diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/com/isode/stroke/network/')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/com/isode/stroke/network/ b/test/com/isode/stroke/network/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fa4020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/com/isode/stroke/network/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2016, Isode Limited, London, England.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Acquisition and use of this software and related materials for any
+ * purpose requires a written license agreement from Isode Limited,
+ * or a written license from an organisation licensed by Isode Limited
+ * to grant such a license.
+ *
+ */
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import com.isode.stroke.base.ByteArray;
+import com.isode.stroke.base.SafeByteArray;
+import com.isode.stroke.base.URL;
+import com.isode.stroke.eventloop.DummyEventLoop;
+import com.isode.stroke.eventloop.Event.Callback;
+import com.isode.stroke.eventloop.EventLoop;
+import com.isode.stroke.parser.PlatformXMLParserFactory;
+import com.isode.stroke.signals.Slot1;
+import com.isode.stroke.signals.Slot2;
+import com.isode.stroke.tls.TLSContextFactory;
+import com.isode.stroke.tls.TLSOptions;
+ * Test for {@link BoshConnection}
+ */
+public class BoshConnectionTest {
+ private final DummyEventLoop eventLoop = new DummyEventLoop();
+ private final MockConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new MockConnectionFactory(eventLoop);
+ private boolean connectFinished = false;
+ private boolean connectFinishedWithError = false;
+ private boolean disconnected = false;
+ private boolean disconnectedError = false;
+ private final ByteArray dataRead = new ByteArray();
+ private final PlatformXMLParserFactory parserFactory = new PlatformXMLParserFactory();
+ private final StaticDomainNameResolver resolver = new StaticDomainNameResolver(eventLoop);
+ private final TimerFactory timerFactory = new DummyTimerFactory();
+ private final TLSContextFactory tlsContextFactory = null;
+ private String sid;
+ @After
+ public void tearDown() {
+ eventLoop.processEvents();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testHeader() {
+ BOSHConnection testling = createTestling();
+ testling.connect();
+ eventLoop.processEvents();
+ testling.startStream("wonderland.lit",1);
+ String initial = "<body wait='60' "
+ +"inactivity='30' "
+ +"polling='5' "
+ +"requests='2' "
+ +"hold='1' "
+ +"maxpause='120' "
+ +"sid='MyShinySID' "
+ +"ver='1.6' "
+ +"from='wonderland.lit' "
+ +"xmlns=''/>";
+ readResponse(initial, connectionFactory.connections.get(0));
+ assertEquals("MyShinySID",sid);
+ assertTrue(testling.isReadyToSend());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testReadiness_ok() {
+ BOSHConnection testling = createTestling();
+ testling.connect();
+ eventLoop.processEvents();
+ testling.setSID("blahhhh");
+ assertTrue(testling.isReadyToSend());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testReadiness_pending() {
+ BOSHConnection testling = createTestling();
+ testling.connect();
+ eventLoop.processEvents();
+ testling.setSID("mySID");
+ assertTrue(testling.isReadyToSend());
+ testling.write(new SafeByteArray("<mypayload/>"));
+ assertFalse(testling.isReadyToSend());
+ readResponse("<body><blah/></body>", connectionFactory.connections.get(0));
+ assertTrue(testling.isReadyToSend());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testReadiness_disconnect() {
+ BOSHConnection testling = createTestling();
+ testling.connect();
+ eventLoop.processEvents();
+ testling.setSID("mySID");
+ assertTrue(testling.isReadyToSend());
+ connectionFactory.connections.get(0).onDisconnected.emit(null);
+ assertFalse(testling.isReadyToSend());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testReadiness_noSID() {
+ BOSHConnection testling = createTestling();
+ testling.connect();
+ eventLoop.processEvents();
+ assertFalse(testling.isReadyToSend());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWrite_Receive() {
+ BOSHConnection testling = createTestling();
+ testling.connect();
+ eventLoop.processEvents();
+ testling.setSID("mySID");
+ testling.write(new SafeByteArray("<mypayload/>"));
+ readResponse("<body><blah/></body>", connectionFactory.connections.get(0));
+ assertEquals("<blah/>",dataRead.toString());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWrite_ReceiveTwice() {
+ BOSHConnection testling = createTestling();
+ testling.connect();
+ eventLoop.processEvents();
+ testling.setSID("mySID");
+ testling.write(new SafeByteArray("<mypayload/>"));
+ readResponse("<body><blah/></body>", connectionFactory.connections.get(0));
+ assertEquals("<blah/>",dataRead.toString());
+ dataRead.clear();
+ testling.write(new SafeByteArray("<mypayload2/>"));
+ readResponse("<body><bleh/></body>", connectionFactory.connections.get(0));
+ assertEquals("<bleh/>",dataRead.toString());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRead_Fragment() {
+ BOSHConnection testling = createTestling();
+ testling.connect();
+ eventLoop.processEvents();
+ assertEquals(1, connectionFactory.connections.size());
+ MockConnection connection = connectionFactory.connections.get(0);
+ SafeByteArray data1 = new SafeByteArray(
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"+
+ "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n"+
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n"+
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type\r\n"+
