--[[ Copyright (c) 2013 Remko Tronçon Licensed under the GNU General Public License. See the COPYING file for more information. --]] local Client = {} local PubSub = {} local PubSubNode = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utility methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function merge_tables(...) local result = {} for _, table in ipairs({...}) do for k, v in pairs(table) do result[k] = v end end return result end local function clone_table(table) return merge_tables(table) end local function parse_options(unnamed_parameters, arg1, arg2) local options = {} if type(arg1) == 'table' then options = arg1 f = arg2 elseif type(arg1) == 'function' then f = arg1 end options.f = f or options.f return clone_table(options) end local function table_value_tostring(value) local result = tostring(value) if type(value) == 'number' then return result elseif type(value) == 'boolean' then return result elseif type(value) == 'string' then return "'" .. result .. "'" else return '<' .. result .. '>' end end local function table_tostring(table, indent, accumulator) local INDENT = ' ' local accumulator = accumulator or '' local indent = indent or '' accumulator = accumulator .. '{' local is_first = true for key, value in pairs(table) do if type(value) ~= 'function' then if not is_first then accumulator = accumulator .. ',' end is_first = false accumulator = accumulator .. '\n' .. indent .. INDENT .. '[' .. table_value_tostring(key) .. '] = ' if type(value) == 'table' then accumulator = table_tostring(value, indent .. INDENT, accumulator) else accumulator = accumulator .. table_value_tostring(value) end end end if not is_first then accumulator = accumulator .. '\n' .. indent end accumulator = accumulator .. '}' return accumulator end local function tprint(table) print(table_tostring(table)) end local function register_table_tostring(table) if type(table) == 'table' then local metatable = getmetatable(table) if not metatable then metatable = {} setmetatable(table, metatable) end metatable.__tostring = table_tostring end return table end local function get_by_type(table, typ) for _, v in ipairs(table) do if v['_type'] == typ then return v end end end local function register_get_by_type_index(table) if type(table) == 'table' then local metatable = getmetatable(table) if not metatable then metatable = {} setmetatable(table, metatable) end metatable.__index = get_by_type end return table end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Client.connect (client, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) local f = options.f client:async_connect(options) client:wait_connected() if f then local result = { xpcall(function() return f(client) end, debug.traceback) } client:disconnect() if result[1] then table.remove(result, 1) return unpack(result) else error(result[2]) end end return true end function Client.events (client, options) local function client_events_iterator(s) return s['client']:get_next_event(s['options']) end return client_events_iterator, {client = client, options = options} end function Client.for_each_event (client, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) if not type(options.f) == 'function' then error('Expected function') end for event in client:events(options) do local result = options.f(event) if result then return result end end end for method, event_type in pairs({message = 'message', presence = 'presence', pubsub_event = 'pubsub'}) do Client['for_each_' .. method] = function (client, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) options['type'] = event_type return client:for_each_event (options) end Client['get_next_' .. method] = function (client, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) options['type'] = event_type return client:get_next_event(options) end end for method, event_type in pairs({messages = 'message', pubsub_events = 'pubsub'}) do Client[method] = function (client, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) options['type'] = event_type return client:events (options) end end -- -- Register get_* and set_* convenience methods for some type of queries -- -- Example usages: -- client:get_software_version{to = 'alice@wonderland.lit'} -- client:set_command{to = 'alice@wonderland.lit', command = { type = 'execute', node = 'uptime' }} -- local get_set_shortcuts = { get = {'software_version', 'disco_items', 'xml', 'dom', 'vcard'}, set = {'command'} } for query_action, query_types in pairs(get_set_shortcuts) do for _, query_type in ipairs(query_types) do Client[query_action .. '_' .. query_type] = function (client, options) options = options or {} if type(options) ~= 'table' then error('Invalid options: ' .. options) end options['query'] = merge_tables({_type = query_type}, options[query_type] or {}) return client[query_action](client, options) end end end function Client.pubsub (client, jid) local result = { client = client, jid = jid } setmetatable(result, PubSub) return result end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PubSub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PubSub.__index = PubSub local function process_pubsub_event (event) if event._type == 'pubsub_event_items' then -- Add 'item' shortcut to payload of first item event.item = event.items and event.items[1] and event.items[1].data and event.items[1].data[1] end end function PubSub.list_nodes (service, options) return service.client:get_disco_items(merge_tables({to = service.jid}, options)) end function PubSub.node (service, node) local result = { client = service.client, jid = service.jid, node = node } setmetatable(result, PubSubNode) return result end local simple_pubsub_queries = { get_default_configuration = 'pubsub_owner_default', get_subscriptions = 'pubsub_subscriptions', get_affiliations = 'pubsub_affiliations', get_default_subscription_options = 'pubsub_default', } for method, query_type in pairs(simple_pubsub_queries) do PubSub[method] = function (service, options) options = options or {} return service.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables( { type = 'get', to = service.jid, query = { _type = query_type } }, options)) end end for _, method in ipairs({'events', 'get_next_event', 'for_each_event'}) do PubSub[method] = function (node, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) options['if'] = function (event) return event.type == 'pubsub' and event.from == node.jid and event.node == node end return node.client[method](node.client, options) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PubSubNode -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PubSubNode.