#!/bin/sh # This script assumes that it is run from the toplevel directory, that # the 'configure' script has been called with '--enable-coverage' if [ ! -f config.status ]; then echo "Please configure your build with --enable-coverage and rebuild." exit -1 fi grep -q "\-\-enable-coverage" config.status if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then echo "Please configure your build with --enable-coverage and rebuild." exit -1 fi SOURCE_DIR=. SCRIPT_DIR=tools/coverage LCOVDIR=3rdParty/LCov RESULTS_DIR=tools/coverage/results OUTPUT_DIR=$RESULTS_DIR/coverage-`git log --pretty=format:%ct-%h | head -n 1` make -C $SOURCE_DIR if [ ! -f $OUTPUT_DIR ]; then mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR fi # Reset counters $LCOVDIR/lcov --zerocounters --directory $SOURCE_DIR # All tests make -C $SOURCE_DIR test $LCOVDIR/lcov --capture --directory $SOURCE_DIR -b $SOURCE_DIR --output-file $OUTPUT_DIR/all.info --test-name all #$SCRIPT_DIR/FilterLCovData.py $OUTPUT_DIR/all.info # Generate HTML $LCOVDIR/gendesc -o $OUTPUT_DIR/descriptions $SCRIPT_DIR/descriptions.txt $LCOVDIR/genhtml --title "Swift Coverage" --output-directory $OUTPUT_DIR $OUTPUT_DIR/all.info # Generate summary $SCRIPT_DIR/GenerateSummary.py $OUTPUT_DIR/all.info $OUTPUT_DIR/summary