/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Thilo Cestonaro * Licensed under the simplified BSD license. * See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Kevin Smith * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information. */ #include <Swiften/Network/BOSHConnection.h> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <string> #include <Swiften/Base/Log.h> #include <Swiften/Base/String.h> #include <Swiften/Base/Concat.h> #include <Swiften/Base/ByteArray.h> #include <Swiften/Network/HostAddressPort.h> #include <Swiften/Parser/BOSHBodyExtractor.h> namespace Swift { BOSHConnection::BOSHConnection(const URL& boshURL, Connector::ref connector, XMLParserFactory* parserFactory) : boshURL_(boshURL), connector_(connector), parserFactory_(parserFactory), sid_(), waitingForStartResponse_(false), rid_(~0ULL), pending_(false), connectionReady_(false) { } BOSHConnection::~BOSHConnection() { cancelConnector(); if (connection_) { connection_->onDataRead.disconnect(boost::bind(&BOSHConnection::handleDataRead, shared_from_this(), _1)); connection_->onDisconnected.disconnect(boost::bind(&BOSHConnection::handleDisconnected, shared_from_this(), _1)); } disconnect(); } void BOSHConnection::connect() { connector_->onConnectFinished.connect(boost::bind(&BOSHConnection::handleConnectFinished, shared_from_this(), _1)); connector_->start(); } void BOSHConnection::cancelConnector() { if (connector_) { connector_->onConnectFinished.disconnect(boost::bind(&BOSHConnection::handleConnectFinished, shared_from_this(), _1)); connector_->stop(); connector_.reset(); } } void BOSHConnection::disconnect() { if (connection_) { connection_->disconnect(); sid_ = ""; } else { /* handleDisconnected takes care of the connector_ as well */ handleDisconnected(boost::optional<Connection::Error>()); } } void BOSHConnection::restartStream() { write(createSafeByteArray(""), true, false); } void BOSHConnection::terminateStream() { write(createSafeByteArray(""), false, true); } void BOSHConnection::write(const SafeByteArray& data) { write(data, false, false); } std::pair<SafeByteArray, size_t> BOSHConnection::createHTTPRequest(const SafeByteArray& data, bool streamRestart, bool terminate, unsigned long long rid, const std::string& sid, const URL& boshURL) { size_t size; std::stringstream content; SafeByteArray contentTail = createSafeByteArray("</body>"); std::stringstream header; content << "<body rid='" << rid << "' sid='" << sid << "'"; if (streamRestart) { content << " xmpp:restart='true' xmlns:xmpp='urn:xmpp:xbosh'"; } if (terminate) { content << " type='terminate'"; } content << " xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind'>"; SafeByteArray safeContent = createSafeByteArray(content.str()); safeContent.insert(safeContent.end(), data.begin(), data.end()); safeContent.insert(safeContent.end(), contentTail.begin(), contentTail.end()); size = safeContent.size(); header << "POST " << boshURL.getPath() << " HTTP/1.1\r\n" << "Host: " << boshURL.getHost(); if (boshURL.getPort()) { header << ":" << *boshURL.getPort(); } header << "\r\n" // << "Accept-Encoding: deflate\r\n" << "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n" << "Content-Length: " << size << "\r\n\r\n"; SafeByteArray safeHeader = createSafeByteArray(header.str()); safeHeader.insert(safeHeader.end(), safeContent.begin(), safeContent.end()); return std::pair<SafeByteArray, size_t>(safeHeader, size); } void BOSHConnection::write(const SafeByteArray& data, bool streamRestart, bool terminate) { assert(connectionReady_); assert(!sid_.empty()); SafeByteArray safeHeader = createHTTPRequest(data, streamRestart, terminate, rid_, sid_, boshURL_).first; onBOSHDataWritten(safeHeader); connection_->write(safeHeader); pending_ = true; SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "write data: " << safeByteArrayToString(safeHeader) << std::endl; } void BOSHConnection::handleConnectFinished(Connection::ref connection) { cancelConnector(); connectionReady_ = !!connection; if (connectionReady_) { connection_ = connection; connection_->onDataRead.connect(boost::bind(&BOSHConnection::handleDataRead, shared_from_this(), _1)); connection_->onDisconnected.connect(boost::bind(&BOSHConnection::handleDisconnected, shared_from_this(), _1)); } onConnectFinished(!connectionReady_); } void BOSHConnection::startStream(const std::string& to, unsigned long long rid) { assert(connectionReady_); // Session Creation Request std::stringstream