/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Isode Limited. * All rights reserved. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #pragma once #include <memory> #include <string> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp> #include <QWidget> #include <Swift/Controllers/UIInterfaces/ChatWindow.h> namespace Swift { class HighlightAction; class SecurityLabel; class QtChatView : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: QtChatView(QWidget* parent); virtual ~QtChatView(); /** Add message to window. * @return id of added message (for acks). */ virtual std::string addMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, std::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel> label, const std::string& avatarPath, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) = 0; /** Adds action to window. * @return id of added message (for acks); */ virtual std::string addAction(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, std::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel> label, const std::string& avatarPath, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) = 0; virtual std::string addSystemMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, ChatWindow::Direction direction) = 0; virtual void addPresenceMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, ChatWindow::Direction direction) = 0; virtual void addErrorMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message) = 0; virtual void replaceMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& id, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) = 0; virtual void replaceSystemMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& id, const ChatWindow::TimestampBehaviour /*timestampBehaviour*/) = 0; virtual void replaceWithAction(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& id, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) = 0; virtual void replaceLastMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const ChatWindow::TimestampBehaviour /*timestampBehaviour*/) = 0; virtual void setAckState(const std::string& id, ChatWindow::AckState state) = 0; virtual std::string addFileTransfer(const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, const std::string& filename, const boost::uintmax_t sizeInBytes, const std::string& description) = 0; virtual void setFileTransferProgress(std::string, const int percentageDone) = 0; virtual void setFileTransferStatus(std::string, const ChatWindow::FileTransferState state, const std::string& msg = "") = 0; virtual void addMUCInvitation(const std::string& senderName, const JID& jid, const std::string& reason, const std::string& password, bool direct, bool isImpromptu, bool isContinuation) = 0; virtual std::string addWhiteboardRequest(const QString& contact, bool senderIsSelf) = 0; virtual void setWhiteboardSessionStatus(const std::string& id, const ChatWindow::WhiteboardSessionState state) = 0; virtual void setMessageReceiptState(const std::string& id, ChatWindow::ReceiptState state) = 0; virtual void showEmoticons(bool show) = 0; virtual void addLastSeenLine() = 0; public slots: virtual void resizeFont(int fontSizeSteps) = 0; virtual void scrollToBottom() = 0; virtual void handleKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) = 0; }; }