diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2014-10-19 20:22:58 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2014-10-20 13:49:33 (GMT)
commit6b22dfcf59474dd016a0355a3102a1dd3692d92c (patch)
tree2b1fd33be433a91e81fee84fdc2bf1b52575d934 /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/atomic/detail/ops_gcc_arm.hpp
parent38b0cb785fea8eae5e48fae56440695fdfd10ee1 (diff)
Update Boost in 3rdParty to version 1.56.0.
This updates Boost in our 3rdParty directory to version 1.56.0. Updated our script to stop on error. Changed error reporting in SwiftTools/CrashReporter.cpp to SWIFT_LOG due to missing include of <iostream> with newer Boost. Change-Id: I4b35c77de951333979a524097f35f5f83d325edc
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/atomic/detail/ops_gcc_arm.hpp')
1 files changed, 971 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/atomic/detail/ops_gcc_arm.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/atomic/detail/ops_gcc_arm.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29e1e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/atomic/detail/ops_gcc_arm.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Helge Bahmann
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 Tim Blechmann
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Andrey Semashev
+ */
+ * \file atomic/detail/ops_gcc_arm.hpp
+ *
+ * This header contains implementation of the \c operations template.
+ */
+#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+#include <boost/memory_order.hpp>
+#include <boost/atomic/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/atomic/detail/storage_type.hpp>
+#include <boost/atomic/detail/operations_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/atomic/detail/ops_extending_cas_based.hpp>
+#include <boost/atomic/capabilities.hpp>
+#pragma once
+namespace boost {
+namespace atomics {
+namespace detail {
+// From the ARM Architecture Reference Manual for architecture v6:
+// LDREX{<cond>} <Rd>, [<Rn>]
+// <Rd> Specifies the destination register for the memory word addressed by <Rd>
+// <Rn> Specifies the register containing the address.
+// STREX{<cond>} <Rd>, <Rm>, [<Rn>]
+// <Rd> Specifies the destination register for the returned status value.
+// 0 if the operation updates memory
+// 1 if the operation fails to update memory
+// <Rm> Specifies the register containing the word to be stored to memory.
+// <Rn> Specifies the register containing the address.
+// Rd must not be the same register as Rm or Rn.
+// ARM v7 is like ARM v6 plus:
+// There are half-word and byte versions of the LDREX and STREX instructions,
+// There are also double-word versions, LDREXD and STREXD.
+// (Actually it looks like these are available from version 6k onwards.)
+// FIXME these are not yet used; should be mostly a matter of copy-and-paste.
+// I think you can supply an immediate offset to the address.
+// A memory barrier is effected using a "co-processor 15" instruction,
+// though a separate assembler mnemonic is available for it in v7.
+// "Thumb 1" is a subset of the ARM instruction set that uses a 16-bit encoding. It
+// doesn't include all instructions and in particular it doesn't include the co-processor
+// instruction used for the memory barrier or the load-locked/store-conditional
+// instructions. So, if we're compiling in "Thumb 1" mode, we need to wrap all of our
+// asm blocks with code to temporarily change to ARM mode.
+// You can only change between ARM and Thumb modes when branching using the bx instruction.
+// bx takes an address specified in a register. The least significant bit of the address
+// indicates the mode, so 1 is added to indicate that the destination code is Thumb.
+// A temporary register is needed for the address and is passed as an argument to these
+// macros. It must be one of the "low" registers accessible to Thumb code, specified
+// using the "l" attribute in the asm statement.
+// Architecture v7 introduces "Thumb 2", which does include (almost?) all of the ARM
+// instruction set. (Actually, there was an extension of v6 called v6T2 which supported
+// "Thumb 2" mode, but its architecture manual is no longer available, referring to v7.)
+// So in v7 we don't need to change to ARM mode; we can write "universal
+// assembler" which will assemble to Thumb 2 or ARM code as appropriate. The only thing
+// we need to do to make this "universal" assembler mode work is to insert "IT" instructions
+// to annotate the conditional instructions. These are ignored in other modes (e.g. v6),
+// so they can always be present.
+// A note about memory_order_consume. Technically, this architecture allows to avoid
+// unnecessary memory barrier after consume load since it supports data dependency ordering.
+// However, some compiler optimizations may break a seemingly valid code relying on data
+// dependency tracking by injecting bogus branches to aid out of order execution.
+// This may happen not only in Boost.Atomic code but also in user's code, which we have no
+// control of. See this thread:
+// For this reason we promote memory_order_consume to memory_order_acquire.
