/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Isode Limited. * All rights reserved. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Swift { MUCBookmarkManager::MUCBookmarkManager(IQRouter* iqRouter) { iqRouter_ = iqRouter; ready_ = false; GetPrivateStorageRequest::ref request = GetPrivateStorageRequest::create(iqRouter_); request->onResponse.connect(boost::bind(&MUCBookmarkManager::handleBookmarksReceived, this, _1, _2)); request->send(); } void MUCBookmarkManager::handleBookmarksReceived(std::shared_ptr payload, ErrorPayload::ref error) { if (error || !payload) { return; } ready_ = true; handlingReceivedBookmarks_ = true; onBookmarksReady(); storage = payload; std::vector receivedBookmarks; for (const auto& room : payload->getRooms()) { receivedBookmarks.push_back(MUCBookmark(room)); } std::vector newBookmarks; for (const auto& oldBookmark : bookmarks_) { if (containsEquivalent(receivedBookmarks, oldBookmark)) { newBookmarks.push_back(oldBookmark); } else { onBookmarkRemoved(oldBookmark); } } std::vector newAddedBookmarksToBeSignaled; for (const auto& newBookmark : receivedBookmarks) { if (!containsEquivalent(bookmarks_, newBookmark)) { newBookmarks.push_back(newBookmark); //If the bookmark does not exist in bookmark manager, after emmiting the signal, chatsmanager will try to join the room, if the bookmark has autojoin to true. //The bookmark is not yet available in bookmark manager, therefore a new bookmark will be created which will be lost when newBookmarks replace bookmarks. newAddedBookmarksToBeSignaled.push_back(newBookmark); } } bookmarks_ = newBookmarks; for (auto bookmark : newAddedBookmarksToBeSignaled) { onBookmarkAdded(bookmark); } handlingReceivedBookmarks_ = false; } bool MUCBookmarkManager::containsEquivalent(const std::vector& list, const MUCBookmark& bookmark) { return std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [&](const MUCBookmark& val) { return bookmark.getRoom() == val.getRoom(); }) != list.end(); } void MUCBookmarkManager::replaceBookmark(const MUCBookmark& oldBookmark, const MUCBookmark& newBookmark) { if (!ready_) return; for (auto& bookmark : bookmarks_) { if (bookmark == oldBookmark) { bookmark = newBookmark; flush(); onBookmarkRemoved(oldBookmark); onBookmarkAdded(newBookmark); return; } } } void MUCBookmarkManager::addBookmark(const MUCBookmark& bookmark) { if (!ready_) return; if (auto found = lookupBookmark(bookmark.getRoom())) { if (found != bookmark) { replaceBookmark(found.get(), bookmark); } } else { bookmarks_.push_back(bookmark); onBookmarkAdded(bookmark); } flush(); } void MUCBookmarkManager::removeBookmark(const MUCBookmark& bookmark) { if (!ready_) return; std::vector::iterator it; for (it = bookmarks_.begin(); it != bookmarks_.end(); ++it) { if ((*it) == bookmark) { bookmarks_.erase(it); onBookmarkRemoved(bookmark); break; } } flush(); } void MUCBookmarkManager::flush() { if (handlingReceivedBookmarks_) { return; } if (!storage) { storage = std::make_shared(); } // Update the storage element storage->clearRooms(); for (const auto& bookmark : bookmarks_) { storage->addRoom(bookmark.toStorage()); } // Send an iq to save the storage element SetPrivateStorageRequest::ref request = SetPrivateStorageRequest::create(storage, iqRouter_); // FIXME: We should care about the result //request->onResponse.connect(boost::bind(&MUCBookmarkManager::handleBookmarksSet, this, _1, _2)); request->send(); } const std::vector& MUCBookmarkManager::getBookmarks() const { return bookmarks_; } boost::optional MUCBookmarkManager::lookupBookmark(const JID& bookmarkJID) const { auto bookmarkIterator = std::find_if(bookmarks_.begin(), bookmarks_.end(), [&](const MUCBookmark& val) { return bookmarkJID == val.getRoom(); }); if (bookmarkIterator != bookmarks_.end()) { return *bookmarkIterator; } return boost::none; } }