diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2014-10-19 20:22:58 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2014-10-20 13:49:33 (GMT)
commit6b22dfcf59474dd016a0355a3102a1dd3692d92c (patch)
tree2b1fd33be433a91e81fee84fdc2bf1b52575d934 /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/container/detail/utilities.hpp
parent38b0cb785fea8eae5e48fae56440695fdfd10ee1 (diff)
Update Boost in 3rdParty to version 1.56.0.
This updates Boost in our 3rdParty directory to version 1.56.0. Updated our script to stop on error. Changed error reporting in SwiftTools/CrashReporter.cpp to SWIFT_LOG due to missing include of <iostream> with newer Boost. Change-Id: I4b35c77de951333979a524097f35f5f83d325edc
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/container/detail/utilities.hpp')
1 files changed, 1083 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/container/detail/utilities.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/container/detail/utilities.hpp
index ece9a2e..5aca542 100644
--- a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/container/detail/utilities.hpp
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/container/detail/utilities.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2005-2012. Distributed under the Boost
+// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2005-2013. Distributed under the Boost
// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
@@ -11,21 +11,92 @@
-#include "config_begin.hpp"
+#include <boost/container/detail/config_begin.hpp>
+#include <boost/container/detail/workaround.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring> //for ::memmove / ::memcpy
#include <boost/type_traits/is_fundamental.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_enum.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_member_pointer.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_class.hpp>
-#include <boost/move/move.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_integral.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_floating_point.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/has_trivial_destructor.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/has_trivial_copy.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/has_trivial_assign.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_pod.hpp>
+#include <boost/move/core.hpp>
+#include <boost/move/utility.hpp>
+#include <boost/move/iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/container/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/container/detail/mpl.hpp>
#include <boost/container/detail/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/container/allocator_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/no_exceptions_support.hpp>
+#include <boost/container/detail/memory_util.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive/pointer_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/aligned_storage.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <utility> //std::distance
namespace boost {
namespace container {
+// swap
+namespace container_swap {
+template<class T, bool IsClass = boost::is_class<T>::value >
+struct has_member_swap
+ static const bool value = boost::container::container_detail::
+ has_member_function_callable_with_swap<T, T &>::value;
+template<class T>
+struct has_member_swap<T, false>
+ static const bool value = false;
+} //namespace container_swap {
+template<class T> inline
+typename container_detail::enable_if_c
+ <container_swap::has_member_swap<T>::value, void>::type
+swap_dispatch(T &left, T &right) //swap using member swap
+ left.swap(right); // may throw
+template<class T> inline
+typename container_detail::enable_if_c
+ <!container_swap::has_member_swap<T>::value && boost::has_move_emulation_enabled<T>::value, void>::type
+ swap_dispatch(T &left, T &right)
+ T temp(boost::move(left)); // may throw
+ left = boost::move(right); // may throw
+ right = boost::move(temp); // may throw
+template<class T> inline
+typename container_detail::enable_if_c
+ <!container_swap::has_member_swap<T>::value && !boost::has_move_emulation_enabled<T>::value, void>::type
+ swap_dispatch(T &left, T &right)
+ using std::swap;
+ swap(left, right); // may throw
namespace container_detail {
template <typename T>
@@ -46,42 +117,73 @@ template<class T>
const T &min_value(const T &a, const T &b)
{ return a < b ? a : b; }
-template <class SizeType>
- get_next_capacity(const SizeType max_size
- ,const SizeType capacity
- ,const SizeType n)
+enum NextCapacityOption { NextCapacityDouble, NextCapacity60Percent };
+template<class SizeType, NextCapacityOption Option>
+struct next_capacity_calculator;
+template<class SizeType>
