diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2009-06-01 08:48:42 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2009-06-01 09:24:28 (GMT)
commit2812bddd81f8a1b804c7460f4e14cd0aa393d129 (patch)
treed46294f35150c4f0f43deaf2d31fceaf945ae715 /3rdParty/Boost/boost/exception
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/boost/exception')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/boost/exception/exception.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/boost/exception/exception.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df93ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/boost/exception/exception.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+//Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Emil Dotchevski and Reverge Studios, Inc.
+//Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+//file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#ifndef UUID_274DA366004E11DCB1DDFE2E56D89593
+#define UUID_274DA366004E11DCB1DDFE2E56D89593
+ {
+ namespace
+ exception_detail
+ {
+ template <class T>
+ class
+ refcount_ptr
+ {
+ public:
+ refcount_ptr():
+ px_(0)
+ {
+ }
+ ~refcount_ptr()
+ {
+ release();
+ }
+ refcount_ptr( refcount_ptr const & x ):
+ px_(x.px_)
+ {
+ add_ref();
+ }
+ refcount_ptr &
+ operator=( refcount_ptr const & x )
+ {
+ adopt(x.px_);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void
+ adopt( T * px )
+ {
+ release();
+ px_=px;
+ add_ref();
+ }
+ T *
+ get() const
+ {
+ return px_;
+ }
+ private:
+ T * px_;
+ void
+ add_ref()
+ {
+ if( px_ )
+ px_->add_ref();
+ }
+ void
+ release()
+ {
+ if( px_ )
+ px_->release();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <class Tag,class T>
+ class error_info;
+ typedef error_info<struct tag_throw_function,char const *> throw_function;
+ typedef error_info<struct tag_throw_file,char const *> throw_file;
+ typedef error_info<struct tag_throw_line,int> throw_line;
+ template <>
+ class
+ error_info<tag_throw_function,char const *>
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef char const * value_type;
+ value_type v_;
+ explicit
+ error_info( value_type v ):
+ v_(v)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ class
+ error_info<tag_throw_file,char const *>
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef char const * value_type;
+ value_type v_;
+ explicit
+ error_info( value_type v ):
+ v_(v)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ class
+ error_info<tag_throw_line,int>
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef int value_type;
+ value_type v_;
+ explicit
+ error_info( value_type v ):
+ v_(v)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ template <class E,class Tag,class T>
+ E const & operator<<( E const &, error_info<Tag,T> const & );
+ class exception;
+ template <class>
+ class shared_ptr;
+ namespace
+ exception_detail
+ {
+ class error_info_base;
+ struct type_info_;
+ struct
+ error_info_container
+ {
+ virtual char const * diagnostic_information() const = 0;
+ virtual shared_ptr<error_info_base const> get( type_info_ const & ) const = 0;
+ virtual void set( shared_ptr<error_info_base const> const &, type_info_ const & ) = 0;
+ virtual void add_ref() const = 0;
+ virtual void release() const = 0;
+ protected:
+ virtual
+ ~error_info_container() throw()
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ template <class>
+ struct get_info;
+ template <>
+ struct get_info<throw_function>;
+ template <>
+ struct get_info<throw_file>;
+ template <>
+ struct get_info<throw_line>;
+ char const * get_diagnostic_information( exception const & );
+ }
+ class
+ exception
+ {
+ protected:
+ exception():
+ throw_function_(0),
+ throw_file_(0),
+ throw_line_(-1)
+ {
+ }
+#ifdef __HP_aCC
+ //On HP aCC, this protected copy constructor prevents throwing boost::exception.
+ //On all other platforms, the same effect is achieved by the pure virtual destructor.
+ exception( exception const & x ) throw():
+ data_(x.data_),
+ throw_function_(x.throw_function_),
+ throw_file_(x.throw_file_),
+ throw_line_(x.throw_line_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~exception() throw()
+#ifndef __HP_aCC
+ = 0 //Workaround for HP aCC, =0 incorrectly leads to link errors.
+ ;
+ private:
+ template <class E>
+ friend
+ E const &
+ operator<<( E const & x, throw_function const & y )
+ {
+ x.throw_function_=y.v_;
+ return x;
+ }
+ template <class E>
+ friend
+ E const &
+ operator<<( E const & x, throw_file const & y )
+ {
+ x.throw_file_=y.v_;
+ return x;
+ }
+ template <class E>
+ friend
+ E const &
+ operator<<( E const & x, throw_line const & y )
+ {
+ x.throw_line_=y.v_;
+ return x;
+ }
+ friend char const * exception_detail::get_diagnostic_information( exception const & );
+ template <class E,class Tag,class T>
+ friend E const & operator<<( E const &, error_info<Tag,T> const & );
+ template <class>
+ friend struct exception_detail::get_info;
+ friend struct exception_detail::get_info<throw_function>;
+ friend struct exception_detail::get_info<throw_file>;
+ friend struct exception_detail::get_info<throw_line>;
+ mutable exception_detail::refcount_ptr<exception_detail::error_info_container> data_;
+ mutable char const * throw_function_;
+ mutable char const * throw_file_;
+ mutable int throw_line_;
+ };
+ inline
+ exception::
+ ~exception() throw()
+ {
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ namespace
+ exception_detail
+ {
+ template <class T>
+ struct
+ error_info_injector:
+ public T,
+ public exception
+ {
+ explicit
+ error_info_injector( T const & x ):
+ T(x)
+ {
+ }
+ ~error_info_injector() throw()
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct large_size { char c[256]; };
+ large_size dispatch( exception * );
+ struct small_size { };
+ small_size dispatch( void * );
+ template <class,int>
+ struct enable_error_info_helper;
+ template <class T>
+ struct
+ enable_error_info_helper<T,sizeof(large_size)>
+ {
+ typedef T type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct
+ enable_error_info_helper<T,sizeof(small_size)>
+ {
+ typedef error_info_injector<T> type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct
+ enable_error_info_return_type
+ {
+ typedef typename enable_error_info_helper<T,sizeof(dispatch((T*)0))>::type type;
+ };
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline
+ typename
+ exception_detail::enable_error_info_return_type<T>::type
+ enable_error_info( T const & x )
+ {
+ typedef typename exception_detail::enable_error_info_return_type<T>::type rt;
+ return rt(x);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ namespace
+ exception_detail
+ {
+ class
+ clone_base
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual clone_base const * clone() const = 0;
+ virtual void rethrow() const = 0;
+ virtual
+ ~clone_base() throw()
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ inline
+ void
+ copy_boost_exception( exception * a, exception const * b )
+ {
+ *a = *b;
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ copy_boost_exception( void *, void const * )
+ {
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ class
+ clone_impl:
+ public T,
+ public clone_base
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit
+ clone_impl( T const & x ):
+ T(x)
+ {
+ copy_boost_exception(this,&x);
+ }
+ ~clone_impl() throw()
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ clone_base const *
+ clone() const
+ {
+ return new clone_impl(*this);
+ }
+ void
+ rethrow() const
+ {
+ throw*this;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline
+ exception_detail::clone_impl<T>
+ enable_current_exception( T const & x )
+ {
+ return exception_detail::clone_impl<T>(x);
+ }
+ }