#include "Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidgetItem.h" #include "Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h" #include <qdebug.h> #include <QtAlgorithms> namespace Swift { QtTreeWidgetItem::QtTreeWidgetItem(QtTreeWidgetItem* parentItem) : QObject(), textColor_(0,0,0), backgroundColor_(255,255,255) { parent_ = parentItem; shown_ = true; expanded_ = true; } void QtTreeWidgetItem::setText(const String& text) { displayName_ = P2QSTRING(text); emit changed(this); } void QtTreeWidgetItem::setStatusText(const String& text) { statusText_ = P2QSTRING(text); emit changed(this); } void QtTreeWidgetItem::setAvatarPath(const String& path) { avatar_ = QIcon(P2QSTRING(path)); emit changed(this); } void QtTreeWidgetItem::setStatusShow(StatusShow::Type show) { statusShowType_ = show; int color = 0; switch (show) { case StatusShow::Online: color = 0x000000;break; case StatusShow::Away: color = 0x336699;break; case StatusShow::XA: color = 0x336699;break; case StatusShow::FFC: color = 0x000000;break; case StatusShow::DND: color = 0x990000;break; case StatusShow::None: color = 0x7F7F7F;break; } setTextColor(color); emit changed(this); } void QtTreeWidgetItem::setTextColor(unsigned long color) { textColor_ = QColor( ((color & 0xFF0000)>>16), ((color & 0xFF00)>>8), (color & 0xFF)); } void QtTreeWidgetItem::setBackgroundColor(unsigned long color) { backgroundColor_ = QColor( ((color & 0xFF0000)>>16), ((color & 0xFF00)>>8), (color & 0xFF)); } void QtTreeWidgetItem::setExpanded(bool expanded) { expanded_ = expanded; emit changed(this); } void QtTreeWidgetItem::hide() { shown_ = false; emit changed(this); } void QtTreeWidgetItem::show() { shown_ = true; emit changed(this); } bool QtTreeWidgetItem::isShown() { return isContact() ? shown_ : shownChildren_.size() > 0; } QWidget* QtTreeWidgetItem::getCollapsedRosterWidget() { QWidget* widget = new QWidget(); return widget; } QWidget* QtTreeWidgetItem::getExpandedRosterWidget() { QWidget* widget = new QWidget(); return widget; } QtTreeWidgetItem::~QtTreeWidgetItem() { //It's possible (due to the way the roster deletes items in unknown order when it is deleted) // That the children will be deleted before the groups, or that the groups are deleted // before the children. If the children are deleted first, they will let the parent know that // They've been deleted. If the parent is deleted first, it must tell the children not to // tell it when they're deleted. Everything will be deleted in the end, because all the // widgets are owned by the Roster in Swiften. if (parent_) { parent_->removeChild(this); } for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); i++) { children_[i]->parentItemHasBeenDeleted(); } } void QtTreeWidgetItem::parentItemHasBeenDeleted() { parent_ = NULL; } QtTreeWidgetItem* QtTreeWidgetItem::getParentItem() { return parent_; } void QtTreeWidgetItem::addChild(QtTreeWidgetItem* child) { children_.append(child); connect(child, SIGNAL(changed(QtTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(handleChanged(QtTreeWidgetItem*))); handleChanged(child); } void QtTreeWidgetItem::removeChild(QtTreeWidgetItem* child) { children_.removeAll(child); handleChanged(this); } void bubbleSort(QList<QtTreeWidgetItem*>& list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < list.size(); j++) { if (*(list[j]) < *(list[j - 1])) { QtTreeWidgetItem* lower = list[j]; list[j] = list[j - 1]; list[j - 1] = lower; } } } } void QtTreeWidgetItem::handleChanged(QtTreeWidgetItem* child) { /*We don't use the much faster qStableSort because it causes changed(child) and all sorts of nasty recursion*/ //qStableSort(children_.begin(), children_.end(), itemLessThan); //bubbleSort(children_); shownChildren_.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); i++) { if (children_[i]->isShown()) { shownChildren_.append(children_[i]); } } emit changed(child); } int QtTreeWidgetItem::rowCount() { //qDebug() << "Returning size of " << children_.size() << " for item " << displayName_; return shownChildren_.size(); } int QtTreeWidgetItem::rowOf(QtTreeWidgetItem* item) { return shownChildren_.indexOf(item); } int QtTreeWidgetItem::row() { return parent_ ? parent_->rowOf(this) : 0; } QtTreeWidgetItem* QtTreeWidgetItem::getItem(int row) { //qDebug() << "Returning row " << row << " from item " << displayName_; Q_ASSERT(row >= 0); Q_ASSERT(row < rowCount()); return shownChildren_[row]; } QVariant QtTreeWidgetItem::data(int role) { if (!isContact()) { setTextColor(0xFFFFFF); setBackgroundColor(0x969696); } switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return displayName_; case Qt::TextColorRole: return textColor_; case Qt::BackgroundColorRole: return backgroundColor_; case Qt::ToolTipRole: return isContact() ? toolTipString() : QVariant(); case StatusTextRole: return statusText_; case AvatarRole: return avatar_; case PresenceIconRole: return getPresenceIcon(); default: return QVariant(); } } QString QtTreeWidgetItem::toolTipString() { return displayName_ + "\n " + statusText_; } QIcon QtTreeWidgetItem::getPresenceIcon() { QString iconString; switch (statusShowType_) { case StatusShow::Online: iconString = "online";break; case StatusShow::Away: iconString = "away";break; case StatusShow::XA: iconString = "away";break; case StatusShow::FFC: iconString = "online";break; case StatusShow::DND: iconString = "dnd";break; case StatusShow::None: iconString = "offline";break; } return QIcon(":/icons/" + iconString + ".png"); } bool QtTreeWidgetItem::isContact() const { return children_.size() == 0; } bool QtTreeWidgetItem::isExpanded() { return expanded_; } bool QtTreeWidgetItem::operator<(const QtTreeWidgetItem& item) const { if (isContact()) { if (!item.isContact()) { return false; } return getStatusShow() == item.getStatusShow() ? getName().toLower() < item.getName().toLower() : getStatusShow() < item.getStatusShow(); } else { if (item.isContact()) { return true; } return getName().toLower() < item.getName().toLower(); } } //bool itemLessThan(const QtTreeWidgetItem& left, const QtTreeWidgetItem& right) { // return left < right; //} }