diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2017-02-17 17:15:41 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2017-02-22 10:54:22 (GMT)
commiteea861301be0bf3e3f5db6cfc3cada38d133fef2 (patch)
tree3c2aa07ce3724a73ce2124832bee6b8c7884c9df /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/index_base.hpp
parent80801aaeba2d29e3a375a01d782cf081e778dfaf (diff)
Add LRUCache utility class to Swiften
This implements a simple lookup cache with least recently used replacement strategy. This also adds Boost.MultiIndex from version 1.56 to 3rdParty. Test-Information: Added some unit tests for LRUCache, which pass on macOS 10.12.3 with clang-5.0 Change-Id: I0567945b1197d3fe786bf9d82fdb5e755743b975
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/index_base.hpp')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/index_base.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/index_base.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99000ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/index_base.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+/* Copyright 2003-2014 Joaquin M Lopez Munoz.
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ *
+ *
+ * See for library home page.
+ */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma once
+#include <boost/config.hpp> /* keep it first to prevent nasty warns in MSVC */
+#include <boost/detail/allocator_utilities.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/no_exceptions_support.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
+#include <boost/move/core.hpp>
+#include <boost/move/utility.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/multi_index/detail/copy_map.hpp>
+#include <boost/multi_index/detail/do_not_copy_elements_tag.hpp>
+#include <boost/multi_index/detail/node_type.hpp>
+#include <boost/multi_index/detail/vartempl_support.hpp>
+#include <boost/multi_index_container_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/multi_index/detail/index_loader.hpp>
+#include <boost/multi_index/detail/index_saver.hpp>
+namespace boost{
+namespace multi_index{
+namespace detail{
+/* The role of this class is threefold:
+ * - tops the linear hierarchy of indices.
+ * - terminates some cascading backbone function calls (insert_, etc.),
+ * - grants access to the backbone functions of the final
+ * multi_index_container class (for access restriction reasons, these
+ * cannot be called directly from the index classes.)
+ */
+struct lvalue_tag{};
+struct rvalue_tag{};
+struct emplaced_tag{};
+template<typename Value,typename IndexSpecifierList,typename Allocator>
+class index_base
+ typedef index_node_base<Value,Allocator> node_type;
+ typedef typename multi_index_node_type<
+ Value,IndexSpecifierList,Allocator>::type final_node_type;
+ typedef multi_index_container<
+ Value,IndexSpecifierList,Allocator> final_type;
+ typedef tuples::null_type ctor_args_list;
+ typedef typename
+ boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
+ Allocator,
+ typename Allocator::value_type
+ >::type final_allocator_type;
+ typedef mpl::vector0<> index_type_list;
+ typedef mpl::vector0<> iterator_type_list;
+ typedef mpl::vector0<> const_iterator_type_list;
+ typedef copy_map<
+ final_node_type,
+ final_allocator_type> copy_map_type;
+ typedef index_saver<
+ node_type,
+ final_allocator_type> index_saver_type;
+ typedef index_loader<
+ node_type,
+ final_node_type,
+ final_allocator_type> index_loader_type;
+ typedef Value value_type;
+ explicit index_base(const ctor_args_list&,const Allocator&){}
+ index_base(
+ const index_base<Value,IndexSpecifierList,Allocator>&,
+ do_not_copy_elements_tag)
+ {}
+ void copy_(
+ const index_base<Value,IndexSpecifierList,Allocator>&,const copy_map_type&)
+ {}
+ final_node_type* insert_(const value_type& v,final_node_type*& x,lvalue_tag)
+ {
+ x=final().allocate_node();
+ boost::detail::allocator::construct(&x->value(),v);
+ }
+ final().deallocate_node(x);
+ }
+ return x;
+ }
+ final_node_type* insert_(const value_type& v,final_node_type*& x,rvalue_tag)
+ {
+ x=final().allocate_node();
+ /* This shoud have used a modified, T&&-compatible version of
+ * boost::detail::allocator::construct, but
+ * <boost/detail/allocator_utilities.hpp> is too old and venerable to
+ * mess with; besides, it is a general internal utility and the imperfect
+ * perfect forwarding emulation of Boost.Move might break other libs.
