diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2016-04-05 13:17:19 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2016-04-05 19:42:39 (GMT)
commit2b560b129b7a31fc8cc07f618e763c95a22bf832 (patch)
tree73e72cdc758b79d01485dc28dcedd48b26859ae8 /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/parameter/parameters.hpp
parent3c560e31b0f168da917e8d566db01fd1cd997d86 (diff)
Migrate to Boost.Signals2 from Boost.Signals
Boost.Signals was deprecated and is not improved further. This patch removes Boost.Signals from 3rdParty and adds Boost.Signals2 and its dependencies. Also removed the Qt signals compatibility file Swiften/Base/boost_bsignals.h. Test-Information: Build and ran unit tests on OS X 10.11.4. Confirmed successful login using Swift client. Change-Id: Ie6e3b2d15aac2462cda95401582f5287a479fb54
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/parameter/parameters.hpp')
1 files changed, 931 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/parameter/parameters.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/parameter/parameters.hpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..97e1024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/parameter/parameters.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+// Copyright David Abrahams, Daniel Wallin 2003. Use, modification and
+// distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#ifndef BOOST_PARAMETERS_031014_HPP
+#define BOOST_PARAMETERS_031014_HPP
+#include <boost/detail/is_xxx.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/lambda.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/apply.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/always.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/pair.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_trailing_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/sub.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_shifted.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_binary_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_shifted_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/iterate.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/intercept.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/aux_/arg_list.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/aux_/yesno.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/aux_/void.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/aux_/default.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/aux_/unwrap_cv_reference.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/aux_/tagged_argument.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/aux_/tag.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/aux_/template_keyword.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/aux_/set.hpp>
+#include <boost/parameter/config.hpp>
+namespace parameter_
+ template <class T>
+ struct unmatched_argument
+ {
+ BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((boost::is_same<T,void>));
+ typedef int type;
+ };
+} // namespace parameter_
+namespace boost {
+template<class T> class reference_wrapper;
+namespace parameter {
+namespace aux { struct use_default {}; }
+// These templates can be used to describe the treatment of particular
+// named parameters for the purposes of overload elimination with
+// SFINAE, by placing specializations in the parameters<...> list. In
+// order for a treated function to participate in overload resolution:
+// - all keyword tags wrapped in required<...> must have a matching
+// actual argument
+// - The actual argument type matched by every keyword tag
+// associated with a predicate must satisfy that predicate
+// If a keyword k is specified without an optional<...> or
+// required<...>, wrapper, it is treated as though optional<k> were
+// specified.
+// If a keyword k is specified with deduced<...>, that keyword
+// will be automatically deduced from the argument list.
+template <class Tag, class Predicate = aux::use_default>
+struct required
+ typedef Tag key_type;
+ typedef Predicate predicate;
+template <class Tag, class Predicate = aux::use_default>
+struct optional
+ typedef Tag key_type;
+ typedef Predicate predicate;
+template <class Tag>
+struct deduced
+ typedef Tag key_type;
+namespace aux
+ // Defines metafunctions, is_required and is_optional, that
+ // identify required<...>, optional<...> and deduced<...> specializations.
+ BOOST_DETAIL_IS_XXX_DEF(required, required, 2)
+ BOOST_DETAIL_IS_XXX_DEF(optional, optional, 2)
+ BOOST_DETAIL_IS_XXX_DEF(deduced_aux, deduced, 1)
+ template <class S>
+ struct is_deduced0
+ : is_deduced_aux<
+ typename S::key_type
+ >::type
+ {};
+ template <class S>
+ struct is_deduced
+ : mpl::eval_if<
+ mpl::or_<
+ is_optional<S>, is_required<S>
+ >
+ , is_deduced0<S>
+ , mpl::false_
+ >::type
+ {};
+ //
+ // key_type, has_default, and predicate --
+ //
+ // These metafunctions accept a ParameterSpec and extract the
+ // keyword tag, whether or not a default is supplied for the
+ // parameter, and the predicate that the corresponding actual
+ // argument type is required match.
+ //
+ // a ParameterSpec is a specialization of either keyword<...>,
+ // required<...>, optional<...>
+ //
+ // helper for key_type<...>, below.
+ template <class T>
+ struct get_tag_type0
+ {
+ typedef typename T::key_type type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct get_tag_type
+ : mpl::eval_if<
+ is_deduced_aux<typename T::key_type>
+ , get_tag_type0<typename T::key_type>
+ , mpl::identity<typename T::key_type>
+ >
+ {};
+ template <class T>
+ struct tag_type
+ : mpl::eval_if<
+ mpl::or_<
+ is_optional<T>
+ , is_required<T>
+ >
+ , get_tag_type<T>
+ , mpl::identity<T>
+ >
+ {};
+ template <class T>
+ struct has_default
+ : mpl::not_<is_required<T> >
+ {};
+ // helper for get_predicate<...>, below
+ template <class T>
+ struct get_predicate_or_default
+ {
+ typedef T type;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct get_predicate_or_default<use_default>
+ {
+ typedef mpl::always<mpl::true_> type;
+ };
+ // helper for predicate<...>, below
+ template <class T>
+ struct get_predicate
+ {
+ typedef typename
+ get_predicate_or_default<typename T::predicate>::type
+ type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct predicate
+ : mpl::eval_if<
+ mpl::or_<
+ is_optional<T>
+ , is_required<T>
+ >
+ , get_predicate<T>
+ , mpl::identity<mpl::always<mpl::true_> >
+ >
+ {
+ };
+ // Converts a ParameterSpec into a specialization of
+ // parameter_requirements. We need to do this in order to get the
+ // tag_type into the type in a way that can be conveniently matched
+ // by a satisfies(...) member function in arg_list.