+struct next_capacity_calculator<SizeType, NextCapacityDouble>
-// if (n > max_size - capacity)
-// throw std::length_error("get_next_capacity");
+ static SizeType get(const SizeType max_size
+ ,const SizeType capacity
+ ,const SizeType n)
+ {
+ const SizeType remaining = max_size - capacity;
+ if ( remaining < n )
+ boost::container::throw_length_error("get_next_capacity, allocator's max_size reached");
+ const SizeType additional = max_value(n, capacity);
+ return ( remaining < additional ) ? max_size : ( capacity + additional );
+ }
- const SizeType m3 = max_size/3;
- if (capacity < m3)
- return capacity + max_value(3*(capacity+1)/5, n);
+template<class SizeType>
+struct next_capacity_calculator<SizeType, NextCapacity60Percent>
+ static SizeType get(const SizeType max_size
+ ,const SizeType capacity
+ ,const SizeType n)
+ {
+ const SizeType remaining = max_size - capacity;
+ if ( remaining < n )
+ boost::container::throw_length_error("get_next_capacity, allocator's max_size reached");
+ const SizeType m3 = max_size/3;
- if (capacity < m3*2)
- return capacity + max_value((capacity+1)/2, n);
+ if (capacity < m3)
+ return capacity + max_value(3*(capacity+1)/5, n);
- return max_size;
+ if (capacity < m3*2)
+ return capacity + max_value((capacity+1)/2, n);
+ return max_size;
+ }
template <class T>
inline T* to_raw_pointer(T* p)
{ return p; }
template <class Pointer>
-inline typename Pointer::element_type*
+inline typename boost::intrusive::pointer_traits<Pointer>::element_type*
to_raw_pointer(const Pointer &p)
{ return boost::container::container_detail::to_raw_pointer(p.operator->()); }
-//!To avoid ADL problems with swap
template <class T>
-inline void do_swap(T& x, T& y)
- using std::swap;
- swap(x, y);
+inline T* iterator_to_pointer(T* i)
+{ return i; }
+template <class Iterator>
+inline typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer
+ iterator_to_pointer(const Iterator &i)
+{ return i.operator->(); }
+template <class Iterator>
+ typename boost::intrusive::pointer_traits
+ <typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer>::element_type*
+ iterator_to_raw_pointer(const Iterator &i)
+{ return (to_raw_pointer)((iterator_to_pointer)(i)); }
template<class AllocatorType>
inline void swap_alloc(AllocatorType &, AllocatorType &, container_detail::false_type)
@@ -90,7 +192,7 @@ inline void swap_alloc(AllocatorType &, AllocatorType &, container_detail::false
template<class AllocatorType>
inline void swap_alloc(AllocatorType &l, AllocatorType &r, container_detail::true_type)
-{ container_detail::do_swap(l, r); }
+{ boost::container::swap_dispatch(l, r); }
template<class AllocatorType>
inline void assign_alloc(AllocatorType &, const AllocatorType &, container_detail::false_type)
@@ -123,70 +225,339 @@ struct ct_rounded_size
enum { value = ((OrigSize-1)/RoundTo+1)*RoundTo };
+template<class I>
+struct are_elements_contiguous
+ static const bool value = false;
+// raw pointers
template<class T>
-struct move_const_ref_type
- : if_c
-// < ::boost::is_fundamental<T>::value || ::boost::is_pointer<T>::value || ::boost::is_member_pointer<T>::value || ::boost::is_enum<T>::value
- < !::boost::is_class<T>::value
- ,const T &
- >
+struct are_elements_contiguous<T*>
+ static const bool value = true;
+// predeclarations
+template<class Pointer>
+class vector_iterator;
+template<class Pointer>
+class vector_const_iterator;
+} //namespace container_detail {
+} //namespace container {
+namespace interprocess {
+template <class PointedType, class DifferenceType, class OffsetType, std::size_t OffsetAlignment>
+class offset_ptr;
+} //namespace interprocess {
+namespace container {
+namespace container_detail {
+template<class Pointer>
+struct are_elements_contiguous<boost::container::container_detail::vector_iterator<Pointer> >
+ static const bool value = true;
+template<class Pointer>
+struct are_elements_contiguous<boost::container::container_detail::vector_const_iterator<Pointer> >
+ static const bool value = true;
+// offset_ptr
+template <class PointedType, class DifferenceType, class OffsetType, std::size_t OffsetAlignment>
+struct are_elements_contiguous< ::boost::interprocess::offset_ptr<PointedType, DifferenceType, OffsetType, OffsetAlignment> >
+ static const bool value = true;
+template <typename I, typename O>
+struct are_contiguous_and_same
+ static const bool is_same_io =
+ is_same< typename remove_const< typename ::std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type >::type
+ , typename ::std::iterator_traits<O>::value_type
+ >::value;
+ static const bool value = is_same_io &&
+ are_elements_contiguous<I>::value &&
+ are_elements_contiguous<O>::value;
+template <typename I, typename O>
+struct is_memtransfer_copy_assignable
