--[[ Copyright (c) 2013 Remko Tronçon Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information. --]] --[[ Ad-hoc command example. This script logs into an XMPP server, and executes a multi-step ad-hoc command. The following environment variables are used: * SLUIFT_JID, SWIFT_PASS: JID and password to log in with * SLUIFT_DEBUG: Sets whether debugging should be turned on --]] require "sluift" sluift.debug = os.getenv("SLUIFT_DEBUG") or false c = sluift.new_client(os.getenv("SLUIFT_JID"), os.getenv("SLUIFT_PASS")) c:connect(function () to = sluift.jid.domain(os.getenv("SLUIFT_JID")) -- Get the list of commands commands = assert(c:get_disco_items{ to = to, disco_items = { node = sluift.disco.features.COMMANDS }}) print(commands) -- Get the initial form result = assert(c:set_command{ to = to, command = { action = 'execute', node = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/admin#get-user-roster'}}) -- Fill in the form submission = result.form:create_submission() submission.accountjid = os.getenv("SLUIFT_JID") -- Submit the form result = assert(c:set_command{ to = to, command = { action = 'complete', node = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/admin#get-user-roster', session_id = result.session_id, form = submission}}) for _, v in ipairs(result.form.roster.values) do print(v) end end)