UTF-8Starting chat with %1% in chatroom %2%Starting chat with %1% - %2%me%1% has gone offline%1% has become available%1% has gone away%1% is now busyThe day is now %1%Error sending messageBad requestConflictThis feature is not implementedForbiddenRecipient can no longer be contactedInternal server errorItem not foundJID MalformedMessage was rejectedNot allowedNot authorizedPayment is requiredRecipient is unavailableRedirectRegistration requiredRecipient's server not foundRemote server timeoutThe server is low on resourcesThe service is unavailableA subscription is requiredUndefined conditionUnexpected requestRoom %1% is not responding. This operation may never complete.No nickname specifiedA password neededYou are banned from the roomThe room is fullThe room does not existUnable to enter this roomUnable to enter this room as %1%, retrying as %2%Only members may enter%1% has entered the room as a %2%.%1% has entered the room.moderatorparticipantvisitorThe room subject is now: %1%%1% is now a %2%ModeratorsParticipantsVisitorsOccupantsTrying to enter room %1%%1% have left then returned to the room%1% has left then returned to the room%1% has left the roomYou have entered room %1% as a %2%.You have left the room and %1% have entered the room%1% has entered the room%1% have entered then left the room%1% has entered then left the room%1% have left the roomUnknown ErrorUnable to find serverError connecting to serverError while receiving server dataError while sending data to the serverError parsing server dataLogin/password invalidError while compressing streamServer verification failedAuthentication mechanisms not supportedUnexpected responseError binding resourceError starting sessionStream errorEncryption errorError loading certificate (Invalid password?)Certificate not authorizedUnknown certificateCertificate has expiredCertificate is not yet validCertificate is self-signedCertificate has been rejectedCertificate is not trustedCertificate cannot be used for encrypting your connectionCertificate path length constraint exceededInvalid certificate signatureInvalid Certificate AuthorityCertificate does not match the host identityCertificate errorReconnect to %1% failed: %2%. Will retry in %3% seconds.Disconnected from %1%: %2%.ContactsServer %1% rejected contact list change to item '%2%'AvailableAwayBusyOfflineErrorQApplicationQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONTranslate this to LTR for left-to-right or RTL for right-to-left languagesQObjectNo rooms foundQWizard< &Back&Finish&HelpGo BackContinueCommitDoneQuitHelpCancel&Next&Next >QtBookmarkDetailWindowEdit Bookmark DetailsBookmark Name:Your Nickname:Room password:Join automaticallyRoom Address:QtJoinMUCWindowRoom:Search ...Nickname:Enter RoomEnter automatically in futureQtMUCSearchWindowSearch RoomService:CancelOkList roomsQtUserSearchFieldsPageNickname:First name:Last name:E-Mail:Fetching search fieldsQtUserSearchFirstPageAdd a userI'd like to search my serverI'd like to search another server:Add another user to your contact list. If you know their address you can add them directly, or you can search for them.I know their address:QtUserSearchWizardFind UserSwift::ChatListModelBookmarked RoomsSwift::QtAboutWidgetAbout %1Version %1Built with Qt %1Running with Qt %1View LicenseSwift::QtAvatarWidgetNo pictureSelect picture ...Clear pictureSelect pictureImage Files (*.png *.jpg *.gif)ErrorThe selected picture is in an unrecognized formatSwift::QtBookmarkDetailWindowBookmark not validYou must specify a valid room address (e.g. myroom@chats.example.com).Swift::QtChatListWindowAdd New BookmarkEdit BookmarkRemove BookmarkSwift::QtChatViewClear logYou are about to clear the contents of your chat log.Are you sure?Swift::QtChatWindowThis message has not been received by your server yet.This message may not have been transmitted.Couldn't send message: %1Swift::QtContactEditWidgetName:Groups:New Group:Swift::QtContactEditWindowEdit contactRemove contactOkConfirm contact deletionAre you sure you want to delete this contact?This will remove the contact '%1' from all groups they may be in.Swift::QtEventWindowDisplay NoticeSwift::QtLoginWindowUser address:User address - looks like someuser@someserver.comExample: alice@wonderland.litPassword:Click if you have a personal certificate used for login to the service.ConnectRemember Password?Login Automatically?&Swift&General&About %1&Show Debug Console&Play SoundsShow &Notifications&QuitRemove profileRemove the profile '%1'?CancelSelect an authentication certificateThe certificate presented by the server is not valid.Would you like to permanently trust this certificate? This must only be done if you know it is correct.Subject: %1SHA-1 Fingerprint: %1Swift::QtMUCSearchWindowSearchingSwift::QtMainWindow&Contacts&NoticesC&hats&ViewShow offline contacts&ActionsEdit Profile&Enter Room&Add ContactStart &Chat&Sign OutNoticesSwift::QtNameWidget(No Nickname Set)Show NicknameShow AddressEdit ProfileSwift::QtProfileWindowEdit ProfileNickname:SaveSwift::QtStatusWidgetConnecting(No message)Swift::QtSubscriptionRequestWindowYou have already replied to this requestOkYesNoDeferSwift::QtTreeWidgetEditRenameRename groupNew name for %1Swift::QtUserSearchFirstPageChat to another user%1. If you know their address you can enter it directly, or you can search for them.Add another user to your contact listSwift::QtUserSearchWindowAdd ContactChat to UserHow would you like to find the user to add?How would you like to find the user to chat to?Error while searchingThis server doesn't support searching for users.Swift::QtWebViewClearSwift::QtXMLConsoleWidgetConsoleTrace input/outputClearDebug Console<!-- IN --><!-- OUT -->