+ static const bool value = are_contiguous_and_same<I, O>::value &&
+ boost::has_trivial_assign< typename ::std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type >::value;
+template <typename I, typename O>
+struct is_memtransfer_copy_constructible
+ static const bool value = are_contiguous_and_same<I, O>::value &&
+ boost::has_trivial_copy< typename ::std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type >::value;
+template <typename I, typename O, typename R>
+struct enable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible
+ : public enable_if_c<container_detail::is_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, O>::value, R>
+template <typename I, typename O, typename R>
+struct disable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible
+ : public enable_if_c<!container_detail::is_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, O>::value, R>
+template <typename I, typename O, typename R>
+struct enable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable
+ : public enable_if_c<container_detail::is_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, O>::value, R>
+template <typename I, typename O, typename R>
+struct disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable
+ : public enable_if_c<!container_detail::is_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, O>::value, R>
+ <typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline F memmove(I f, I l, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type value_type;
+ typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n = std::distance(f, l);
+ ::memmove((iterator_to_raw_pointer)(r), (iterator_to_raw_pointer)(f), sizeof(value_type)*n);
+ std::advance(r, n);
+ return r;
+ <typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+F memmove_n(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type value_type;
+ ::memmove((iterator_to_raw_pointer)(r), (iterator_to_raw_pointer)(f), sizeof(value_type)*n);
+ std::advance(r, n);
+ return r;
+ <typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+I memmove_n_source(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type value_type;
+ ::memmove((iterator_to_raw_pointer)(r), (iterator_to_raw_pointer)(f), sizeof(value_type)*n);
+ std::advance(f, n);
+ return f;
+ <typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+I memmove_n_source_dest(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F &r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type value_type;
+ ::memmove((iterator_to_raw_pointer)(r), (iterator_to_raw_pointer)(f), sizeof(value_type)*n);
+ std::advance(f, n);
+ std::advance(r, n);
+ return f;
+template <typename O>
+struct is_memzero_initializable
+ typedef typename ::std::iterator_traits<O>::value_type value_type;
+ static const bool value = are_elements_contiguous<O>::value &&
+ ( ::boost::is_integral<value_type>::value || ::boost::is_enum<value_type>::value
+ || ::boost::is_pointer<value_type>::value
+ #endif
+ || ::boost::is_floating_point<value_type>::value
+ #endif
+ || ::boost::is_pod<value_type>::value
+ #endif
+ );
+template <typename O, typename R>
+struct enable_if_memzero_initializable
+ : public enable_if_c<container_detail::is_memzero_initializable<O>::value, R>
+template <typename O, typename R>
+struct disable_if_memzero_initializable
+ : public enable_if_c<!container_detail::is_memzero_initializable<O>::value, R>
} //namespace container_detail {
// uninitialized_move_alloc
//! <b>Effects</b>:
//! \code
-//! for (; first != last; ++result, ++first)
-//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*result, boost::move(*first));
+//! for (; f != l; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r, boost::move(*f));
//! \endcode
-//! <b>Returns</b>: result
+//! <b>Returns</b>: r
<typename A,
typename I, // I models InputIterator
typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
-F uninitialized_move_alloc(A &a, I f, I l, F r)
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_move_alloc(A &a, I f, I l, F r)
- while (f != l) {
- allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::to_raw_pointer(&*r), boost::move(*f));
- ++f; ++r;
+ F back = r;
+ while (f != l) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r), boost::move(*f));
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != r; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
return r;
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_move_alloc(A &, I f, I l, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove(f, l, r); }
-// uninitialized_copy_alloc
+// uninitialized_move_alloc_n
//! <b>Effects</b>:
//! \code
-//! for (; first != last; ++result, ++first)
-//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*result, *first);
