import datetime Import("env") SConscript("Controllers/SConscript") if env["SCONS_STAGE"] == "build" : if not GetOption("help") and not env.get("HAVE_QT", 0) : if "Swift" in env["PROJECTS"] : print("Warning: Swift requires Qt. Not building the Swift Qt application.") env["PROJECTS"].remove("Swift") elif not GetOption("help") and env["target"] == "native" and "Swift" in env["PROJECTS"] : try : SConscript("QtUI/SConscript") except Exception as e: print("Warning: %s" % str(e)) env["PROJECTS"].remove("Swift") if "Swift" in env["PROJECTS"] and env["BOOST_1_64_DETECTED"] and not env.get("allow_boost_1_64") and not env.GetOption("clean") : #Version 1.64 has some issues with the serialization of boost::optional, see print("Boost 1.64 has been detected. It is not recommended to use this version due to a regression within the library. Swift has been removed from the current build. You can still use this version by setting allow_boost_1_64 to true, but recent chats and highlighting rules will reset.") env["PROJECTS"].remove("Swift") if env["help2man"]: SConscript("Packaging/SConscript")