function friendly_version(version) result = version['name'] if version['version'] ~= nil and version['version'] ~= "" then result = result.." version "..version['version'] end if version['os'] ~= nil and version['os'] ~= "" then result = result .." on "..version['os'] end return result end function version_command(command, params, message) jid = swiftob_muc_input_to_jid(params, message['from']) if jid == nil then else swiftob_get_software_version({ to=jid, timeout=10, success_callback=function(result) swiftob_reply_to(message, params.." is running "..friendly_version(result)) end, failure_callback=function(error) swiftob_reply_to(message, "Error getting version from "..params..": "..error) end, timeout_callback=function() swiftob_reply_to(message, "Timeout waiting for version from "..params) end}) end end swiftob_register_command("version", "Anyone", "Ask for someone's version", version_command)