+//! for (; n--; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r, boost::move(*f));
//! \endcode
-//! <b>Returns</b>: result
+//! <b>Returns</b>: r
<typename A,
typename I, // I models InputIterator
typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
-F uninitialized_copy_alloc(A &a, I f, I l, F r)
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_move_alloc_n(A &a, I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r)
- while (f != l) {
- allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::to_raw_pointer(&*r), *f);
- ++f; ++r;
+ F back = r;
+ while (n--) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r), boost::move(*f));
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != r; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
return r;
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_move_alloc_n(A &, I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n(f, n, r); }
+// uninitialized_move_alloc_n_source
+//! <b>Effects</b>:
+//! \code
+//! for (; n--; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r, boost::move(*f));
+//! \endcode
+//! <b>Returns</b>: f (after incremented)
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, I>::type
+ uninitialized_move_alloc_n_source(A &a, I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r)
+ F back = r;
+ while (n--) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r), boost::move(*f));
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != r; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
+ }
+ return f;
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, I>::type
+ uninitialized_move_alloc_n_source(A &, I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n_source(f, n, r); }
// uninitialized_copy_alloc
@@ -195,58 +566,701 @@ F uninitialized_copy_alloc(A &a, I f, I l, F r)
//! <b>Effects</b>:
//! \code
-//! for (; first != last; ++result, ++first)
-//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*result, *first);
+//! for (; f != l; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r, *f);
+//! \endcode
+//! <b>Returns</b>: r
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_copy_alloc(A &a, I f, I l, F r)
+ F back = r;
+ while (f != l) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r), *f);
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != r; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_copy_alloc(A &, I f, I l, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove(f, l, r); }
+// uninitialized_copy_alloc_n
+//! <b>Effects</b>:
+//! \code
+//! for (; n--; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r, *f);
+//! \endcode
+//! <b>Returns</b>: r
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_copy_alloc_n(A &a, I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r)
+ F back = r;
+ while (n--) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r), *f);
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != r; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_copy_alloc_n(A &, I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n(f, n, r); }
+// uninitialized_copy_alloc_n_source
+//! <b>Effects</b>:
+//! \code
+//! for (; n--; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r, *f);
+//! \endcode
+//! <b>Returns</b>: f (after incremented)
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, I>::type
+ uninitialized_copy_alloc_n_source(A &a, I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r)
+ F back = r;
+ while (n--) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r), *f);
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != r; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
+ }
+ return f;
+ <typename A,
+ typename I, // I models InputIterator
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_constructible<I, F, I>::type
+ uninitialized_copy_alloc_n_source(A &, I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n_source(f, n, r); }
+// uninitialized_value_init_alloc_n
+//! <b>Effects</b>:
+//! \code
+//! for (; n--; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r);
+//! \endcode
+//! <b>Returns</b>: r
+ <typename A,
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memzero_initializable<F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_value_init_alloc_n(A &a, typename allocator_traits<A>::difference_type n, F r)
+ F back = r;
+ while (n--) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r));
+ ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != r; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ <typename A,
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memzero_initializable<F, F>::type
+ uninitialized_value_init_alloc_n(A &, typename allocator_traits<A>::difference_type n, F r)