__index = PubSubNode local function pubsub_node_configuration_to_form(configuration) if not configuration then return end local fields = { {name = 'form_type', value = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config'} } for var, value in pairs(configuration) do fields[#fields+1] = { name = var, value = value } end return { type = "submit", fields = fields } end function PubSubNode.list_items (node, options) return node.client:get_disco_items(merge_tables({to = node.jid, disco_items = { node = node.node }}, options)) end local simple_pubsub_node_queries = { get_configuration = 'pubsub_owner_configure', get_subscriptions = 'pubsub_subscriptions', get_affiliations = 'pubsub_affiliations', get_owner_subscriptions = 'pubsub_owner_subscriptions', get_owner_affiliations = 'pubsub_owner_affiliations', get_default_subscription_options = 'pubsub_default', } for method, query_type in pairs(simple_pubsub_node_queries) do PubSubNode[method] = function (node, options) return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables({ type = 'get', to = node.jid, query = { _type = query_type, node = node.node }}, options)) end end function PubSubNode.get_items (node, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) local items = options.items or {} if options.maximum_items then items = merge_tables({maximum_items = options.maximum_items}, items) end items = merge_tables({_type = 'pubsub_items', node = node.node}, items) return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables({ type = 'get', to = node.jid, query = items}, options)) end function PubSubNode.get_item (node, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) if not type(options.id) == 'string' then error('Expected ID') end return PubSubNode.get_items(node, {items = {{id = options.id}}}) end function PubSubNode.create (node, options) options = options or {} local configure if options['configuration'] then configure = { data = pubsub_node_configuration_to_form(options['configuration']) } end return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables( { type = 'set', to = node.jid, query = { _type = 'pubsub_create', node = node.node, configure = configure } }, options)) end function PubSubNode.delete (node, options) options = options or {} local redirect if options['redirect'] then redirect = {uri = options['redirect']} end return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables({ type = 'set', to = node.jid, query = { _type = 'pubsub_owner_delete', node = node.node, redirect = redirect }}, options)) end function PubSubNode.set_configuration(node, options) options = options or {} local configuration = pubsub_node_configuration_to_form(options['configuration']) return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables( { type = 'set', to = node.jid, query = { _type = 'pubsub_owner_configure', node = node.node, data = configuration } }, options)) end function PubSubNode.set_owner_affiliations(node, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables({ type = 'set', to = node.jid, query = merge_tables({ _type = 'pubsub_owner_affiliations', node = node.node, }, options.affiliations)}, options)) end function PubSubNode.subscribe(node, ...) local options = parse_options(...) local jid = options.jid or sluift.jid.to_bare(node.client:jid()) return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables( { type = 'set', to = node.jid, query = { _type = 'pubsub_subscribe', node = node.node, jid = jid } }, options)) end function PubSubNode.unsubscribe(node, options) options = options or {} return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables( { type = 'set', to = node.jid, query = { _type = 'pubsub_unsubscribe', node = node.node, jid = options['jid'] } }, options)) end function PubSubNode.get_subscription_options (node, options) return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables( { type = 'get', to = node.jid, query = { _type = 'pubsub_options', node = node.node, jid = options['jid'] } }, options)) end function PubSubNode.publish(node, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) local items = options.items or {} if options.item then if type(options.item) == 'string' or options.item._type then items = {{id = options.id, data = { options.item } }} options.id = nil else items = { options.item } end options.item = nil end return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables( { type = 'set', to = node.jid, query = { _type = 'pubsub_publish', node = node.node, items = items } }, options)) end function PubSubNode.retract(node, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) local items = options.items if options.id then items = {{id = options.id}} end return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables( { type = 'set', to = node.jid, query = { _type = 'pubsub_retract', node = node.node, items = items, notify = options['notify'] }}, options)) end function PubSubNode.purge(node, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) return node.client:query_pubsub(merge_tables( { type = 'set', to = node.jid, query = { _type = 'pubsub_owner_purge', node = node.node }}, options)) end -- Iterators over events for _, method in ipairs({'events', 'get_next_event', 'for_each_event'}) do PubSubNode[method] = function (node, ...) local options = parse_options({}, ...) options['if'] = function (event) return event.type == 'pubsub' and event.from == node.jid and event.node == node.node end return node.client[method](node.client, options) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Service discovery -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local disco = { features = { DISCO_INFO = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info', COMMANDS = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/commands', USER_LOCATION = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc', USER_TUNE = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/tune', USER_AVATAR_METADATA = 'urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata', USER_ACTIVITY = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/activity', USER_PROFILE = 'urn:xmpp:tmp:profile' } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { Client = Client, register_table_tostring = register_table_tostring, register_get_by_type_index = register_get_by_type_index, process_pubsub_event = process_pubsub_event, tprint = tprint, disco = disco, }