/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Isode Limited. * All rights reserved. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Swift { QtPlainChatView::QtPlainChatView(QtChatWindow *window, UIEventStream* eventStream) : QtChatView(window), window_(window), eventStream_(eventStream), idGenerator_(0) { QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); mainLayout->setSpacing(0); mainLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); log_ = new LogTextEdit(this); log_->setReadOnly(true); log_->setAccessibleName(tr("Chat Messages")); mainLayout->addWidget(log_); } QtPlainChatView::~QtPlainChatView() { } QString chatMessageToString(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message) { QString result; foreach (boost::shared_ptr part, message.getParts()) { boost::shared_ptr textPart; boost::shared_ptr uriPart; boost::shared_ptr emoticonPart; boost::shared_ptr highlightPart; if ((textPart = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(part))) { QString text = QtUtilities::htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(textPart->text)); text.replace("\n","
"); result += text; continue; } if ((uriPart = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(part))) { QString uri = QtUtilities::htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(uriPart->target)); result += "" + uri + ""; continue; } if ((emoticonPart = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(part))) { result += P2QSTRING(emoticonPart->alternativeText); continue; } if ((highlightPart = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(part))) { //FIXME: Maybe do something here. Anything, really. continue; } } return result; } std::string QtPlainChatView::addMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr label, const std::string& /*avatarPath*/, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time, const HighlightAction& /*highlight*/) { QString text = "

"; if (label) { text += P2QSTRING(label->getLabel()) + "
"; } QString name = senderIsSelf ? "you" : P2QSTRING(senderName); text += QString(tr("At %1 %2 said:")).arg(ChatSnippet::timeToEscapedString(B2QDATE(time))).arg(name) + "
"; text += chatMessageToString(message); text += "

"; log_->append(text); const std::string idx = senderIsSelf ? "" : senderName; lastMessageLabel_[idx] = label; return idx; } std::string QtPlainChatView::addAction(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr label, const std::string& /*avatarPath*/, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time, const HighlightAction& /*highlight*/) { QString text = "

"; if (label) { text += P2QSTRING(label->getLabel()) + "
"; } QString name = senderIsSelf ? "you" : P2QSTRING(senderName); text += QString(tr("At %1 %2 ")).arg(ChatSnippet::timeToEscapedString(B2QDATE(time))).arg(name); text += chatMessageToString(message); text += "

"; log_->append(text); const std::string idx = senderIsSelf ? "" : senderName; lastMessageLabel_[idx] = label; return idx; } std::string QtPlainChatView::addSystemMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, ChatWindow::Direction /*direction*/) { QString text = "

"; text += chatMessageToString(message); text += "

"; log_->append(text); return ""; } void QtPlainChatView::addPresenceMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, ChatWindow::Direction /*direction*/) { QString text = "

"; text += chatMessageToString(message); text += "

"; log_->append(text); } void QtPlainChatView::addErrorMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message) { QString text = "

"; text += chatMessageToString(message); text += "

"; log_->append(text); } void QtPlainChatView::replaceMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& id, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time, const HighlightAction& /*highlight*/) { QString text = "

"; if (lastMessageLabel_[id]) { text += P2QSTRING(lastMessageLabel_[id]->getLabel()) + "
"; } QString name = id.empty() ? "you" : P2QSTRING(id); text += QString(tr("At %1 %2 corrected the last message to:")).arg(ChatSnippet::timeToEscapedString(B2QDATE(time))).arg(name) + "
"; text += chatMessageToString(message); text += "

"; log_->append(text); } void QtPlainChatView::replaceWithAction(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& id, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time, const HighlightAction& /*highlight*/) { QString text = "

"; if (lastMessageLabel_[id]) { text += P2QSTRING(lastMessageLabel_[id]->getLabel()) + "
"; } QString name = id.empty() ? "you" : P2QSTRING(id); text += QString(tr("At %1 %2 corrected the last action to: ")).arg(ChatSnippet::timeToEscapedString(B2QDATE(time))).arg(name); text += chatMessageToString(message); text += "

"; log_->append(text); } void QtPlainChatView::replaceLastMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const ChatWindow::TimestampBehaviour /*timestampBehaviour*/) { QString text = "

The last message was corrected to:
"; text += chatMessageToString(message); text += "

"; log_->append(text); } void QtPlainChatView::replaceSystemMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& id, const ChatWindow::TimestampBehaviour timestampBehaviour) { QString text = "

"; text += chatMessageToString(message); text += "

