/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Isode Limited. * All rights reserved. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #include <Swift/Controllers/Settings/XMLSettingsProvider.h> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <Swiften/Base/Log.h> #include <Swiften/Parser/PlatformXMLParserFactory.h> #include <Swiften/Parser/XMLParser.h> namespace Swift { XMLSettingsProvider::XMLSettingsProvider(const std::string& xmlConfig) : level_(0) { if (!xmlConfig.empty()) { PlatformXMLParserFactory factory; XMLParser* parser = factory.createXMLParser(this); if (parser->parse(xmlConfig)) { SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Found and parsed system config" << std::endl; } else { SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Found invalid system config" << std::endl; } delete parser; } else { SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "No system config found" << std::endl; } } XMLSettingsProvider::~XMLSettingsProvider() { } bool XMLSettingsProvider::hasSetting(const std::string& key) { return (values_.find(key) != values_.end()); } std::string XMLSettingsProvider::getSetting(const Setting<std::string>& setting) { if (values_.find(setting.getKey()) != values_.end()) { std::string value = values_[setting.getKey()]; return value; } return setting.getDefaultValue(); } void XMLSettingsProvider::storeSetting(const Setting<std::string>& /*settingPath*/, const std::string& /*settingValue*/) { assert(false); } bool XMLSettingsProvider::getSetting(const Setting<bool>& setting) { if (values_.find(setting.getKey()) != values_.end()) { std::string value = values_[setting.getKey()]; return boost::iequals(value, "true") || value == "1"; } return setting.getDefaultValue(); } void XMLSettingsProvider::storeSetting(const Setting<bool>& /*settingPath*/, const bool& /*settingValue*/) { assert(false); } int XMLSettingsProvider::getSetting(const Setting<int>& setting) { if (values_.find(setting.getKey()) != values_.end()) { std::string value = values_[setting.getKey()]; try { return value.empty() ? setting.getDefaultValue() : boost::lexical_cast<int>(value);; } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {} } return setting.getDefaultValue(); } void XMLSettingsProvider::storeSetting(const Setting<int>& /*settingPath*/, const int& /*settingValue*/) { assert(false); } std::vector<std::string> XMLSettingsProvider::getAvailableProfiles() { assert(false); return std::vector<std::string>(); } void XMLSettingsProvider::createProfile(const std::string& /*profile*/) { assert(false); } void XMLSettingsProvider::removeProfile(const std::string& /*profile*/) { assert(false); } bool XMLSettingsProvider::getIsSettingFinal(const std::string& settingPath) { return finals_.count(settingPath); } void XMLSettingsProvider::handleStartElement(const std::string& element, const std::string& /*ns*/, const AttributeMap& attributes) { level_++; if (level_ == SettingLevel) { if (attributes.getBoolAttribute("final", false)) { finals_.insert(element); } currentElement_ = element; currentText_ = ""; } } void XMLSettingsProvider::handleEndElement(const std::string& /*element*/, const std::string& /*ns*/) { if (level_ == SettingLevel) { values_[currentElement_] = currentText_; SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Setting value of " << currentElement_ << " to " << currentText_ << std::endl; } level_--; } void XMLSettingsProvider::handleCharacterData(const std::string& data) { if (level_ >= SettingLevel) { currentText_ += data; } } }