Import("env") example_env = env.Clone() example_env.MergeFlags(example_env["SWIFTEN_FLAGS"]) example_env.MergeFlags(example_env["SWIFTEN_DEP_FLAGS"]) for i in range(1,7) : example_env.Program("EchoBot" + str(i), ["EchoBot" + str(i) + ".cpp"]) example_env.Program("EchoComponent", "EchoComponent.cpp") # C++0x cpp0x = False cpp0x_env = example_env.Clone() if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" : if int(env["MSVS_VERSION"].split(".")[0]) >= 10 : cpp0x = True else : if env["CCVERSION"].split(".") >= ["4", "5", "0"] : # Temporarily disabling c++0x mode because of problems with boost::thread # on some platforms #cpp0x = True cpp0x_env.Replace(CXXFLAGS = [flag for flag in env["CXXFLAGS"] if flag != "-Werror"]) cpp0x_env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["-std=c++0x"]) if cpp0x : cpp0x_env.Program("EchoBot0x", "EchoBot0x.cpp")