+#if defined(__thumb__) && !defined(__thumb2__)
+#define BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ARM_ASM_START(TMPREG) "adr " #TMPREG ", 8f\n" "bx " #TMPREG "\n" ".arm\n" ".align 4\n" "8:\n"
+#define BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ARM_ASM_END(TMPREG) "adr " #TMPREG ", 9f + 1\n" "bx " #TMPREG "\n" ".thumb\n" ".align 2\n" "9:\n"
+// The tmpreg may be wasted in this case, which is non-optimal.
+struct gcc_arm_operations_base
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void fence_before(memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ if ((order & memory_order_release) != 0)
+ hardware_full_fence();
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void fence_after(memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ if ((order & (memory_order_consume | memory_order_acquire)) != 0)
+ hardware_full_fence();
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void fence_after_store(memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ if (order == memory_order_seq_cst)
+ hardware_full_fence();
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void hardware_full_fence() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ // Older binutils (supposedly, older than 2.21.1) didn't support symbolic or numeric arguments of the "dmb" instruction such as "ish" or "#11".
+ // As a workaround we have to inject encoded bytes of the instruction. There are two encodings for the instruction: ARM and Thumb. See ARM Architecture Reference Manual, A8.8.43.
+ // Since we cannot detect binutils version at compile time, we'll have to always use this hack.
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+#if defined(__thumb2__)
+ ".short 0xF3BF, 0x8F5B\n" // dmb ish
+ ".word 0xF57FF05B\n" // dmb ish
+ :
+ :
+ : "memory"
+ );
+ int tmp;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "mcr\tp15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 5\n"
+ : "=&l" (tmp)
+ :
+ : "memory"
+ );
+ }
+template< bool Signed >
+struct operations< 4u, Signed > :
+ public gcc_arm_operations_base
+ typedef typename make_storage_type< 4u, Signed >::type storage_type;
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void store(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ storage = v;
+ fence_after_store(order);
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type load(storage_type const volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ storage_type v = storage;
+ fence_after(order);
+ return v;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type exchange(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ storage_type original;
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // load the original value
+ "strex %[tmp], %[value], %[storage]\n" // store the replacement, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // check if store succeeded
+ "bne 1b\n"
+ : [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), [original] "=&r" (original), [storage] "+Q" (storage)
+ : [value] "r" (v)
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool compare_exchange_weak(
+ storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type& expected, storage_type desired, memory_order success_order, memory_order failure_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(success_order);
+ uint32_t success;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "mov %[success], #0\n" // success = 0
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "cmp %[original], %[expected]\n" // flags = original==expected
+ "itt eq\n" // [hint that the following 2 instructions are conditional on flags.equal]
+ "strexeq %[success], %[desired], %[storage]\n" // if (flags.equal) *(&storage) = desired, success = store failed
+ "eoreq %[success], %[success], #1\n" // if (flags.equal) success ^= 1 (i.e. make it 1 if store succeeded)
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [success] "=&r" (success), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [expected] "r" (expected), // %4
+ [desired] "r" (desired) // %5
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ if (success)
+ fence_after(success_order);
+ else
+ fence_after(failure_order);
+ expected = original;
+ return !!success;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool compare_exchange_strong(
+ storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type& expected, storage_type desired, memory_order success_order, memory_order failure_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(success_order);
+ uint32_t success;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "mov %[success], #0\n" // success = 0
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "cmp %[original], %[expected]\n" // flags = original==expected
+ "bne 2f\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto end
+ "strex %[success], %[desired], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = desired, success = store failed
+ "eors %[success], %[success], #1\n" // success ^= 1 (i.e. make it 1 if store succeeded); flags.equal = success == 0
+ "beq 1b\n" // if (flags.equal) goto retry
+ "2:\n"
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [success] "=&r" (success), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [expected] "r" (expected), // %4
+ [desired] "r" (desired) // %5
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ if (success)
+ fence_after(success_order);
+ else
+ fence_after(failure_order);
+ expected = original;
+ return !!success;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_add(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "add %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original + value
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_sub(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "sub %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original - value
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_and(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "and %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original & value
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_or(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "orr %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original | value
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_xor(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "eor %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original ^ value
