(NOT VCREDISTINSTALLED AND ALLUSERS = 1) OR WIXUIVCREDISTINSTALL = 1 (NOT (VCREDISTINSTALLED OR ALLUSERS = 1)) AND WIXUIVCREDISTINSTALL = 0 (NOT (VCREDISTINSTALLED OR ALLUSERS = 1)) AND WIXUIVCREDISTINSTALL = 0 "120"?> 1 NOT Installed AND NOT PATCH Installed AND PATCH 1 LicenseAccepted = "1" 1 !(wix.WixUISupportPerUser) AND NOT Privileged WixAppFolder = "WixPerUserFolder" WixAppFolder = "WixPerMachineFolder" WixAppFolder = "WixPerUserFolder" WixAppFolder = "WixPerMachineFolder" 1 1 1 NOT VCREDISTINSTALLED AND NOT ALLUSERS NOT VCREDISTINSTALLED AND NOT ALLUSERS NOT VCREDISTINSTALLED AND NOT ALLUSERS VCREDISTINSTALLED OR ALLUSERS = 1 VCREDISTINSTALLED OR ALLUSERS = 1 VCREDISTINSTALLED OR ALLUSERS = 1 1 1 1 1 WixUI_InstallMode = "Change" WixUI_InstallMode = "InstallCustom" NOT VCREDISTINSTALLED AND NOT ALLUSERS VCREDISTINSTALLED OR ALLUSERS = 1 WixUI_InstallMode = "InstallCustom" WixUI_InstallMode = "InstallTypical" OR WixUI_InstallMode = "InstallComplete" WixUI_InstallMode = "Change" WixUI_InstallMode = "Repair" OR WixUI_InstallMode = "Remove" WixUI_InstallMode = "Update" 1 1 1 1 1