content; std::stringstream header; content << "<body content='text/xml; charset=utf-8'" << " hold='1'" << " to='" << to << "'" << " rid='" << rid << "'" << " ver='1.6'" << " wait='60'" /* FIXME: we probably want this configurable*/ // << " ack='0'" FIXME: support acks << " xml:lang='en'" << " xmlns:xmpp='urn:xmpp:bosh'" << " xmpp:version='1.0'" << " xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind' />"; std::string contentString = content.str(); header << "POST " << boshURL_.getPath() << " HTTP/1.1\r\n" << "Host: " << boshURL_.getHost(); if (boshURL_.getPort()) { header << ":" << *boshURL_.getPort(); } header << "\r\n" // << "Accept-Encoding: deflate\r\n" << "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n" << "Content-Length: " << contentString.size() << "\r\n\r\n" << contentString; waitingForStartResponse_ = true; SafeByteArray safeHeader = createSafeByteArray(header.str()); onBOSHDataWritten(safeHeader); connection_->write(safeHeader); SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "write stream header: " << safeByteArrayToString(safeHeader) << std::endl; } void BOSHConnection::handleDataRead(boost::shared_ptr<SafeByteArray> data) { onBOSHDataRead(*data); buffer_ = concat(buffer_, *data); std::string response = safeByteArrayToString(buffer_); if (response.find("\r\n\r\n") == std::string::npos) { onBOSHDataRead(createSafeByteArray("[[Previous read incomplete, pending]]")); return; } std::string httpCode = response.substr(response.find(" ") + 1, 3); if (httpCode != "200") { onHTTPError(httpCode); return; } BOSHBodyExtractor parser(parserFactory_, createByteArray(response.substr(response.find("\r\n\r\n") + 4))); if (parser.getBody()) { if (parser.getBody()->attributes.getAttribute("type") == "terminate") { BOSHError::Type errorType = parseTerminationCondition(parser.getBody()->attributes.getAttribute("condition")); onSessionTerminated(errorType == BOSHError::NoError ? boost::shared_ptr<BOSHError>() : boost::make_shared<BOSHError>(errorType)); } buffer_.clear(); if (waitingForStartResponse_) { waitingForStartResponse_ = false; sid_ = parser.getBody()->attributes.getAttribute("sid"); std::string requestsString = parser.getBody()->attributes.getAttribute("requests"); size_t requests = 2; if (!requestsString.empty()) { try { requests = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(requestsString); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { } } onSessionStarted(sid_, requests); } SafeByteArray payload = createSafeByteArray(parser.getBody()->content); /* Say we're good to go again, so don't add anything after here in the method */ pending_ = false; onXMPPDataRead(payload); } } BOSHError::Type BOSHConnection::parseTerminationCondition(const std::string& text) { BOSHError::Type condition = BOSHError::UndefinedCondition; if (text == "bad-request") { condition = BOSHError::BadRequest; } else if (text == "host-gone") { condition = BOSHError::HostGone; } else if (text == "host-unknown") { condition = BOSHError::HostUnknown; } else if (text == "improper-addressing") { condition = BOSHError::ImproperAddressing; } else if (text == "internal-server-error") { condition = BOSHError::InternalServerError; } else if (text == "item-not-found") { condition = BOSHError::ItemNotFound; } else if (text == "other-request") { condition = BOSHError::OtherRequest; } else if (text == "policy-violation") { condition = BOSHError::PolicyViolation; } else if (text == "remote-connection-failed") { condition = BOSHError::RemoteConnectionFailed; } else if (text == "remote-stream-error") { condition = BOSHError::RemoteStreamError; } else if (text == "see-other-uri") { condition = BOSHError::SeeOtherURI; } else if (text == "system-shutdown") { condition = BOSHError::SystemShutdown; } else if (text == "") { condition = BOSHError::NoError; } return condition; } const std::string& BOSHConnection::getSID() { return sid_; } void BOSHConnection::setRID(unsigned long long rid) { rid_ = rid; } void BOSHConnection::setSID(const std::string& sid) { sid_ = sid; } void BOSHConnection::handleDisconnected(const boost::optional<Connection::Error>& error) { cancelConnector(); onDisconnected(error ? true : false); sid_ = ""; connectionReady_ = false; } bool BOSHConnection::isReadyToSend() { /* Without pipelining you need to not send more without first receiving the response */ /* With pipelining you can. Assuming we can't, here */ return connectionReady_ && !pending_ && !waitingForStartResponse_ && !sid_.empty(); } }