/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Isode Limited. * All rights reserved. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #pragma once class QWidget; class QString; class QDateTime; #include namespace QtUtilities { void setX11Resource(QWidget* widget, const QString& c); QString htmlEscape(const QString& s); #ifdef SWIFTEN_PLATFORM_MACOSX const Qt::KeyboardModifier ctrlHardwareKeyModifier = Qt::MetaModifier; #else const Qt::KeyboardModifier ctrlHardwareKeyModifier = Qt::ControlModifier; #endif /** * @brief secondsToNextMidnight calculates the seconds until next midnight. * @param currentTime This is the current time, which SHOULD have a Qt::TimeSpec * of Qt::LocalTime to correctly handle DST changes in the current locale. * @return */ long long secondsToNextMidnight(const QDateTime& currentTime); }