#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script checks various names for the Python interpreter for their existance and version. # The latest valid version is used to run the SCons build tool, which requires python2. # This is needed because some distributions ship Pyhton3 and others Python2 their 'python'. function is_supported_python { local exe=$1 $exe -c 'import sys; (major, minor, a, b, c) = sys.version_info; python_version = (major, minor); exit(not (((2, 7) <= python_version) or ((3, 5) <= python_version)))' 2>/dev/null } declare -a supported_python_versions=(python python2.7 python2.6 python2.5 python2.4) for exe in ${supported_python_versions[*]}; do if is_supported_python "$exe"; then exec $exe `dirname $0`/3rdParty/SCons/scons-3.0.1/script/scons.py "$@" exit fi done echo "No suitable Python interpreter found! Swift build system supports Python 2.7.* and Python 3.5 or higher!" >&2 exit 1