/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Isode Limited. * All rights reserved. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Swift; static const std::string CLIENT_NAME = "Swiften FT Test"; static const std::string CLIENT_NODE = "http://swift.im"; static boost::shared_ptr eventLoop; static boost::shared_ptr networkFactories; BoostRandomGenerator randGen; enum Candidate { InBandBytestream = 1, S5B_Direct = 2, S5B_Proxied = 4, S5B_Assisted = 8, }; class FileTransferTest { public: FileTransferTest(int senderCandidates, int receiverCandidates) : senderCandidates_(senderCandidates), senderIsDone_(false), receiverCandidates_(receiverCandidates), receiverIsDone_(false) { sender_ = boost::make_shared(JID(getenv("SWIFT_FILETRANSFERTEST_JID")), getenv("SWIFT_FILETRANSFERTEST_PASS"), networkFactories.get()); sender_->onDisconnected.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::handleSenderDisconnected, this, _1)); sender_->onConnected.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::handleSenderConnected, this)); sender_->getEntityCapsProvider()->onCapsChanged.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::handleSenderCapsChanged, this, _1)); receiver_ = boost::make_shared(JID(getenv("SWIFT_FILETRANSFERTEST2_JID")), getenv("SWIFT_FILETRANSFERTEST2_PASS"), networkFactories.get()); receiver_->onConnected.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::handleReceiverConnected, this)); receiver_->onDisconnected.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::handleReceiverDisconnected, this, _1)); senderTracer_ = new ClientXMLTracer(sender_.get()); receiverTracer_ = new ClientXMLTracer(receiver_.get()); ClientOptions options; options.useTLS = ClientOptions::NeverUseTLS; options.useStreamCompression = false; options.useStreamResumption = false; options.useAcks = false; sender_->connect(options); receiver_->connect(options); timeOut_ = networkFactories->getTimerFactory()->createTimer(60000); timeOut_->onTick.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::handleTimeOut, this)); // Create randomly sized data to exchange. sendFilePath_ = boost::filesystem::unique_path(); receiveFilePath_ = boost::filesystem::unique_path(); size_t size = 1024 + boost::numeric_cast(randGen.generateRandomInteger(1024 * 10)); sendData_.resize(size); for (size_t n = 0; n < sendData_.size(); n++) { sendData_[n] = boost::numeric_cast(randGen.generateRandomInteger(255)); } std::ofstream outfile(sendFilePath_.native().c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); outfile.write(reinterpret_cast(&sendData_[0]), boost::numeric_cast(sendData_.size())); outfile.close(); } ~FileTransferTest() { timeOut_->stop(); delete senderTracer_; delete receiverTracer_; if(boost::filesystem::exists(sendFilePath_)) { boost::filesystem::remove(sendFilePath_); } if(boost::filesystem::exists(receiveFilePath_)) { boost::filesystem::remove(receiveFilePath_); } } void handleSenderConnected() { sender_->sendPresence(Presence::create()); } void handleReceiverConnected() { receiver_->getFileTransferManager()->onIncomingFileTransfer.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::handleReceiverIncomingFileTransfer, this, _1)); DiscoInfo discoInfo; discoInfo.addIdentity(DiscoInfo::Identity(CLIENT_NAME, "client", "pc")); discoInfo.addFeature(DiscoInfo::JingleFeature); discoInfo.addFeature(DiscoInfo::JingleFTFeature); discoInfo.addFeature(DiscoInfo::Bytestream); discoInfo.addFeature(DiscoInfo::JingleTransportsIBBFeature); discoInfo.addFeature(DiscoInfo::JingleTransportsS5BFeature); receiver_->getDiscoManager()->setCapsNode(CLIENT_NODE); receiver_->getDiscoManager()->setDiscoInfo(discoInfo); receiver_->getPresenceSender()->sendPresence(Presence::create()); } void handleReceiverIncomingFileTransfer(IncomingFileTransfer::ref transfer) { incomingFileTransfers_.push_back(transfer); boost::shared_ptr out = boost::make_shared(receiveFilePath_.native()); transfer->onFinished.