"; log_->append(text); } void QtPlainChatView::setAckState(const std::string& /*id*/, ChatWindow::AckState state) { if (state == ChatWindow::Failed) { addSystemMessage(ChatWindow::ChatMessage("Message delivery failed due to disconnection from server."), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection); } } std::string QtPlainChatView::addFileTransfer(const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, const std::string& filename, const boost::uintmax_t sizeInBytes) { const std::string ftId = "ft" + boost::lexical_cast(idGenerator_++); const std::string sizeString = formatSize(sizeInBytes); FileTransfer* transfer; if (senderIsSelf) { QString description = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("File transfer description"), tr("Description:"), QLineEdit::Normal, ""); /* NOTE: it is not possible to abort if description is not provided, since we must always return a valid transfer id */ const std::string message = std::string() + "Confirm file transfer: " + filename + " (" + sizeString + " bytes)"; transfer = new FileTransfer(this, senderIsSelf, ftId, filename, ChatWindow::WaitingForAccept, Q2PSTRING(description), message, true); addSystemMessage(ChatWindow::ChatMessage("Preparing to start file transfer..."), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection); } else { /* incoming transfer */ const std::string message = std::string() + "Incoming file transfer: " + filename + " (" + sizeString + " bytes)"; transfer = new FileTransfer(this, senderIsSelf, ftId, filename, ChatWindow::WaitingForAccept, "", message, true); addSystemMessage("Incoming file transfer from " + senderName + "...", ChatWindow::DefaultDirection); } fileTransfers_[ftId] = transfer; layout()->addWidget(transfer->dialog_); return ftId; } void QtPlainChatView::setFileTransferProgress(std::string id, const int percentageDone) { FileTransferMap::iterator transfer = fileTransfers_.find(id); if (transfer != fileTransfers_.end()) { transfer->second->bar_->setValue(percentageDone); } } void QtPlainChatView::setFileTransferStatus(std::string id, const ChatWindow::FileTransferState state, const std::string& msg) { FileTransferMap::iterator transferIter = fileTransfers_.find(id); if (transferIter == fileTransfers_.end()) { return; } /* store the layout index so we can restore it to the same location */ FileTransfer* oldTransfer = transferIter->second; const int layoutIndex = layout()->indexOf(oldTransfer->dialog_); layout()->removeWidget(oldTransfer->dialog_); const std::string &label = (!msg.empty() ? msg : oldTransfer->message_); FileTransfer* transfer = new FileTransfer(this, oldTransfer->senderIsSelf_, oldTransfer->ftId_, oldTransfer->filename_, state, oldTransfer->description_, label, false); fileTransfers_[oldTransfer->ftId_] = transfer; /* replace the transfer object for this file id */ delete oldTransfer; /* insert the new dialog at the old position in the layout list */ QBoxLayout* parentLayout = dynamic_cast(layout()); assert(parentLayout); parentLayout->insertWidget(layoutIndex, transfer->dialog_); /* log the transfer end result as a system message */ if (state == ChatWindow::Finished) { addSystemMessage(ChatWindow::ChatMessage("The file transfer completed successfully."), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection); } else if (state == ChatWindow::Canceled) { addSystemMessage(ChatWindow::ChatMessage("The file transfer was canceled."), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection); } else if (state == ChatWindow::FTFailed) { addSystemMessage(ChatWindow::ChatMessage("The file transfer failed."), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection); } } void QtPlainChatView::addMUCInvitation(const std::string& senderName, const JID& jid, const std::string& /*reason*/, const std::string& password, bool /*direct*/, bool isImpromptu, bool isContinuation) { PopupDialog *invite = new PopupDialog(this); QLabel* statusLabel = new QLabel; std::string msg = senderName + " has invited you to join " + jid.toString() + "..."; statusLabel->setText(P2QSTRING(msg)); invite->layout_->addWidget(statusLabel); invite->layout_->addWidget(new QLabel); /* padding */ AcceptMUCInviteAction* accept = new AcceptMUCInviteAction(invite, "Accept", jid, senderName, password, isImpromptu, isContinuation); connect(accept, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(acceptMUCInvite())); invite->layout_->addWidget(accept); AcceptMUCInviteAction* reject = new AcceptMUCInviteAction(invite, "Reject", jid, senderName, password, isImpromptu, isContinuation); connect(reject, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(rejectMUCInvite())); invite->layout_->addWidget(reject); statusLabel->setText(P2QSTRING(msg)); layout()->addWidget(invite->dialog_); addSystemMessage(ChatWindow::ChatMessage(msg), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection); } void QtPlainChatView::scrollToBottom() { log_->ensureCursorVisible(); log_->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(log_->verticalScrollBar()->maximum()); } void QtPlainChatView::fileTransferAccept() { FileTransfer::Action* action = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (!action) { return; } FileTransferMap::iterator transferIter = fileTransfers_.find(action->id_); if (transferIter == fileTransfers_.end()) { return; } FileTransfer* transfer = transferIter->second; if (transfer->senderIsSelf_) { /* if we are the sender, kick of the transfer */ window_->onFileTransferStart(transfer->ftId_, transfer->description_); } else { /* ask the user where to save the file first */ QString path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), P2QSTRING(transfer->filename_)); if (path.isEmpty()) { fileTransferReject(); /* because the user did not select a desintation path */ return; } window_->onFileTransferAccept(transfer->ftId_, Q2PSTRING(path)); } setFileTransferStatus(transfer->ftId_, ChatWindow::Negotiating, transfer->message_); } void QtPlainChatView::fileTransferReject() { FileTransfer::Action* action = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (action) { window_->onFileTransferCancel(action->id_); fileTransferFinish(); } } void QtPlainChatView::fileTransferFinish() { FileTransfer::Action* action = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (action) { FileTransferMap::iterator transferIter = fileTransfers_.find(action->id_); if (transferIter != fileTransfers_.end()) { delete transferIter->second; /* cause the dialog to close */ fileTransfers_.erase(transferIter); } } } void QtPlainChatView::acceptMUCInvite() { AcceptMUCInviteAction *action = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (action) { eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared(action->jid_.toString(), action->password_, boost::optional(), false, false, action->isImpromptu_, action->isContinuation_)); delete action->parent_; } } void QtPlainChatView::rejectMUCInvite() { AcceptMUCInviteAction *action = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (action) { /* NOTE: no action required to reject an invite? */ delete action->parent_; } } QtPlainChatView::FileTransfer::FileTransfer(QtPlainChatView* parent, bool senderIsSelf, const std::string& ftId, const std::string& filename, const ChatWindow::FileTransferState state, const std::string &desc, const std::string& msg, bool initializing) : PopupDialog(parent), bar_(0), senderIsSelf_(senderIsSelf), ftId_(ftId), filename_(filename), description_(desc), message_(msg), initializing_(initializing) { QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout; QLabel* statusLabel = new QLabel; layout_->addWidget(statusLabel); layout_->addWidget(new QLabel); /* padding */ if (initializing_) { FileTransfer::Action* accept = new FileTransfer::Action(senderIsSelf?"Confirm":"Accept", ftId); parent->connect(accept, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileTransferAccept())); layout_->addWidget(accept); FileTransfer::Action* reject = new FileTransfer::Action(senderIsSelf?"Cancel":"Reject", ftId); parent->connect(reject, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileTransferReject())); layout_->addWidget(reject); statusLabel->setText(P2QSTRING(msg)); return; } std::string status = msg; switch (state) { case ChatWindow::Initialisation: { status = "Preparing to send "+ filename + "..."; FileTransfer::Action* cancel = new FileTransfer::Action("Cancel", ftId); parent->connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileTransferReject())); layout_->addWidget(cancel); break; } case ChatWindow::WaitingForAccept: { status = "Waiting for user to accept " + filename + "..."; FileTransfer::Action* cancel = new FileTransfer::Action("Cancel", ftId); parent->connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileTransferReject())); layout_->addWidget(cancel); break; } case ChatWindow::Negotiating: { status = "Preparing to transfer " + filename + "..."; FileTransfer::Action* cancel = new FileTransfer::Action("Cancel", ftId); parent->connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileTransferReject())); layout_->addWidget(cancel); break; } case ChatWindow::Transferring: { status = "Transferring " + filename + "..."; bar_ = new QProgressBar; bar_->setRange(0, 100); bar_->setValue(0); layout->addWidget(bar_); FileTransfer::Action* cancel = new FileTransfer::Action("Cancel", ftId); parent->connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileTransferReject())); layout_->addWidget(cancel); break; } case ChatWindow::Canceled: { status = "File " + filename + " was canceled."; FileTransfer::Action* finish = new FileTransfer::Action("Hide", ftId); parent->connect(finish, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileTransferFinish())); layout_->addWidget(finish); break; } case ChatWindow::Finished: { status = "File " + filename + " was transfered successfully."; FileTransfer::Action* finish = new FileTransfer::Action("Hide", ftId); parent->connect(finish, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileTransferFinish())); layout_->addWidget(finish); break; } case ChatWindow::FTFailed: { status = "File transfer failed: " + filename + ""; FileTransfer::Action* finish = new FileTransfer::Action("Hide", ftId); parent->connect(finish, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileTransferFinish())); layout_->addWidget(finish); break; } } statusLabel->setText(P2QSTRING(status)); } void QtPlainChatView::LogTextEdit::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { QMenu *menu = createStandardContextMenu(); menu->exec(event->globalPos()); delete menu; } }