/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Maciej Niedzielski * Licensed under the simplified BSD license. * See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information. */ #include <algorithm> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp> #include <Swiften/Base/foreach.h> #include <Swift/Controllers/HighlightRule.h> namespace Swift { HighlightRule::HighlightRule() : nickIsKeyword_(false) , matchCase_(false) , matchWholeWords_(false) , matchChat_(false) , matchMUC_(false) { } boost::regex HighlightRule::regexFromString(const std::string & s) const { // escape regex special characters: ^.$| etc // these need to be escaped: [\^\$\|.........] // and then C++ requires '\' to be escaped, too.... static const boost::regex esc("([\\^\\.\\$\\|\\(\\)\\[\\]\\*\\+\\?\\/\\{\\}\\\\])"); // matched character should be prepended with '\' // replace matched special character with \\\1 // and escape once more for C++ rules... static const std::string rep("\\\\\\1"); std::string escaped = boost::regex_replace(s , esc, rep); std::string word = matchWholeWords_ ? "\\b" : ""; boost::regex::flag_type flags = boost::regex::normal; if (!matchCase_) { flags |= boost::regex::icase; } return boost::regex(word + escaped + word, flags); } void HighlightRule::updateRegex() const { keywordRegex_.clear(); foreach (const std::string & k, keywords_) { keywordRegex_.push_back(regexFromString(k)); } senderRegex_.clear(); foreach (const std::string & s, senders_) { senderRegex_.push_back(regexFromString(s)); } } std::string HighlightRule::boolToString(bool b) { return b ? "1" : "0"; } bool HighlightRule::boolFromString(const std::string& s) { return s == "1"; } std::string HighlightRule::toString() const { std::vector<std::string> v; v.push_back(boost::join(senders_, "\t")); v.push_back(boost::join(keywords_, "\t")); v.push_back(boolToString(nickIsKeyword_)); v.push_back(boolToString(matchChat_)); v.push_back(boolToString(matchMUC_)); v.push_back(boolToString(matchCase_)); v.push_back(boolToString(matchWholeWords_)); v.push_back(boolToString(action_.highlightText())); v.push_back(action_.getTextColor()); v.push_back(action_.getTextBackground()); v.push_back(boolToString(action_.playSound())); v.push_back(action_.getSoundFile()); return boost::join(v, "\n"); } HighlightRule HighlightRule::fromString(const std::string& s) { std::vector<std::string> v; boost::split(v, s, boost::is_any_of("\n")); HighlightRule r; size_t i = 0; try { boost::split(r.senders_, v.at(i++), boost::is_any_of("\t")); r.senders_.erase(std::remove_if(r.senders_.begin(), r.senders_.end(), boost::lambda::_1 == ""), r.senders_.end()); boost::split(r.keywords_, v.at(i++), boost::is_any_of("\t")); r.keywords_.erase(std::remove_if(r.keywords_.begin(), r.keywords_.end(), boost::lambda::_1 == ""), r.keywords_.end()); r.nickIsKeyword_ = boolFromString(v.at(i++)); r.matchChat_ = boolFromString(v.at(i++)); r.matchMUC_ = boolFromString(v.at(i++)); r.matchCase_ = boolFromString(v.at(i++)); r.matchWholeWords_ = boolFromString(v.at(i++)); r.action_.setHighlightText(boolFromString(v.at(i++))); r.action_.setTextColor(v.at(i++)); r.action_.setTextBackground(v.at(i++)); r.action_.setPlaySound(boolFromString(v.at(i++))); r.action_.setSoundFile(v.at(i++)); } catch (std::out_of_range) { // this may happen if more properties are added to HighlightRule object, etc... // in such case, default values (set by default constructor) will be used } r.updateRegex(); return r; } bool HighlightRule::isMatch(const std::string& body, const std::string& sender, const std::string& nick, MessageType messageType) const { if ((messageType == HighlightRule::ChatMessage && matchChat_) || (messageType == HighlightRule::MUCMessage && matchMUC_)) { bool matchesKeyword = keywords_.empty() && (nick.empty() || !nickIsKeyword_); bool matchesSender = senders_.empty(); foreach (const boost::regex & rx, keywordRegex_) { if (boost::regex_search(body, rx)) { matchesKeyword = true; break; } } if (!matchesKeyword && nickIsKeyword_ && !nick.empty()) { if (boost::regex_search(body, regexFromString(nick))) { matchesKeyword = true; } } foreach (const boost::regex & rx, senderRegex_) { if (boost::regex_search(sender, rx)) { matchesSender = true; break; } } if (matchesKeyword && matchesSender) { return true; } } return false; } void HighlightRule::setSenders(const std::vector<std::string>& senders) { senders_ = senders; updateRegex(); } void HighlightRule::setKeywords(const std::vector<std::string>& keywords) { keywords_ = keywords; updateRegex(); } void HighlightRule::setNickIsKeyword(bool nickIsKeyword) { nickIsKeyword_ = nickIsKeyword; updateRegex(); } void HighlightRule::setMatchCase(bool matchCase) { matchCase_ = matchCase; updateRegex(); } void HighlightRule::setMatchWholeWords(bool matchWholeWords) { matchWholeWords_ = matchWholeWords; updateRegex(); } void HighlightRule::setMatchChat(bool matchChat) { matchChat_ = matchChat; updateRegex(); } void HighlightRule::setMatchMUC(bool matchMUC) { matchMUC_ = matchMUC; updateRegex(); } bool HighlightRule::isEmpty() const { return senders_.empty() && keywords_.empty() && !nickIsKeyword_ && !matchChat_ && !matchMUC_ && action_.isEmpty(); } }