+ */
+ new (&x->value()) value_type(boost::move(const_cast<value_type&>(v)));
+ }
+ final().deallocate_node(x);
+ }
+ return x;
+ }
+ final_node_type* insert_(const value_type&,final_node_type*& x,emplaced_tag)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ final_node_type* insert_(
+ const value_type& v,node_type*,final_node_type*& x,lvalue_tag)
+ {
+ return insert_(v,x,lvalue_tag());
+ }
+ final_node_type* insert_(
+ const value_type& v,node_type*,final_node_type*& x,rvalue_tag)
+ {
+ return insert_(v,x,rvalue_tag());
+ }
+ final_node_type* insert_(
+ const value_type&,node_type*,final_node_type*& x,emplaced_tag)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ void erase_(node_type* x)
+ {
+ boost::detail::allocator::destroy(&x->value());
+ }
+ void delete_node_(node_type* x)
+ {
+ boost::detail::allocator::destroy(&x->value());
+ }
+ void clear_(){}
+ void swap_(index_base<Value,IndexSpecifierList,Allocator>&){}
+ void swap_elements_(index_base<Value,IndexSpecifierList,Allocator>&){}
+ bool replace_(const value_type& v,node_type* x,lvalue_tag)
+ {
+ x->value()=v;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool replace_(const value_type& v,node_type* x,rvalue_tag)
+ {
+ x->value()=boost::move(const_cast<value_type&>(v));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool modify_(node_type*){return true;}
+ bool modify_rollback_(node_type*){return true;}
+ /* serialization */
+ template<typename Archive>
+ void save_(Archive&,const unsigned int,const index_saver_type&)const{}
+ template<typename Archive>
+ void load_(Archive&,const unsigned int,const index_loader_type&){}
+ /* invariant stuff */
+ bool invariant_()const{return true;}
+ /* access to backbone memfuns of Final class */
+ final_type& final(){return *static_cast<final_type*>(this);}
+ const final_type& final()const{return *static_cast<const final_type*>(this);}
+ final_node_type* final_header()const{return final().header();}
+ bool final_empty_()const{return final().empty_();}
+ std::size_t final_size_()const{return final().size_();}
+ std::size_t final_max_size_()const{return final().max_size_();}
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_insert_(const value_type& x)
+ {return final().insert_(x);}
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_insert_rv_(const value_type& x)
+ {return final().insert_rv_(x);}
+ template<typename T>
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_insert_ref_(const T& t)
+ {return final().insert_ref_(t);}
+ template<typename T>
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_insert_ref_(T& t)
+ {return final().insert_ref_(t);}
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_emplace_(
+ {
+ return final().emplace_(BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_FORWARD_PARAM_PACK);
+ }
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_insert_(
+ const value_type& x,final_node_type* position)
+ {return final().insert_(x,position);}
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_insert_rv_(
+ const value_type& x,final_node_type* position)
+ {return final().insert_rv_(x,position);}
+ template<typename T>
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_insert_ref_(
+ const T& t,final_node_type* position)
+ {return final().insert_ref_(t,position);}
+ template<typename T>
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_insert_ref_(
+ T& t,final_node_type* position)
+ {return final().insert_ref_(t,position);}
+ std::pair<final_node_type*,bool> final_emplace_hint_(
+ final_node_type* position,BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_FUNCTION_PARAM_PACK)
+ {
+ return final().emplace_hint_(
+ }
+ void final_erase_(final_node_type* x){final().erase_(x);}
+ void final_delete_node_(final_node_type* x){final().delete_node_(x);}
+ void final_delete_all_nodes_(){final().delete_all_nodes_();}
+ void final_clear_(){final().clear_();}
+ void final_swap_(final_type& x){final().swap_(x);}
+ bool final_replace_(
+ const value_type& k,final_node_type* x)
+ {return final().replace_(k,x);}
+ bool final_replace_rv_(
+ const value_type& k,final_node_type* x)
+ {return final().replace_rv_(k,x);}
+ template<typename Modifier>
+ bool final_modify_(Modifier& mod,final_node_type* x)
+ {return final().modify_(mod,x);}
+ template<typename Modifier,typename Rollback>
+ bool final_modify_(Modifier& mod,Rollback& back,final_node_type* x)
+ {return final().modify_(mod,back,x);}
+ void final_check_invariant_()const{final().check_invariant_();}
+} /* namespace multi_index::detail */
+} /* namespace multi_index */
+} /* namespace boost */