- Qt Open Source Edition
- Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition
- Cygwin
  * Make sure the following tools are installed in Cygwin: 
    - make, python, gcc-core, gcc-g++
    - autoconf, automake (Only necessary when using the development version) 
- OpenSSL
  * Download and extract the Windows binary version of OpenSSL from
  * TODO: Check whether the version from msysDTK works as well. If it does,
    the Makefile and configure script should be adapted, because they assume
    that --with-openssl is set (which may not be necessary)

Building Qt for Microsoft Visual C++
- From the 'Visual C++' 'Programs' group, launch the Visual C++ command prompt
- Go to the dir where you installed Qt
- Configure Qt:
- Build Qt:

Building Swift
- From the 'Visual C++' 'Programs' group, launch the Visual C++ command prompt
- From the command prompt, start Cygwin:
- Go to the Swift source dir
- (If using the development version, run 'autoconf/')
- Configure the build
    ./configure --with-openssl=/path/to/openssl
- Run 'make'