/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Kevin Smith * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information. */ #include "Swift/Controllers/Roster/ContactRosterItem.h" #include "Swift/Controllers/Roster/GroupRosterItem.h" #include <Swiften/Base/foreach.h> #include <Swiften/Base/DateTime.h> #include <Swiften/Elements/Idle.h> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp> namespace Swift { ContactRosterItem::ContactRosterItem(const JID& jid, const JID& displayJID, const std::string& name, GroupRosterItem* parent) : RosterItem(name, parent), jid_(jid), displayJID_(displayJID), blockState_(BlockingNotSupported) { } ContactRosterItem::~ContactRosterItem() { } StatusShow::Type ContactRosterItem::getStatusShow() const { return shownPresence_ ? shownPresence_->getShow() : StatusShow::None; } StatusShow::Type ContactRosterItem::getSimplifiedStatusShow() const { switch (shownPresence_ ? shownPresence_->getShow() : StatusShow::None) { case StatusShow::Online: return StatusShow::Online; case StatusShow::Away: return StatusShow::Away; case StatusShow::XA: return StatusShow::Away; case StatusShow::FFC: return StatusShow::Online; case StatusShow::DND: return StatusShow::DND; case StatusShow::None: return StatusShow::None; } assert(false); return StatusShow::None; } std::string ContactRosterItem::getStatusText() const { return shownPresence_ ? shownPresence_->getStatus() : ""; } std::string ContactRosterItem::getIdleText() const { Idle::ref idle = shownPresence_ ? shownPresence_->getPayload<Idle>() : Idle::ref(); if (!idle || idle->getSince().is_not_a_date_time()) { return ""; } else { return dateTimeToLocalString(idle->getSince()); } } void ContactRosterItem::setAvatarPath(const boost::filesystem::path& path) { avatarPath_ = path; onDataChanged(); } const boost::filesystem::path& ContactRosterItem::getAvatarPath() const { return avatarPath_; } const JID& ContactRosterItem::getJID() const { return jid_; } void ContactRosterItem::setDisplayJID(const JID& jid) { displayJID_ = jid; } const JID& ContactRosterItem::getDisplayJID() const { return displayJID_; } typedef std::pair<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<Presence> > StringPresencePair; void ContactRosterItem::calculateShownPresence() { shownPresence_ = offlinePresence_; foreach (StringPresencePair presencePair, presences_) { boost::shared_ptr<Presence> presence = presencePair.second; if (!shownPresence_ || presence->getPriority() > shownPresence_->getPriority() || presence->getShow() < shownPresence_->getShow()) { shownPresence_ = presence; } } } void ContactRosterItem::clearPresence() { presences_.clear(); calculateShownPresence(); onDataChanged(); } void ContactRosterItem::applyPresence(const std::string& resource, boost::shared_ptr<Presence> presence) { if (offlinePresence_) { offlinePresence_ = boost::shared_ptr<Presence>(); } if (presence->getType() == Presence::Unavailable) { if (resource.empty()) { /* Unavailable from the bare JID means all resources are offline.*/ presences_.clear(); } else { if (presences_.find(resource) != presences_.end()) { presences_.erase(resource); } } if (presences_.empty()) { offlinePresence_ = presence; } } else { presences_[resource] = presence; } calculateShownPresence(); onDataChanged(); } const std::vector<std::string>& ContactRosterItem::getGroups() const { return groups_; } /** Only used so a contact can know about the groups it's in*/ void ContactRosterItem::addGroup(const std::string& group) { groups_.push_back(group); } void ContactRosterItem::removeGroup(const std::string& group) { groups_.erase(std::remove(groups_.begin(), groups_.end(), group), groups_.end()); } void ContactRosterItem::setSupportedFeatures(const std::set<Feature>& features) { features_ = features; } bool ContactRosterItem::supportsFeature(const Feature feature) const { return features_.find(feature) != features_.end(); } void ContactRosterItem::setBlockState(BlockState state) { blockState_ = state; } ContactRosterItem::BlockState ContactRosterItem::blockState() const { return blockState_; } }