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::handleReceiverFileTransferFinished, this, _1, out)); FileTransferOptions options; options = options.withInBandAllowed(receiverCandidates_ & InBandBytestream); options = options.withDirectAllowed(receiverCandidates_ & S5B_Direct); options = options.withAssistedAllowed(receiverCandidates_ & S5B_Assisted); options = options.withProxiedAllowed(receiverCandidates_ & S5B_Proxied); std::cout << "Incoming transfer options: " << "IBB (" << options.isInBandAllowed() << ")" << ", "; std::cout << "S5B Direct (" << options.isDirectAllowed() << ")" << ", "; std::cout << "S5B Assisted (" << options.isAssistedAllowed() << ")" << ", "; std::cout << "S5B Proxied (" << options.isProxiedAllowed() << ")" << std::endl; transfer->accept(out, options); } void handleSenderCapsChanged(const JID &jid) { if (receiver_ && (receiver_->getJID().toBare() == jid.toBare())) { boost::shared_ptr fileStream = boost::make_shared(sendFilePath_); FileTransferOptions options; options = options.withInBandAllowed(senderCandidates_ & InBandBytestream); options = options.withDirectAllowed(senderCandidates_ & S5B_Direct); options = options.withAssistedAllowed(senderCandidates_ & S5B_Assisted); options = options.withProxiedAllowed(senderCandidates_ & S5B_Proxied); std::cout << "Outgoing transfer options: " << "IBB (" << options.isInBandAllowed() << ")" << ", "; std::cout << "S5B Direct (" << options.isDirectAllowed() << ")" << ", "; std::cout << "S5B Assisted (" << options.isAssistedAllowed() << ")" << ", "; std::cout << "S5B Proxied (" << options.isProxiedAllowed() << ")" << std::endl; outgoingFileTransfer_ = sender_->getFileTransferManager()->createOutgoingFileTransfer(jid.toBare(), sendFilePath_, "Some File!", fileStream, options); if (outgoingFileTransfer_) { outgoingFileTransfer_->onFinished.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::handleSenderFileTransferFinished, this, _1)); outgoingFileTransfer_->start(); } else { std::cout << "ERROR: No outgoing file transfer returned." << std::endl; endTest(); } } } void handleReceiverFileTransferFinished(const boost::optional& error, boost::shared_ptr out) { out->close(); receiverError_ = error; receiverIsDone_ = true; if (senderIsDone_) { timeOut_->stop(); timeOut_ = networkFactories->getTimerFactory()->createTimer(1000); timeOut_->onTick.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::endTest, this)); timeOut_->start(); } } void handleSenderDisconnected(const boost::optional& error) { if (error) { std::cout << this << " " << "handleSenderDisconnected: error: " << error.get() << std::endl; } sender_.reset(); if (!sender_ && !receiver_) { eventLoop->stop(); } } void handleReceiverDisconnected(const boost::optional& error) { if (error) { std::cout << this << " " << "handleReceiverDisconnected: error: " << error.get() << std::endl; } receiver_.reset(); if (!sender_ && !receiver_) { eventLoop->stop(); } } void handleSenderFileTransferFinished(const boost::optional& error) { senderError_ = error; senderIsDone_ = true; if (receiverIsDone_) { timeOut_->stop(); timeOut_ = networkFactories->getTimerFactory()->createTimer(1000); timeOut_->onTick.connect(boost::bind(&FileTransferTest::endTest, this)); timeOut_->start(); } } void run() { timeOut_->start(); eventLoop->run(); } void endTest() { if (sender_) { sender_->disconnect(); } if (receiver_) { receiver_->disconnect(); } } void handleTimeOut() { std::cout << "Test timed out!!!" << std::endl; endTest(); } bool isDone() const { return senderIsDone_ && receiverIsDone_; } bool wasSuccessful() const { return !senderError_ && !receiverError_; } private: int senderCandidates_; boost::shared_ptr sender_; ClientXMLTracer* senderTracer_; ByteArray sendData_; OutgoingFileTransfer::ref outgoingFileTransfer_; boost::filesystem::path