+ "Content-Length: 64\r\n");
+ SafeByteArray data2 = new SafeByteArray(
+ "\r\n<body xmlns=''>"+
+ "<bl");
+ SafeByteArray data3 = new SafeByteArray(
+ "ah/>"+
+ "</body>");
+ connection.onDataRead.emit(data1);
+ connection.onDataRead.emit(data2);
+ assertTrue(dataRead.isEmpty());
+ connection.onDataRead.emit(data3);
+ assertEquals("<blah/>",dataRead.toString());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testHTTPRequest() {
+ String data = "<blah/>";
+ String sid = "wigglebloom";
+ String fullBody = "<body xmlns='' sid='" + sid + "' rid='20'>" + data + "</body>";
+ Pair<SafeByteArray, Integer> http =
+ BOSHConnection.createHTTPRequest(new SafeByteArray(data), false, false,
+ 20, sid, new URL());
+ assertEquals(fullBody.length(),http.second.intValue());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testHTTPRequest_Empty() {
+ String data = "";
+ String sid = "wigglebloomsickle";
+ String fullBody = "<body rid='42' sid='" + sid + "' xmlns=''>" + data + "</body>";
+ Pair<SafeByteArray, Integer> http =
+ BOSHConnection.createHTTPRequest(new SafeByteArray(data), false, false,
+ 42, sid, new URL());
+ assertEquals(fullBody.length(),http.second.intValue());
+ String response = http.first.toString();
+ int bodyPosition = response.indexOf("\r\n\r\n");
+ assertFalse("bodyPosition is equal to -1",-1 == bodyPosition);
+ assertEquals(fullBody,response.substring(bodyPosition+4));
+ }
+ private BOSHConnection createTestling() {
+ resolver.addAddress("wonderland.lit", new HostAddress(""));
+ Connector connector = Connector.create("wonderland.lit", 5280, null, resolver, connectionFactory, timerFactory);
+ BOSHConnection connection = BOSHConnection.create(new URL(), connector, parserFactory,
+ tlsContextFactory, new TLSOptions());
+ connection.onConnectionFinished.connect(new Slot1<Boolean>() {
+ @Override
+ public void call(Boolean hadError) {
+ handleConnectFinished(hadError.booleanValue());
+ }
+ });
+ connection.onDisconnected.connect(new Slot1<Boolean>() {
+ @Override
+ public void call(Boolean hadError) {
+ handleDisconnected(hadError.booleanValue());
+ }
+ });
+ connection.onXMPPDataRead.connect(new Slot1<SafeByteArray>() {
+ @Override
+ public void call(SafeByteArray p1) {
+ handleDataRead(p1);
+ }
+ });
+ connection.onSessionStarted.connect(new Slot2<String, Integer>() {
+ @Override
+ public void call(String sid, Integer requests) {
+ handleSID(sid);
+ }
+ });
+ connection.setRID(42);
+ return connection;
+ }
+ private void handleConnectFinished(boolean hadError) {
+ connectFinished = true;
+ connectFinishedWithError = hadError;
+ }
+ private void handleDisconnected(boolean hadError) {
+ disconnected = true;
+ disconnectedError = hadError;
+ }
+ private void handleDataRead(SafeByteArray data) {
+ dataRead.append(data);
+ }
+ private void handleSID(String s) {
+ sid = s;
+ }
+ private void readResponse(String response,MockConnection connection) {
+ SafeByteArray data1 = new SafeByteArray(
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"+
+ "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n"+
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n"+
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type\r\n"+
+ "Content-Length: "
+ );
+ connection.onDataRead.emit(data1);
+ SafeByteArray data2 = new SafeByteArray(Integer.toString(response.length()));
+ connection.onDataRead.emit(data2);
+ SafeByteArray data3 = new SafeByteArray("\r\n\r\n");
+ connection.onDataRead.emit(data3);
+ SafeByteArray data4 = new SafeByteArray(response);
+ connection.onDataRead.emit(data4);
+ }
+ private static class MockConnection extends Connection {
+ public MockConnection(Collection<HostAddressPort> failingPorts,
+ EventLoop eventLoop) {
+ this.failingPorts = new ArrayList<HostAddressPort>(failingPorts);
+ this.eventLoop = eventLoop;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void listen() {
+ fail();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void connect(HostAddressPort address) {
+ hostAddressPort = address;
+ final boolean fail = failingPorts.contains(address);
+ eventLoop.postEvent(new Callback() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ onConnectFinished.emit(fail);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void disconnect() {
+ disconnected = true;
+ onDisconnected.emit(null);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void write(SafeByteArray data) {
+ dataWritten.append(data);
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see
+ */
+ @Override
+ public HostAddressPort getLocalAddress() {
+ return new HostAddressPort();
+ }
+ public HostAddressPort getRemoteAddress() {
+ return new HostAddressPort();
+ }
+ private final EventLoop eventLoop;
+ private HostAddressPort hostAddressPort;
+ private final List<HostAddressPort> failingPorts;
+ private final ByteArray dataWritten = new ByteArray();
+ private boolean disconnected;
+ }
+ private static class MockConnectionFactory implements ConnectionFactory {
+ public MockConnectionFactory(EventLoop eventLoop) {
+ this.eventLoop = eventLoop;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Connection createConnection() {
+ MockConnection connection = new MockConnection(failingPorts, eventLoop);
+ connections.add(connection);
+ return connection;
+ }
+ private final EventLoop eventLoop;
+ private List<MockConnection> connections = new ArrayList<MockConnection>();
+ private List<HostAddressPort> failingPorts = new ArrayList<HostAddressPort>();
+ }