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<F>::value_type value_type;
+ ::memset((void*)container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r), 0, sizeof(value_type)*n);
+ std::advance(r, n);
+ return r;
+// uninitialized_default_init_alloc_n
+//! <b>Effects</b>:
+//! \code
+//! for (; n--; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r);
//! \endcode
-//! <b>Returns</b>: result
+//! <b>Returns</b>: r
+ <typename A,
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline F uninitialized_default_init_alloc_n(A &a, typename allocator_traits<A>::difference_type n, F r)
+ F back = r;
+ while (n--) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r), default_init);
+ ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != r; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+// uninitialized_fill_alloc
+//! <b>Effects</b>:
+//! \code
+//! for (; f != l; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r, *f);
+//! \endcode
+//! <b>Returns</b>: r
<typename A,
typename F, // F models ForwardIterator
typename T>
-void uninitialized_fill_alloc(A &a, F f, F l, const T &t)
+inline void uninitialized_fill_alloc(A &a, F f, F l, const T &t)
+ F back = f;
+ while (f != l) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(f), t);
+ ++f;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != l; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
+ }
+// uninitialized_fill_alloc_n
+//! <b>Effects</b>:
+//! \code
+//! for (; n--; ++r, ++f)
+//! allocator_traits::construct(a, &*r, v);
+//! \endcode
+//! <b>Returns</b>: r
+ <typename A,
+ typename T,
+ typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline F uninitialized_fill_alloc_n(A &a, const T &v, typename allocator_traits<A>::difference_type n, F r)
+ F back = r;
+ while (n--) {
+ allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(r), v);
+ ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; back != r; ++back){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(back));
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+// copy
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, F>::type
+ copy(I f, I l, F r)
while (f != l) {
- allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, container_detail::to_raw_pointer(&*f), t);
- ++f;
+ *r = *f;
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ return r;
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, F>::type
+{ return container_detail::memmove(f, l, r); }
+// copy_n
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, F>::type
+ copy_n(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r)
+ while (n--) {
+ *r = *f;
+ ++f; ++r;
+ return r;
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, F>::type
+ copy_n(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n(f, n, r); }
-// uninitialized_copy_or_move_alloc
+// copy_n_source
-<typename A
-,typename I // I models InputIterator
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, I>::type
+ copy_n_source(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r)
+ while (n--) {
+ *r = *f;
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ return f;
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, I>::type
+ copy_n_source(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n_source(f, n, r); }
+// copy_n_source_dest
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, I>::type
+ copy_n_source_dest(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F &r)
+ while (n--) {
+ *r = *f;
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ return f;
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, I>::type
+ copy_n_source_dest(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F &r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n_source_dest(f, n, r); }
+// move
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, F>::type
+ move(I f, I l, F r)
+ while (f != l) {
+ *r = ::boost::move(*f);
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ return r;
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, F>::type
+{ return container_detail::memmove(f, l, r); }
+// move_n
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, F>::type
+ move_n(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r)
+ while (n--) {
+ *r = ::boost::move(*f);
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ return r;
+<typename I, // I models InputIterator
+typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, F>::type
+ move_n(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n(f, n, r); }
+// move_n_source
+<typename I // I models InputIterator
,typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
-F uninitialized_copy_or_move_alloc
- (A &a, I f, I l, F r
