/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited. * All rights reserved. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #pragma once #include <boost/signals2.hpp> #include <Swiften/Base/API.h> #include <Swiften/Queries/Request.h> namespace Swift { /** * GenericRequest is used for managing the sending of, and handling of replies to, iq stanzas that do not have their own Request types. * * To create an iq stanza, call a constructor with the type of the iq that needs to be sent (either Set or Get), addressing information (clients should use the constructor that doesn't specify a sender), the payload that should be sent in the iq, and the IQRouter for the connection, obtained through the Client or CoreClient object. * * Having created a GenericRequest, connect to the onResponse signal to be told when a response (either a result or an error) has been received by Swiften. * * To send the iq, then call send() - onResponse will be called when a reply is received. */ template<typename PAYLOAD_TYPE> class SWIFTEN_API GenericRequest : public Request { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<GenericRequest<PAYLOAD_TYPE> > ref; public: /** * Create a request suitable for client use. * @param type Iq type - Get or Set. * @param receiver JID to send request to. * @param payload Payload to send in stanza. * @param router IQRouter instance for current connection. */ GenericRequest( IQ::Type type, const JID& receiver, std::shared_ptr<Payload> payload, IQRouter* router) : Request(type, receiver, payload, router) { } /** * Create a request suitable for component or server use. As a client, use the other constructor instead. * @param type Iq type - Get or Set. * @param sender JID to use in "from" of stanza. * @param receiver JID to send request to. * @param payload Payload to send in stanza. * @param router IQRouter instance for current connection. */ GenericRequest( IQ::Type type, const JID& sender, const JID& receiver, std::shared_ptr<Payload> payload, IQRouter* router) : Request(type, sender, receiver, payload, router) { } /** * Internal method, do not use. */ virtual void handleResponse(std::shared_ptr<Payload> payload, ErrorPayload::ref error) { onResponse(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PAYLOAD_TYPE>(payload), error); } public: std::shared_ptr<PAYLOAD_TYPE> getPayloadGeneric() const { return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PAYLOAD_TYPE>(getPayload()); } public: /** * Signal emitted when a reply to the iq has been received. Contains a payload if one was present, and an error if one was present. */ boost::signals2::signal<void (std::shared_ptr<PAYLOAD_TYPE>, ErrorPayload::ref)> onResponse; }; }