sendFilePath_; boost::optional senderError_; bool senderIsDone_; int receiverCandidates_; boost::shared_ptr receiver_; ClientXMLTracer* receiverTracer_; ByteArray receiveData_; std::vector incomingFileTransfers_; boost::filesystem::path receiveFilePath_; boost::optional receiverError_; bool receiverIsDone_; Timer::ref timeOut_; }; static bool runTest(int senderCandidates, int receiverCandidates) { bool success = false; std::cout << "senderCandidates: " << senderCandidates << ", receiverCandidates: " << receiverCandidates << std::endl; bool expectSuccess = (senderCandidates & receiverCandidates) > 0; eventLoop = boost::make_shared(); networkFactories = boost::make_shared(eventLoop.get()); boost::shared_ptr testRun = boost::make_shared(senderCandidates, receiverCandidates); testRun->run(); if (testRun->isDone()) { bool wasSuccessful = testRun->wasSuccessful(); if (expectSuccess == wasSuccessful) { success = true; } else { std::cout << "expected success: " << expectSuccess << ", wasSuccessful: " << wasSuccessful << std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "Failed to run test! Sender candidates = " << senderCandidates << ", receiver candidates = " << receiverCandidates << "." << std::endl; } testRun.reset(); networkFactories.reset(); eventLoop->runUntilEvents(); eventLoop->stop(); eventLoop.reset(); return success; } /** * This program test file-transfer interop between Swift and itself with various connection candidates. * The all combinations of the candidates, IBB, S5B (direct) and S5B (proxied), on sender and receiver side are tested. */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { int failedTests = 0; std::vector > failedTestPairs; std::cout << "Swiften File-Transfer Connectivity Test Suite" << std::endl; if (argc == 1) { if (getenv("SWIFT_FILETRANSFERTEST_CONFIG")) { // test configuration described in SWIFT_FILETRANSFERTEST_CONFIG environment variable, e.g. "1:1|2:2" std::vector configurations; std::string configs_env = std::string(getenv("SWIFT_FILETRANSFERTEST_CONFIG")); boost::split(configurations, configs_env, boost::is_any_of("|")); foreach(const std::string& config, configurations) { std::vector split_config; boost::split(split_config, config, boost::is_any_of(":")); assert(split_config.size() == 2); int senderCandidates = atoi(split_config[0].c_str()); int receiverCandidates = atoi(split_config[1].c_str()); if (!runTest(senderCandidates, receiverCandidates)) { failedTests++; failedTestPairs.push_back(std::pair(senderCandidates, receiverCandidates)); } } typedef std::pair IntPair; foreach(IntPair failedTest, failedTestPairs) { std::cout << "Failed test: " << "( " << failedTest.first << ", " << failedTest.second << ") " << std::endl; } } else { // test all configurations for (int n = 0; n < (1 << 7); n++) { int senderCandidates = n & 0xF; int receiverCandidates = (n >> 4) & 0xF; std::cout << "Run test " << n + 1 << " of " << (1 << 7) << ", (" << senderCandidates << ", " << receiverCandidates << ")" << std::endl; if (!runTest(senderCandidates, receiverCandidates)) { failedTests++; failedTestPairs.push_back(std::pair(senderCandidates, receiverCandidates)); } } typedef std::pair IntPair; foreach(IntPair failedTest, failedTestPairs) { std::cout << "Failed test: " << "( " << failedTest.first << ", " << failedTest.second << ") " << std::endl; } } } else if (argc == 3) { Log::setLogLevel(Log::debug); int senderCandidates = atoi(argv[1]); int receiverCandidates = atoi(argv[2]); if (!runTest(senderCandidates, receiverCandidates)) { failedTests++; } } else { std::cout << "Usage:" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t- to test all combinations pass no arguments" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t- to test a specific combination pass two integers describing sender and receiver candidates" << std::endl; } return failedTests; }