/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Kevin Smith * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information. */ #include "Swiften/MUC/MUC.h" #include #include #include "Swiften/Presence/DirectedPresenceSender.h" #include "Swiften/Client/StanzaChannel.h" #include "Swiften/Queries/IQRouter.h" #include "Swiften/Elements/Form.h" #include "Swiften/Elements/IQ.h" #include "Swiften/Elements/MUCUserPayload.h" #include "Swiften/Elements/MUCPayload.h" #include "Swiften/MUC/MUCRegistry.h" #include "Swiften/Queries/GenericRequest.h" namespace Swift { typedef std::pair StringMUCOccupantPair; MUC::MUC(StanzaChannel* stanzaChannel, IQRouter* iqRouter, DirectedPresenceSender* presenceSender, const JID &muc, MUCRegistry* mucRegistry) : ownMUCJID(muc), stanzaChannel(stanzaChannel), iqRouter_(iqRouter), presenceSender(presenceSender), mucRegistry(mucRegistry) { scopedConnection_ = stanzaChannel->onPresenceReceived.connect(boost::bind(&MUC::handleIncomingPresence, this, _1)); mucRegistry->addMUC(getJID()); } //FIXME: discover reserved nickname /** * Join the MUC with default context. */ void MUC::joinAs(const String &nick) { joinSince_ = boost::posix_time::not_a_date_time; internalJoin(nick); } void MUC::internalJoin(const String &nick) { //TODO: password //TODO: history request joinComplete_ = false; ownMUCJID = JID(ownMUCJID.getNode(), ownMUCJID.getDomain(), nick); boost::shared_ptr joinPresence(presenceSender->getLastSentUndirectedPresence()); assert(joinPresence->getType() == Presence::Available); joinPresence->setTo(ownMUCJID); boost::shared_ptr mucPayload(new MUCPayload()); if (joinSince_ != boost::posix_time::not_a_date_time) { mucPayload->setSince(joinSince_); } joinPresence->addPayload(mucPayload); presenceSender->sendPresence(joinPresence); } /** * Join the MUC with context since date. */ void MUC::joinWithContextSince(const String &nick, const boost::posix_time::ptime& since) { joinSince_ = since; internalJoin(nick); } void MUC::part() { presenceSender->removeDirectedPresenceReceiver(ownMUCJID); mucRegistry->removeMUC(getJID()); } void MUC::handleUserLeft(LeavingType type) { std::map::iterator i = occupants.find(ownMUCJID.getResource()); if (i != occupants.end()) { MUCOccupant me = i->second; occupants.erase(i); onOccupantLeft(me, type, ""); } occupants.clear(); joinComplete_ = false; presenceSender->removeDirectedPresenceReceiver(ownMUCJID); } void MUC::handleIncomingPresence(boost::shared_ptr presence) { if (!isFromMUC(presence->getFrom())) { return; } boost::shared_ptr mucPayload; foreach (boost::shared_ptr payload, presence->getPayloads()) { if (payload->getItems().size() > 0 || payload->getStatusCodes().size() > 0) { mucPayload = payload; } } if (!joinComplete_) { if (presence->getType() == Presence::Error) { String reason; onJoinFailed(presence->getPayload()); return; } } String nick = presence->getFrom().getResource(); if (nick.isEmpty()) { return; } MUCOccupant::Role role(MUCOccupant::NoRole); MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation(MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation); boost::optional realJID; if (mucPayload && mucPayload->getItems().size() > 0) { role = mucPayload->getItems()[0].role; affiliation = mucPayload->getItems()[0].affiliation; realJID = mucPayload->getItems()[0].realJID; } //100 is non-anonymous //TODO: 100 may also be specified in a //170 is room logging to http //TODO: Nick changes if (presence->getType() == Presence::Unavailable) { if (presence->getFrom() == ownMUCJID) { handleUserLeft(Part); return; } else { std::map::iterator i = occupants.find(nick); if (i != occupants.end()) { //TODO: part type onOccupantLeft(i->second, Part, ""); occupants.erase(i); } } } else if (presence->getType() == Presence::Available) { std::map::iterator it = occupants.find(nick); MUCOccupant occupant(nick, role, affiliation); bool isJoin = true; if (realJID) { occupant.setRealJID(realJID.get()); } if (it != occupants.end()) { isJoin = false; MUCOccupant oldOccupant = it->second; if (oldOccupant.getRole() != role) { onOccupantRoleChanged(nick, occupant, oldOccupant.getRole()); } if (oldOccupant.getAffiliation() != affiliation) { onOccupantAffiliationChanged(nick, affiliation, oldOccupant.getAffiliation()); } occupants.erase(it); } std::pair::iterator, bool> result = occupants.insert(std::make_pair(nick, occupant)); if (isJoin) { onOccupantJoined(result.first->second); } onOccupantPresenceChange(presence); } if (mucPayload && !joinComplete_) { foreach (MUCUserPayload::StatusCode status, mucPayload->getStatusCodes()) { if (status.code == 110) { /* Simply knowing this is your presence is enough, 210 doesn't seem to be necessary. */ joinComplete_ = true; ownMUCJID = presence->getFrom(); onJoinComplete(getOwnNick()); presenceSender->addDirectedPresenceReceiver(ownMUCJID); } if (status.code == 201) { /* Room is created and locked */ /* Currently deal with this by making an instant room */ ownMUCJID = presence->getFrom(); boost::shared_ptr mucPayload(new MUCOwnerPayload()); mucPayload->setPayload(boost::shared_ptr(new Form(Form::SubmitType))); GenericRequest* request = new GenericRequest(IQ::Set, getJID(), mucPayload, iqRouter_); request->onResponse.connect(boost::bind(&MUC::handleCreationConfigResponse, this, _1, _2)); request->send(); } } } } void MUC::handleCreationConfigResponse(boost::shared_ptr /*unused*/, ErrorPayload::ref error) { if (error) { onJoinFailed(error); } else { /* onJoinComplete(getOwnNick()); isn't needed here, the presence will cause an emit elsewhere. */ presenceSender->addDirectedPresenceReceiver(ownMUCJID); } } //FIXME: Recognise Topic changes //TODO: Invites(direct/mediated) //TODO: requesting membership //TODO: get member list //TODO: request voice //TODO: moderator use cases //TODO: Admin use cases //TODO: Owner use cases }