--[[ Copyright (c) 2014 Isode Limited. All rights reserved. See the COPYING file for more information. --]] --[[ Tune Publisher/Listener Publishes the currently playing tune in iTunes, and prints the playing tunes of contacts The following environment variables are used: - SLUIFT_JID, SWIFT_PASS: JID and password to log in with - SLUIFT_DEBUG: Sets whether debugging should be turned on --]] require 'sluift' sluift.debug = os.getenv('SLUIFT_DEBUG') or false client = sluift.new_client(os.getenv('SLUIFT_JID'), os.getenv('SLUIFT_PASS')) client:connect(function (c) -- Send initial presence (with service discovery information) c:set_caps_node('http://swift.im/Tunes') c:set_disco_info{ identities = {{name = 'Tunes'}}, features = { sluift.disco.features.DISCO_INFO, sluift.disco.features.USER_TUNE .. '+notify' }} c:send_presence{priority = -1} local pubsub = c:pubsub(sluift.jid.to_bare(c:jid())) local tunes_node = pubsub:node(sluift.disco.features.USER_TUNE) local current_track = nil while true do -- Publish currently playing tune if sluift.itunes then local track = sluift.itunes.get_current_track() if track ~= current_track then tunes_node:publish{item = { _type = 'user_tune', title = track.name, artist = track.artist, track = track.track_number, source = track.album, length = track.length, rating = track.rating and track.rating / 10 or nil }} current_track = track end end -- Print incoming events for a while for event in c:pubsub_events{timeout = 1000} do if event._type == 'pubsub_event_items' and event.node == sluift.disco.features.USER_TUNE and event.item.title then print(event.from .. ' is playing "' .. (event.item.artist or '<Unknown Artist>') .. ' - ' .. event.item.title .. '"') end end end end)