/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited. * All rights reserved. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #include <Swiften/Parser/PayloadParsers/FormParser.h> #include <map> #include <Swiften/Base/foreach.h> namespace Swift { FormParser::FormParser() : level_(TopLevel), parsingItem_(false), parsingReported_(false), parsingOption_(false), hasReportedRef_(false){ } void FormParser::handleStartElement(const std::string& element, const std::string&, const AttributeMap& attributes) { if (level_ == TopLevel) { std::string type = attributes.getAttribute("type"); if (type == "form") { getPayloadInternal()->setType(Form::FormType); } else if (type == "submit") { getPayloadInternal()->setType(Form::SubmitType); } else if (type == "cancel") { getPayloadInternal()->setType(Form::CancelType); } else if (type == "result") { getPayloadInternal()->setType(Form::ResultType); } } else if (level_ == PayloadLevel) { if (element == "title") { currentText_.clear(); } else if (element == "instructions") { currentText_.clear(); } else if (element == "reported") { parsingReported_ = true; } else if (element == "item") { parsingItem_ = true; } else if (element == "page") { currentPage_ = std::make_shared<FormPage>(); currentPage_->setLabel(attributes.getAttribute("label")); } } else if (level_ == FieldLevel && currentField_) { currentText_.clear(); if (element == "option") { currentOptionLabel_ = attributes.getAttribute("label"); currentOptionValue_ = ""; parsingOption_ = true; } } if (level_ >= PayloadLevel) { if (element == "field") { currentField_ = std::make_shared<FormField>(); std::string type = attributes.getAttribute("type"); FormField::Type fieldType = FormField::UnknownType; if (type == "boolean") { fieldType = FormField::BooleanType; } if (type == "fixed") { fieldType = FormField::FixedType; } if (type == "hidden") { fieldType = FormField::HiddenType; } if (type == "list-single") { fieldType = FormField::ListSingleType; } if (type == "text-multi") { fieldType = FormField::TextMultiType; } if (type == "text-private") { fieldType = FormField::TextPrivateType; } if (type == "text-single") { fieldType = FormField::TextSingleType; } if (type == "jid-single") { fieldType = FormField::JIDSingleType; } if (type == "jid-multi") { fieldType = FormField::JIDMultiType; } if (type == "list-multi") { fieldType = FormField::ListMultiType; } currentField_->setType(fieldType); currentField_->setName(attributes.getAttribute("var")); currentField_->setLabel(attributes.getAttribute("label")); } else if (element == "value") { currentText_.clear(); } } if (level_ > PayloadLevel) { if (element == "section") { currentSection_ = std::make_shared<FormSection>(); currentSection_->setLabel(attributes.getAttribute("label")); sectionStack_.push_back(currentSection_); currentSections_.push_back(currentSection_); } if (element == "reportedref") { currentReportedRef_ = std::make_shared<FormReportedRef>(); } if (element == "fieldref") { currentText_.clear(); currentFieldRef_ = attributes.getAttribute("var"); if (sectionStack_.size() > 0) { sectionStack_.at(sectionStack_.size()-1)->addFieldRef(currentFieldRef_); } else if (currentPage_) { currentPage_->addFieldRef(currentFieldRef_); } } if (element == "text") { currentText_.clear(); currentTextElement_ = std::make_shared<FormText>(); } } ++level_; } void FormParser::handleEndElement(const std::string& element, const std::string&) { --level_; if (level_ == PayloadLevel) { if (element == "title") { std::string currentTitle = getPayloadInternal()->getTitle(); if (currentTitle.empty()) { getPayloadInternal()->setTitle(currentText_); } else { getPayloadInternal()->setTitle(currentTitle + "\n" + currentText_); } } else if (element == "instructions") { std::string currentInstructions = getPayloadInternal()->getInstructions(); if (currentInstructions.empty()) { getPayloadInternal()->setInstructions(currentText_); } else { getPayloadInternal()->setInstructions(currentInstructions + "\n" + currentText_); } } else if (element == "reported") { parsingReported_ = false; } else if (element == "item") { parsingItem_ = false; getPayloadInternal()->addItem(currentFields_); currentFields_.clear(); } else if (element == "page") { getPayloadInternal()->addPage(currentPage_); currentPages_.push_back(currentPage_); } } else if (currentField_) { if (element == "required") { currentField_->setRequired(true); } else if (element == "desc") { currentField_->setDescription(currentText_); } else if (element == "option") { currentField_->addOption(FormField::Option(currentOptionLabel_, currentOptionValue_)); parsingOption_ = false; } else if (element == "value") { if (parsingOption_) { currentOptionValue_ = currentText_; } else { currentField_->addValue(currentText_); } } } if (level_ >= PayloadLevel && currentField_) { if (element == "field") { if (parsingReported_) { getPayloadInternal()->addReportedField(currentField_); } else if (parsingItem_) { currentFields_.push_back(currentField_); } else { if (currentPages_.size() > 0) { foreach (std::shared_ptr<FormPage> page, currentPages_) { foreach (std::string pageRef, page->getFieldRefs()) { if (pageRef == currentField_->getName()) { page->addField(currentField_); } } } foreach (std::shared_ptr<FormSection> section, currentSections_) { foreach (std::string sectionRef, section->getFieldRefs()) { if (sectionRef == currentField_->getName()) { section->addField(currentField_); } } } } else { getPayloadInternal()->addField(currentField_); } } currentField_.reset(); } } if (level_ > PayloadLevel) { if (element == "section") { if (sectionStack_.size() > 1) { // Add the section at the top of the stack to the level below sectionStack_.at(sectionStack_.size()-2)->addChildSection(sectionStack_.at(sectionStack_.size()-1)); sectionStack_.pop_back(); } else if (sectionStack_.size() == 1) { // Add the remaining section on the stack to its parent page currentPage_->addChildSection(sectionStack_.at(sectionStack_.size()-1)); sectionStack_.pop_back(); } } if (currentReportedRef_ && !hasReportedRef_) { if (sectionStack_.size() > 0) { sectionStack_.at(sectionStack_.size()-1)->addReportedRef(currentReportedRef_); } else if (currentPage_) { currentPage_->addReportedRef(currentReportedRef_); } hasReportedRef_ = true; currentReportedRef_.reset(); } if (currentTextElement_) { if (element == "text") { currentTextElement_->setTextString(currentText_); } if (sectionStack_.size() > 0) { sectionStack_.at(sectionStack_.size()-1)->addTextElement(currentTextElement_); } else if (currentPage_) { currentPage_->addTextElement(currentTextElement_); } currentTextElement_.reset(); } } } void FormParser::handleCharacterData(const std::string& text) { currentText_ += text; } }