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool test_and_set(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return !!exchange(storage, (storage_type)1, order);
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void clear(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ store(storage, 0, order);
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool is_lock_free(storage_type const volatile&) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+template< >
+struct operations< 1u, false > :
+ public operations< 4u, false >
+ typedef operations< 4u, false > base_type;
+ typedef base_type::storage_type storage_type;
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_add(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "add %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original + value
+ "uxtb %[result], %[result]\n" // zero extend result from 8 to 32 bits
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_sub(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "sub %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original - value
+ "uxtb %[result], %[result]\n" // zero extend result from 8 to 32 bits
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+template< >
+struct operations< 1u, true > :
+ public operations< 4u, true >
+ typedef operations< 4u, true > base_type;
+ typedef base_type::storage_type storage_type;
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_add(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "add %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original + value
+ "sxtb %[result], %[result]\n" // sign extend result from 8 to 32 bits
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_sub(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "sub %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original - value
+ "sxtb %[result], %[result]\n" // sign extend result from 8 to 32 bits
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+template< >
+struct operations< 2u, false > :
+ public operations< 4u, false >
+ typedef operations< 4u, false > base_type;
+ typedef base_type::storage_type storage_type;
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_add(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "add %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original + value
+ "uxth %[result], %[result]\n" // zero extend result from 16 to 32 bits
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_sub(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "sub %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original - value
+ "uxth %[result], %[result]\n" // zero extend result from 16 to 32 bits
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+template< >
+struct operations< 2u, true > :
+ public operations< 4u, true >
+ typedef operations< 4u, true > base_type;
+ typedef base_type::storage_type storage_type;
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_add(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "add %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original + value
+ "sxth %[result], %[result]\n" // sign extend result from 16 to 32 bits
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_sub(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, result;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrex %[original], %[storage]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "sub %[result], %[original], %[value]\n" // result = original - value
+ "sxth %[result], %[result]\n" // sign extend result from 16 to 32 bits
+ "strex %[tmp], %[result], %[storage]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %[tmp], #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ : [original] "=&r" (original), // %0
+ [result] "=&r" (result), // %1
+ [tmp] "=&l" (tmp), // %2
+ [storage] "+Q" (storage) // %3
+ : [value] "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+// Unlike 32-bit operations, for 64-bit loads and stores we must use ldrexd/strexd.
+// Any other instructions result in a non-atomic sequence of 32-bit accesses.
+// See "ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition",
+// Section A3.5.3 "Atomicity in the ARM architecture".
+// In the asm blocks below we have to use 32-bit register pairs to compose 64-bit values.
+// In order to pass the 64-bit operands to/from asm blocks, we use undocumented gcc feature:
+// the lower half (Rt) of the operand is accessible normally, via the numbered placeholder (e.g. %0),
+// and the upper half (Rt2) - via the same placeholder with an 'H' after the '%' sign (e.g. %H0).
+// See:
+template< bool Signed >
+struct operations< 8u, Signed > :
+ public gcc_arm_operations_base
+ typedef typename make_storage_type< 8u, Signed >::type storage_type;
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void store(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ exchange(storage, v, order);
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type load(storage_type const volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ storage_type original;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "ldrexd %1, %H1, [%2]\n"
+ "=&r" (original) // %1
+ : "r" (&storage) // %2
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type exchange(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ storage_type original;
+ fence_before(order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrexd %1, %H1, [%3]\n" // load the original value
+ "strexd %0, %2, %H2, [%3]\n" // store the replacement, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %0, #0\n" // check if store succeeded
+ "bne 1b\n"
+ "=&r" (original) // %1
+ : "r" (v), // %2
+ "r" (&storage) // %3
+ : "cc", "memory"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool compare_exchange_weak(
+ storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type& expected, storage_type desired, memory_order success_order, memory_order failure_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(success_order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, old_val = expected;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "ldrexd %1, %H1, [%3]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "cmp %1, %2\n" // flags = original.lo==old_val.lo
+ "ittt eq\n" // [hint that the following 3 instructions are conditional on flags.equal]
