- Android SDK
- Android NDK
- Python
- Other requirements that are obtained during this guide
  - LDNS
  - Unbound
  - OpenSSL

Supported Components
- Swiften
  Note: File-transfer support has not been tested on Android. Link-local features are not supported under Android.

Supported Android NDK Level
The minimal supported Android NDK API level is 14 (see --platform parameter of
This is the NDK API level associated with Android 4.0. Higher Android NDK API levels however should work.

Preparation of Build Environment
1. Fetch 3rd-party dependencies

1.1 LDNS
    cd 3rdParty/Ldns

1.2 Unbound
    cd 3rdParty/Unbound

1.3 OpenSSL
    cd 3rdParty/OpenSSL
    curl -O
    tar -xf openssl-1.0.0a.tar.gz
    mv openssl-1.0.0a openssl

2. Patch 3rd-party dependencies
    patch -p0 < 3rdParty/Ldns/01_andoird_compilation_fixes.diff
    patch -p1 < 3rdParty/LibMiniUPnPc/01_android_compilation_fixes.diff
    patch -p1 < 3rdParty/Unbound/01_android_fixes.diff

3. Create Android NDK Toolchain
  cd $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT (this is the folder where you extracted Android NDK)
  bash ./build/tools/ --platform=android-14 --install-dir=$HOME/android-14-tc

Configuring Swift Build
1. Set to (probably other paths, replace $NDK_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_DIR with the expanded path of the install dir used in the previous step):
  > android_toolchain=$NDK_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_DIR
  > android_sdk_bin="/usr/local/bin"
  > target = "android"
  > unbound = 1

./scons test=none Swiften Swift/Controllers QA max_jobs=1

Running Swift's test suite on Android requires a one time preparation of a testing environment.
This creates an Android VM where the test will be deployed to and run on.

1. Preparation of test environment (one time)

1.1 Starting AVD (Android Device Manager)
  android avd

1.2 Create a test VM
  Click "Create..." button

1.3 Fill out dialog
  AVD Name: swift_test
  Device: Nexus 4
  Target: Anything with API level equal or greater than your toolchain you build
  CPU/ABI: ARM (unless you build a different toolchain)

  Click "Ok" button

1.4 Close AVD

2. Running integration and unit tests

To run the unit tests you need to have an Android VM running while the test suite is running.
This requires to leave the command under step 2.1 running while you execute step 2.2.

Running the test suite on Android can take quite some time ( >30 minutes ) compared to a native run.
This is due to
  a) the slow transfer speed from host machine to VM (~ 2 MB/s) and
  b) the test environment being emulated for an different CPU architecture.

2.1 Start Android VM with resized /system partition
  emulator -partition-size 2048 @swift_test

2.2 Run integration and unit tests (wait until the android boot screen is gone)
  env SWIFT_CLIENTTEST_JID="some jabber id" SWIFT_CLIENTTEST_PASS="password for the jabber id" ./scons test=all Swiften Swift/Controllers QA