/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Remko Tronçon * Licensed under the GNU General Public License. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #include <Sluift/Response.h> #include <lua.hpp> #include <Sluift/globals.h> #include <Swiften/Elements/ErrorPayload.h> #include <Sluift/Lua/LuaUtils.h> using namespace Swift; using namespace Swift::Sluift; static std::string getErrorString(boost::shared_ptr<ErrorPayload> error) { // Copied from ChatControllerBase. // TODO: Share this code; std::string defaultMessage = "Error sending message"; if (!error->getText().empty()) { return error->getText(); } else { switch (error->getCondition()) { case ErrorPayload::BadRequest: return "Bad request"; case ErrorPayload::Conflict: return "Conflict"; case ErrorPayload::FeatureNotImplemented: return "This feature is not implemented"; case ErrorPayload::Forbidden: return "Forbidden"; case ErrorPayload::Gone: return "Recipient can no longer be contacted"; case ErrorPayload::InternalServerError: return "Internal server error"; case ErrorPayload::ItemNotFound: return "Item not found"; case ErrorPayload::JIDMalformed: return "JID Malformed"; case ErrorPayload::NotAcceptable: return "Message was rejected"; case ErrorPayload::NotAllowed: return "Not allowed"; case ErrorPayload::NotAuthorized: return "Not authorized"; case ErrorPayload::PaymentRequired: return "Payment is required"; case ErrorPayload::RecipientUnavailable: return "Recipient is unavailable"; case ErrorPayload::Redirect: return "Redirect"; case ErrorPayload::RegistrationRequired: return "Registration required"; case ErrorPayload::RemoteServerNotFound: return "Recipient's server not found"; case ErrorPayload::RemoteServerTimeout: return "Remote server timeout"; case ErrorPayload::ResourceConstraint: return "The server is low on resources"; case ErrorPayload::ServiceUnavailable: return "The service is unavailable"; case ErrorPayload::SubscriptionRequired: return "A subscription is required"; case ErrorPayload::UndefinedCondition: return "Undefined condition"; case ErrorPayload::UnexpectedRequest: return "Unexpected request"; } } assert(false); return defaultMessage; } Response::~Response() { } int Response::convertToLuaResult(lua_State* L) { if (error) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, getErrorString(error).c_str()); Sluift::globals.elementConvertor.convertToLuaUntyped(L, error); Lua::registerTableToString(L, -1); return 3; } else { if (result) { Sluift::globals.elementConvertor.convertToLuaUntyped(L, result); Lua::registerTableToString(L, -1); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 1); } return 1; } }