+ "cmpeq %H1, %H2\n" // if (flags.equal) flags = original.hi==old_val.hi
+ "strexdeq %0, %4, %H4, [%3]\n" // if (flags.equal) *(&storage) = desired, tmp = store failed
+ "teqeq %0, #0\n" // if (flags.equal) flags = tmp==0
+ "ite eq\n" // [hint that the following 2 instructions are conditional on flags.equal]
+ "moveq %2, #1\n" // if (flags.equal) old_val.lo = 1
+ "movne %2, #0\n" // if (!flags.equal) old_val.lo = 0
+ "=&r" (original), // %1
+ "+r" (old_val) // %2
+ : "r" (&storage), // %3
+ "r" (desired) // %4
+ : "cc", "memory"
+ );
+ const uint32_t success = (uint32_t)old_val;
+ if (success)
+ fence_after(success_order);
+ else
+ fence_after(failure_order);
+ expected = original;
+ return !!success;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool compare_exchange_strong(
+ storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type& expected, storage_type desired, memory_order success_order, memory_order failure_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(success_order);
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ storage_type original, old_val = expected;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrexd %1, %H1, [%3]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "cmp %1, %2\n" // flags = original.lo==old_val.lo
+ "it eq\n" // [hint that the following instruction is conditional on flags.equal]
+ "cmpeq %H1, %H2\n" // if (flags.equal) flags = original.hi==old_val.hi
+ "bne 2f\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto end
+ "strexd %0, %4, %H4, [%3]\n" // *(&storage) = desired, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %0, #0\n" // flags.equal = tmp == 0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (flags.equal) goto retry
+ "2:\n"
+ "ite eq\n" // [hint that the following 2 instructions are conditional on flags.equal]
+ "moveq %2, #1\n" // if (flags.equal) old_val.lo = 1
+ "movne %2, #0\n" // if (!flags.equal) old_val.lo = 0
+ "=&r" (original), // %1
+ "+r" (old_val) // %2
+ : "r" (&storage), // %3
+ "r" (desired) // %4
+ : "cc", "memory"
+ );
+ const uint32_t success = (uint32_t)old_val;
+ if (success)
+ fence_after(success_order);
+ else
+ fence_after(failure_order);
+ expected = original;
+ return !!success;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_add(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ storage_type original, result;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrexd %1, %H1, [%3]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "adds %2, %1, %4\n" // result = original + value
+ "adc %H2, %H1, %H4\n"
+ "strexd %0, %2, %H2, [%3]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %0, #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ "=&r" (original), // %1
+ "=&r" (result) // %2
+ : "r" (&storage), // %3
+ "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc", "memory"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_sub(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ storage_type original, result;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrexd %1, %H1, [%3]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "subs %2, %1, %4\n" // result = original - value
+ "sbc %H2, %H1, %H4\n"
+ "strexd %0, %2, %H2, [%3]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %0, #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ "=&r" (original), // %1
+ "=&r" (result) // %2
+ : "r" (&storage), // %3
+ "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc", "memory"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_and(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ storage_type original, result;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrexd %1, %H1, [%3]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "and %2, %1, %4\n" // result = original & value
+ "and %H2, %H1, %H4\n"
+ "strexd %0, %2, %H2, [%3]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %0, #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ "=&r" (original), // %1
+ "=&r" (result) // %2
+ : "r" (&storage), // %3
+ "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc", "memory"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_or(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ storage_type original, result;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrexd %1, %H1, [%3]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "orr %2, %1, %4\n" // result = original | value
+ "orr %H2, %H1, %H4\n"
+ "strexd %0, %2, %H2, [%3]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %0, #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ "=&r" (original), // %1
+ "=&r" (result) // %2
+ : "r" (&storage), // %3
+ "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc", "memory"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_xor(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ fence_before(order);
+ storage_type original, result;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "1:\n"
+ "ldrexd %1, %H1, [%3]\n" // original = *(&storage)
+ "eor %2, %1, %4\n" // result = original ^ value
+ "eor %H2, %H1, %H4\n"
+ "strexd %0, %2, %H2, [%3]\n" // *(&storage) = result, tmp = store failed
+ "teq %0, #0\n" // flags = tmp==0
+ "bne 1b\n" // if (!flags.equal) goto retry
+ "=&r" (original), // %1
+ "=&r" (result) // %2
+ : "r" (&storage), // %3
+ "r" (v) // %4
+ : "cc", "memory"
+ );
+ fence_after(order);
+ return original;
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool test_and_set(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return !!exchange(storage, (storage_type)1, order);
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void clear(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ store(storage, 0, order);
+ }
+ static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool is_lock_free(storage_type const volatile&) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE void thread_fence(memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ if (order != memory_order_relaxed)
+ gcc_arm_operations_base::hardware_full_fence();
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE void signal_fence(memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ if (order != memory_order_relaxed)
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("" ::: "memory");
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace atomics
+} // namespace boost