- ,typename boost::container::container_detail::enable_if
- < boost::move_detail::is_move_iterator<I> >::type* = 0)
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, I>::type
+ move_n_source(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r)
- return ::boost::container::uninitialized_move_alloc(a, f, l, r);
+ while (n--) {
+ *r = ::boost::move(*f);
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ return f;
-<typename A
-,typename I // I models InputIterator
+<typename I // I models InputIterator
,typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
-F uninitialized_copy_or_move_alloc
- (A &a, I f, I l, F r
- ,typename boost::container::container_detail::disable_if
- < boost::move_detail::is_move_iterator<I> >::type* = 0)
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, I>::type
+ move_n_source(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n_source(f, n, r); }
+// move_n_source_dest
+<typename I // I models InputIterator
+,typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, I>::type
+ move_n_source_dest(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F &r)
- return ::boost::container::uninitialized_copy_alloc(a, f, l, r);
+ while (n--) {
+ *r = ::boost::move(*f);
+ ++f; ++r;
+ }
+ return f;
+<typename I // I models InputIterator
+,typename F> // F models ForwardIterator
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<I, F, I>::type
+ move_n_source_dest(I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n, F &r) BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT
+{ return container_detail::memmove_n_source_dest(f, n, r); }
+// destroy_n
+ <typename A
+ ,typename I> // I models InputIterator
+inline void destroy_alloc_n(A &a, I f, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type n
+ ,typename boost::container::container_detail::enable_if_c
+ < !boost::has_trivial_destructor<typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type>::value >::type* = 0)
+ while(n--){
+ allocator_traits<A>::destroy(a, container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(f++));
+ }
+ <typename A
+ ,typename I> // I models InputIterator
+inline void destroy_alloc_n(A &, I, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type
+ ,typename boost::container::container_detail::enable_if_c
+ < boost::has_trivial_destructor<typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type>::value >::type* = 0)
+// deep_swap_alloc_n
+ <std::size_t MaxTmpBytes
+ ,typename A
+ ,typename F // F models ForwardIterator
+ ,typename G // G models ForwardIterator
+ >
+inline typename container_detail::disable_if_memtransfer_copy_assignable<F, G, void>::type
+ deep_swap_alloc_n( A &a, F short_range_f, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_i
+ , G large_range_f, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_j)
+ typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n = 0;
+ for (; n != n_i ; ++short_range_f, ++large_range_f, ++n){
+ boost::container::swap_dispatch(*short_range_f, *large_range_f);
+ }
+ boost::container::uninitialized_move_alloc_n(a, large_range_f, n_j - n_i, short_range_f); // may throw
+ boost::container::destroy_alloc_n(a, large_range_f, n_j - n_i);
+static const std::size_t DeepSwapAllocNMaxStorage = std::size_t(1) << std::size_t(11); //2K bytes
+ <std::size_t MaxTmpBytes
+ ,typename A
+ ,typename F // F models ForwardIterator
+ ,typename G // G models ForwardIterator
+ >
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_c
+ < container_detail::is_memtransfer_copy_assignable<F, G>::value && (MaxTmpBytes <= DeepSwapAllocNMaxStorage) && false
+ , void>::type
+ deep_swap_alloc_n( A &a, F short_range_f, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_i
+ , G large_range_f, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_j)
+ typedef typename allocator_traits<A>::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename boost::aligned_storage
+ <MaxTmpBytes, container_detail::alignment_of<value_type>::value>::type storage_type;
+ storage_type storage;
+ const std::size_t n_i_bytes = sizeof(value_type)*n_i;
+ void *const large_ptr = static_cast<void*>(container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(large_range_f));
+ void *const short_ptr = static_cast<void*>(container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(short_range_f));
+ void *const stora_ptr = static_cast<void*>(container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(storage));
+ ::memcpy(stora_ptr, large_ptr, n_i_bytes);
+ ::memcpy(large_ptr, short_ptr, n_i_bytes);
+ ::memcpy(short_ptr, stora_ptr, n_i_bytes);
+ std::advance(large_range_f, n_i);
+ std::advance(short_range_f, n_i);
+ boost::container::uninitialized_move_alloc_n(a, large_range_f, n_j - n_i, short_range_f); // may throw
