvt", "ios", "new", "streambuf", "utility", "complex", "iosfwd", "numeric", "string", "valarray", "condition_variable", "iostream", "ostream", "strstream", "vector", "deque", "istream", "queue", "system_error", "exception", "iterator", "random", "thread", "forward_list", "limits", "ratio", "tuple", "cassert", "ciso646", "csetjmp", "cstdio", "ctime", "cctype", "climits", "csignal", "cstdlib", "cwchar", "cerrno", "clocale", "cstdarg", "cstring", "cwctype", "cfloat", "cmath", "cstddef"]) class HeaderType: PRAGMA_ONCE, CORRESPONDING_HEADER, C_STDLIB, CPP_STDLIB, BOOST, QT, OTHER, SWIFTEN, SWIFT_CONTROLLERS, SWIFTOOLS, SWIFT = range(11) def findHeaderBlock(lines): start = False end = False lastLine = None for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if not start and line.startswith("#"): start = idx elif start and (not end) and (not line.startswith("#")) and line.strip(): end = idx-1 break if not end: end = len(lines) return (start, end) def lineToFileName(line): match = re.match( r'#include "(.*)"', line) if match: return match.group(1) match = re.match( r'#include <(.*)>', line) if match: return match.group(1) return False def fileNameToHeaderType(name): if name.endswith(filename_name + ".h"): return HeaderType.CORRESPONDING_HEADER if name in c_stdlib_headers: return HeaderType.C_STDLIB if name in cpp_stdlib_headers: return HeaderType.CPP_STDLIB if name.startswith("boost"): return HeaderType.BOOST if name.startswith("Q"): return HeaderType.QT if name.startswith("Swiften"): return HeaderType.SWIFTEN if name.startswith("Swift/Controllers"): return HeaderType.SWIFT_CONTROLLERS if name.startswith("SwifTools"): return HeaderType.SWIFTOOLS if name.startswith("Swift"): return HeaderType.SWIFT return HeaderType.OTHER def serializeHeaderGroups(groups): headerList = [] for group in range(0, HeaderType.SWIFT + 1): if group in groups: # sorted and without duplicates headers = sorted(list(set(groups[group]))) headerList.extend(headers) headerList.extend(["\n"]) headerList.pop() return headerList def overwriteFile(filename, content): with open(filename, 'w') as f: for line in content: f.write(line) def cleanHeaderFile(content, headerStart, headerEnd, headerGroups): del content[headerStart:headerEnd] newHeaders = serializeHeaderGroups(headerGroups) content[headerStart:1] = newHeaders if inPlace : overwriteFile(filename, content) else : for line in content: print line, def cleanImplementationFile(content, headerStart, headerEnd, headerGroups): del content[headerStart:headerEnd] newHeaders = serializeHeaderGroups(headerGroups) content[headerStart:1] = newHeaders if inPlace : overwriteFile(filename, content) else : for line in content: print line, containsComplexPreprocessorDirectives = False with open(filename) as f: content = f.readlines() (headerStart, headerEnd) = findHeaderBlock(content) headerGroups = {} for line in content[headerStart:headerEnd]: if line.strip(): if line.strip().startswith("#pragma once"): headerType = HeaderType.PRAGMA_ONCE elif line.strip().startswith("#if") or line.strip().startswith("#def") or line.strip().startswith("#undef") or line.strip().startswith("#pragma "): containsComplexPreprocessorDirectives = True break else: #print line headerType = fileNameToHeaderType(lineToFileName(line)) #filename = lineToFileName(line) if headerType in headerGroups: headerGroups[headerType].append(line) else: headerGroups[headerType] = [line] if containsComplexPreprocessorDirectives: print "Cannot format headers containing preprocessor #if, #pragma, #define or #undef statements!" exit(1) if filename_base.endswith(".h"): if not HeaderType.PRAGMA_ONCE in headerGroups: print "Missing #pragma once!" exit(2) cleanHeaderFile(content, headerStart, headerEnd, headerGroups) elif filename_base.endswith(".cpp") or filename_base.endswith(".mm"): cleanImplementationFile(content, headerStart, headerEnd, headerGroups)