/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Kevin Smith * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information. */ #include "QtChatTabs.h" #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <Swift/Controllers/ChatMessageSummarizer.h> #include <Swift/QtUI/QtSwiftUtil.h> #include <QCloseEvent> #include <QDesktopWidget> #include <QtGlobal> #include <QTabWidget> #include <QLayout> #include <QTabBar> #include <QApplication> #include <qdebug.h> namespace Swift { QtChatTabs::QtChatTabs(bool singleWindow) : QWidget(), singleWindow_(singleWindow) { #ifndef Q_OS_MAC setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/logo-chat-16.png")); #else setAttribute(Qt::WA_ShowWithoutActivating); #endif tabs_ = new QtTabWidget(this); tabs_->setUsesScrollButtons(true); tabs_->setElideMode(Qt::ElideRight); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040500 /*For Macs, change the tab rendering.*/ tabs_->setDocumentMode(true); /*Closable tabs are only in Qt4.5 and later*/ tabs_->setTabsClosable(true); connect(tabs_, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(handleTabCloseRequested(int))); #else #warning Qt 4.5 or later is needed. Trying anyway, some things will be disabled. #endif QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->setSpacing(0); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 3, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(tabs_); setLayout(layout); } void QtChatTabs::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) { //Hide first to prevent flickering as each tab is removed. hide(); for (int i = tabs_->count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tabs_->widget(i)->close(); } event->accept(); } QtTabbable* QtChatTabs::getCurrentTab() { return qobject_cast<QtTabbable*>(tabs_->currentWidget()); } void QtChatTabs::addTab(QtTabbable* tab) { QSizePolicy policy = sizePolicy(); /* Chat windows like to grow - don't let them */ setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); tabs_->addTab(tab, tab->windowTitle()); connect(tab, SIGNAL(titleUpdated()), this, SLOT(handleTabTitleUpdated()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(tab, SIGNAL(countUpdated()), this, SLOT(handleTabTitleUpdated()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(tab, SIGNAL(windowClosing()), this, SLOT(handleTabClosing()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(tab, SIGNAL(windowOpening()), this, SLOT(handleWidgetShown()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(tab, SIGNAL(wantsToActivate()), this, SLOT(handleWantsToActivate()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(tab, SIGNAL(requestNextTab()), this, SLOT(handleRequestedNextTab()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(tab, SIGNAL(requestActiveTab()), this, SLOT(handleRequestedActiveTab()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(tab, SIGNAL(requestPreviousTab()), this, SLOT(handleRequestedPreviousTab()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(tab, SIGNAL(requestFlash()), this, SLOT(flash()), Qt::UniqueConnection); setSizePolicy(policy); } void QtChatTabs::handleWidgetShown() { QtTabbable* widget = qobject_cast<QtTabbable*>(sender()); if (!widget) { return; } checkForFirstShow(); if (tabs_->indexOf(widget) >= 0) { handleTabTitleUpdated(widget); return; } addTab(widget); show(); } void QtChatTabs::handleWantsToActivate() { QtTabbable* widget = qobject_cast<QtTabbable*>(sender()); Q_ASSERT(widget); //Un-minimize and bring to front. setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized); setWindowState(windowState() | Qt::WindowActive); show(); widget->show(); tabs_->setCurrentWidget(widget); handleTabTitleUpdated(widget); widget->setFocus(); raise(); activateWindow(); } void QtChatTabs::handleTabClosing() { QWidget* widget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(sender()); int index; if (widget && ((index = tabs_->indexOf(widget)) >= 0)) { tabs_->removeTab(index); if (tabs_->count() == 0) { if (!singleWindow_) { hide(); } else { setWindowTitle(""); onTitleChanged(""); } } else { handleTabTitleUpdated(tabs_->currentWidget()); } } } void QtChatTabs::handleRequestedPreviousTab() { int newIndex = tabs_->currentIndex() - 1; tabs_->setCurrentIndex(newIndex >= 0 ? newIndex : tabs_->count() - 1); } void QtChatTabs::handleRequestedNextTab() { int newIndex = tabs_->currentIndex() + 1; tabs_->setCurrentIndex(newIndex < tabs_->count() ? newIndex : 0); } void QtChatTabs::handleRequestedActiveTab() { QtTabbable::AlertType types[] = {QtTabbable::WaitingActivity, QtTabbable::ImpendingActivity}; bool