+ boost::container::destroy_alloc_n(a, large_range_f, n_j - n_i);
+ <std::size_t MaxTmpBytes
+ ,typename A
+ ,typename F // F models ForwardIterator
+ ,typename G // G models ForwardIterator
+ >
+inline typename container_detail::enable_if_c
+ < container_detail::is_memtransfer_copy_assignable<F, G>::value && true//(MaxTmpBytes > DeepSwapAllocNMaxStorage)
+ , void>::type
+ deep_swap_alloc_n( A &a, F short_range_f, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_i
+ , G large_range_f, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_j)
+ typedef typename allocator_traits<A>::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename boost::aligned_storage
+ <DeepSwapAllocNMaxStorage, container_detail::alignment_of<value_type>::value>::type storage_type;
+ storage_type storage;
+ const std::size_t sizeof_storage = sizeof(storage);
+ std::size_t n_i_bytes = sizeof(value_type)*n_i;
+ char *large_ptr = static_cast<char*>(static_cast<void*>(container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(large_range_f)));
+ char *short_ptr = static_cast<char*>(static_cast<void*>(container_detail::iterator_to_raw_pointer(short_range_f)));
+ char *stora_ptr = static_cast<char*>(static_cast<void*>(&storage));
+ std::size_t szt_times = n_i_bytes/sizeof_storage;
+ const std::size_t szt_rem = n_i_bytes%sizeof_storage;
+ //Loop unrolling using Duff's device, as it seems it helps on some architectures
+ const std::size_t Unroll = 4;
+ std::size_t n = (szt_times + (Unroll-1))/Unroll;
+ const std::size_t branch_number = (!szt_times)*Unroll + (szt_times % Unroll);
+ switch(branch_number){
+ case 4:
+ break;
+ case 0: do{
+ ::memcpy(stora_ptr, large_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ ::memcpy(large_ptr, short_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ ::memcpy(short_ptr, stora_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ large_ptr += sizeof_storage;
+ short_ptr += sizeof_storage;
+ case 3:
+ ::memcpy(stora_ptr, large_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ ::memcpy(large_ptr, short_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ ::memcpy(short_ptr, stora_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ large_ptr += sizeof_storage;
+ short_ptr += sizeof_storage;
+ case 2:
+ ::memcpy(stora_ptr, large_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ ::memcpy(large_ptr, short_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ ::memcpy(short_ptr, stora_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ large_ptr += sizeof_storage;
+ short_ptr += sizeof_storage;
+ case 1:
+ ::memcpy(stora_ptr, large_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ ::memcpy(large_ptr, short_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ ::memcpy(short_ptr, stora_ptr, sizeof_storage);
+ large_ptr += sizeof_storage;
+ short_ptr += sizeof_storage;
+ } while(--n);
+ }
+ ::memcpy(stora_ptr, large_ptr, szt_rem);
+ ::memcpy(large_ptr, short_ptr, szt_rem);
+ ::memcpy(short_ptr, stora_ptr, szt_rem);
+ std::advance(large_range_f, n_i);
+ std::advance(short_range_f, n_i);
+ boost::container::uninitialized_move_alloc_n(a, large_range_f, n_j - n_i, short_range_f); // may throw
+ boost::container::destroy_alloc_n(a, large_range_f, n_j - n_i);
+// copy_assign_range_alloc_n
+ <typename A
+ ,typename I // F models InputIterator
+ ,typename O // G models OutputIterator
+ >
+void copy_assign_range_alloc_n( A &a, I inp_start, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_i
+ , O out_start, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_o )
+ if (n_o < n_i){
+ inp_start = boost::container::copy_n_source_dest(inp_start, n_o, out_start); // may throw
+ boost::container::uninitialized_copy_alloc_n(a, inp_start, n_i - n_o, out_start);// may throw
+ }
+ else{
+ out_start = boost::container::copy_n(inp_start, n_i, out_start); // may throw
+ boost::container::destroy_alloc_n(a, out_start, n_o - n_i);
+ }
+// move_assign_range_alloc_n
+ <typename A
+ ,typename I // F models InputIterator
+ ,typename O // G models OutputIterator
+ >
+void move_assign_range_alloc_n( A &a, I inp_start, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_i
+ , O out_start, typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type n_o )
+ if (n_o < n_i){
+ inp_start = boost::container::move_n_source_dest(inp_start, n_o, out_start); // may throw
+ boost::container::uninitialized_move_alloc_n(a, inp_start, n_i - n_o, out_start); // may throw
+ }
+ else{
+ out_start = boost::container::move_n(inp_start, n_i, out_start); // may throw
+ boost::container::destroy_alloc_n(a, out_start, n_o - n_i);
+ }
} //namespace container {
} //namespace boost {
#include <boost/container/detail/config_end.hpp>