 * Copyright (c) 2010 Soren Dreijer
 * Licensed under the simplified BSD license.
 * See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information.

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp>

#include "Swiften/EventLoop/EventLoop.h"

// All interaction with Swiften should happen on the same thread, such as the main GUI thread,
// since the library isn't thread-safe.
// For applications that don't have a main loop, such as WPF and MFC applications, we need a
// different approach to process events from Swiften.
// The SingleThreadedEventLoop class implements an event loop that can be used from such applications.
// Spawn a new thread in the desired framework and call SingleThreadedEventLoop::waitForEvents(). The method 
// blocks until a new event has arrived at which time it'll return, or until the wait is canceled
// at which time it throws EventLoopCanceledException. 
// When a new event has arrived and SingleThreadedEventLoop::waitForEvents() returns, the caller should then
// call SingleThreadedEventLoop::handleEvents() on the main GUI thread. For WPF applications, for instance, 
// the Dispatcher class can be used to execute the call on the GUI thread.

namespace Swift {
	class SingleThreadedEventLoop : public EventLoop {
			class EventLoopCanceledException : public std::exception { };


			// Blocks while waiting for new events and returns when new events are available.
			// Throws EventLoopCanceledException when the wait is canceled.
			void waitForEvents();
			void handleEvents();
			void stop();			

			virtual void post(const Event& event);
			bool shouldShutDown_;
			std::vector<Event> events_;
			boost::mutex eventsMutex_;
			boost::condition_variable eventsAvailable_;