finished = false; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { bool looped = false; for (int i = tabs_->currentIndex() + 1; !finished && i != tabs_->currentIndex(); i++) { if (i >= tabs_->count()) { if (looped) { break; } looped = true; i = 0; } if (qobject_cast<QtTabbable*>(tabs_->widget(i))->getWidgetAlertState() == types[j]) { tabs_->setCurrentIndex(i); finished = true; break; } } } } void QtChatTabs::handleTabCloseRequested(int index) { QWidget* widget = tabs_->widget(index); widget->close(); } void QtChatTabs::handleTabTitleUpdated() { QWidget* widget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(sender()); handleTabTitleUpdated(widget); } void QtChatTabs::handleTabTitleUpdated(QWidget* widget) { if (!widget) { return; } QtTabbable* tabbable = qobject_cast<QtTabbable*>(widget); int index = tabs_->indexOf(widget); if (index < 0) { return; } QString tabText = tabbable->windowTitle().simplified(); // look for spectrum-generated and other long JID localparts, and // try to abbreviate the resulting long tab texts QRegExp hasTrailingGarbage("^(.[-\\w\\s,&]+)([^\\s\\,w].*)$"); if (hasTrailingGarbage.exactMatch(tabText) && hasTrailingGarbage.cap(1).simplified().length() >= 2 && hasTrailingGarbage.cap(2).length() >= 7) { // there may be some trailing garbage, and it's long // enough to be worth removing, and we'd leave at // least a couple of characters. tabText = hasTrailingGarbage.cap(1).simplified(); } // QTabBar interprets &, so escape that tabText.replace("&", "&&"); // see which alt[a-z] keys other tabs use bool accelsTaken[26]; int i = 0; while (i < 26) { accelsTaken[i] = (i == 0); //A is used for 'switch to active tab' i++; } int other = tabs_->tabBar()->count(); while (other >= 0) { other--; if (other != index) { QString t = tabs_->tabBar()->tabText(other).toLower(); int r = t.indexOf('&'); if (r >= 0 && t[r+1] >= 'a' && t[r+1] <= 'z') { accelsTaken[t[r+1].unicode()-'a'] = true; } } } // then look to see which letters in tabText may be used i = 0; int accelPos = -1; while (i < tabText.length() && accelPos < 0) { if (tabText[i] >= 'A' && tabText[i] <= 'Z' && !accelsTaken[tabText[i].unicode()-'A']) { accelPos = i; } if (tabText[i] >= 'a' && tabText[i] <= 'z' && !accelsTaken[tabText[i].unicode()-'a']) { accelPos = i; } ++i; } if (accelPos >= 0) { tabText = tabText.mid(0, accelPos) + "&" + tabText.mid(accelPos); } // this could be improved on some european keyboards, such as // the German one (where alt-Sz-Ligature is available) and basically // doesn't work on Arabic/Indic keyboards (where Latin letters // aren't available), but I don't care to deal with those. tabs_->setTabText(index, tabbable->getCount() > 0 ? QString("(%1) %2").arg(tabbable->getCount()).arg(tabText) : tabText); QColor tabTextColor; switch (tabbable->getWidgetAlertState()) { case QtTabbable::WaitingActivity : tabTextColor = QColor(217, 20, 43); break; case QtTabbable::ImpendingActivity : tabTextColor = QColor(27, 171, 32); break; case QtTabbable::NoActivity : tabTextColor = QColor(); break; } tabs_->tabBar()->setTabTextColor(index, tabTextColor); std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > unreads; for (int i = 0; i < tabs_->count(); i++) { QtTabbable* tab = qobject_cast<QtTabbable*>(tabs_->widget(i)); if (tab) { unreads.push_back(std::pair<std::string, int>(Q2PSTRING(tab->windowTitle()), tab->getCount())); } } std::string current(Q2PSTRING(qobject_cast<QtTabbable*>(tabs_->currentWidget())->windowTitle())); ChatMessageSummarizer summary; QString title = summary.getSummary(current, unreads).c_str(); setWindowTitle(title); emit onTitleChanged(title); } void QtChatTabs::flash() { #ifndef SWIFTEN_PLATFORM_MACOSX QApplication::alert(this, 0); #endif } void QtChatTabs::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) { emit geometryChanged(); } void QtChatTabs::moveEvent(QMoveEvent*) { emit geometryChanged(); } void QtChatTabs::checkForFirstShow() { if (!isVisible()) { #ifndef Q_OS_MAC showMinimized(); #else /* https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-19194 * ^ When the above is fixed we can swap the below for just show(); * WA_ShowWithoutActivating seems to helpfully not work, so... */ QWidget* currentWindow = QApplication::activeWindow(); /* Remember who had focus if we're the current application*/ show(); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); /* Run through the eventloop to clear the show() */ if (currentWindow) { currentWindow->activateWindow(); /* Set focus back */ } #endif } } }