import re, os
import SCons.Util
nsisFiles_re = re.compile(r'^\s*File "([^"]*)"', re.M)
nsisIncludes_re = re.compile(r'^\s*!include (translations-\S*)', re.M)

    - Extract the target from the nsis file
    - When a target is provided use the output function

def generate(env) :
    """Add Builders and construction variables for qt to an Environment."""
    Builder = SCons.Builder.Builder

    env['NSIS_MAKENSIS'] = 'makensis'
    env['NSIS_OPTIONS'] = ["/V2"]
    def winToLocalReformat(path) :
        return os.path.join(*path.split("\\"))
    def scanNsisContent(node, env, path, arg):
        contents = node.get_contents()
        includes = nsisFiles_re.findall(contents) + nsisIncludes_re.findall(contents)
        includes = [ winToLocalReformat(include) for include in includes ]
        return filter(lambda x: x.rfind('*')==-1, includes)
    nsisscanner = env.Scanner(name = 'nsisfile',
        function = scanNsisContent,
        argument = None,
        skeys = ['.nsi'])
    nsisbuilder = Builder(
        action = SCons.Action.Action('$NSIS_MAKENSIS $NSIS_OPTIONS $SOURCE', cmdstr = '$NSISCOMSTR'),
        source_scanner = nsisscanner,
        single_source = True
    env.Append( BUILDERS={'Nsis' : nsisbuilder} )

def exists(env) :
    return True