--[[ Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Remko Tronçon Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information. --]] --[[ PEP Listener Listens to a series of PEP events of all contacts. The following environment variables are used: - SLUIFT_JID, SWIFT_PASS: JID and password to log in with - SLUIFT_DEBUG: Sets whether debugging should be turned on --]] require "sluift" sluift.debug = os.getenv("SLUIFT_DEBUG") or false pep_protocols = { [sluift.disco.features.USER_LOCATION] = true, [sluift.disco.features.USER_TUNE] = true, [sluift.disco.features.USER_ACTIVITY] = true, [sluift.disco.features.USER_AVATAR_METADATA] = true, [sluift.disco.features.USER_PROFILE] = true, } client = sluift.new_client(os.getenv("SLUIFT_JID"), os.getenv("SLUIFT_PASS")) client:connect(function (c) features = {sluift.disco.features.DISCO_INFO} for protocol in pairs(pep_protocols) do features[#features+1] = protocol .. '+notify' end c:set_caps_node("http://swift.im/PEPListener") c:set_disco_info({identities = {{name = 'PEPListener'}}, features = features}) c:send_presence() for event in c:pubsub_events() do if event._type == 'pubsub_event_items' and pep_protocols[event.node] then print("<" .. event.from .. "> " .. tostring(event.item)) end end end)