+ template <class ParameterSpec>
+ struct as_parameter_requirements
+ {
+ typedef parameter_requirements<
+ typename tag_type<ParameterSpec>::type
+ , typename predicate<ParameterSpec>::type
+ , typename has_default<ParameterSpec>::type
+ > type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_named_argument
+ : mpl::or_<
+ is_template_keyword<T>
+ , is_tagged_argument<T>
+ >
+ {};
+ // Returns mpl::true_ iff the given ParameterRequirements are
+ // satisfied by ArgList.
+ template <class ArgList, class ParameterRequirements>
+ struct satisfies
+ {
+ // VC7.1 can't handle the sizeof() implementation below,
+ // so we use this instead.
+ typedef typename mpl::apply_wrap3<
+ typename ArgList::binding
+ , typename ParameterRequirements::keyword
+ , void_
+ , mpl::false_
+ >::type bound;
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ is_same<bound, void_>
+ , typename ParameterRequirements::has_default
+ , mpl::apply_wrap2<
+ typename mpl::lambda<
+ typename ParameterRequirements::predicate, lambda_tag
+ >::type
+ , bound
+ , ArgList
+ >
+ >::type type;
+ bool, value = (
+ sizeof(
+ aux::to_yesno(
+ ArgList::satisfies((ParameterRequirements*)0, (ArgList*)0)
+ )
+ ) == sizeof(yes_tag)
+ )
+ );
+ typedef mpl::bool_<satisfies::value> type;
+ };
+ // Returns mpl::true_ if the requirements of the given ParameterSpec
+ // are satisfied by ArgList.
+ template <class ArgList, class ParameterSpec>
+ struct satisfies_requirements_of
+ : satisfies<
+ ArgList
+ , typename as_parameter_requirements<ParameterSpec>::type
+ >
+ {};
+ // Tags a deduced argument Arg with the keyword tag of Spec using TagFn.
+ // Returns the tagged argument and the mpl::set<> UsedArgs with the
+ // tag of Spec inserted.
+ template <class UsedArgs, class Spec, class Arg, class TagFn>
+ struct tag_deduced
+ {
+ typedef mpl::pair<
+ typename mpl::apply_wrap2<TagFn, typename tag_type<Spec>::type, Arg>::type
+ , typename aux::insert_<UsedArgs, typename tag_type<Spec>::type>::type
+ > type;
+ };
+ template <
+ class Argument
+ , class ArgumentPack
+ , class DeducedArgs
+ , class UsedArgs
+ , class TagFn
+ >
+ struct deduce_tag;
+ // Tag type passed to MPL lambda.
+ struct lambda_tag;
+ // Helper for deduce_tag<> below.
+ template <
+ class Argument
+ , class ArgumentPack
+ , class DeducedArgs
+ , class UsedArgs
+ , class TagFn
+ >
+ struct deduce_tag0
+ {
+ typedef typename DeducedArgs::spec spec;
+ typedef typename mpl::apply_wrap2<
+ typename mpl::lambda<
+ typename spec::predicate, lambda_tag
+ >::type
+ , Argument
+ , ArgumentPack
+ >::type condition;
+ // Deduced parameter matches several arguments.
+ mpl::not_<mpl::and_<
+ condition
+ , aux::has_key_<UsedArgs, typename tag_type<spec>::type>
+ > >
+ ));
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ condition
+ , tag_deduced<UsedArgs, spec, Argument, TagFn>
+ , deduce_tag<Argument, ArgumentPack, typename DeducedArgs::tail, UsedArgs, TagFn>
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ // Tries to deduced a keyword tag for a given Argument.
+ // Returns an mpl::pair<> consisting of the tagged_argument<>,
+ // and an mpl::set<> where the new tag has been inserted.
+ //
+ // Argument: The argument type to be tagged.
+ //
+ // ArgumentPack: The ArgumentPack built so far.
+ //
+ // DeducedArgs: A specialization of deduced_item<> (see below).
+ // A list containing only the deduced ParameterSpecs.
+ //
+ // UsedArgs: An mpl::set<> containing the keyword tags used so far.
+ //
+ // TagFn: A metafunction class used to tag positional or deduced
+ // arguments with a keyword tag.
+ template <
+ class Argument
+ , class ArgumentPack
+ , class DeducedArgs
+ , class UsedArgs
+ , class TagFn
+ >
+ struct deduce_tag
+ {
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ is_same<DeducedArgs, void_>
+ , mpl::pair<void_, UsedArgs>
+ , deduce_tag0<Argument, ArgumentPack, DeducedArgs, UsedArgs, TagFn>
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ template <
+ class List
+ , class DeducedArgs
+ , class TagFn
+ , class Positional
+ , class UsedArgs
+ , class ArgumentPack
+ , class Error
+ >
+ struct make_arg_list_aux;
+ // Inserts Tagged::key_type into the UserArgs set.
+ // Extra indirection to lazily evaluate Tagged::key_type.
+ template <class UsedArgs, class Tagged>
+ struct insert_tagged
+ {
+ typedef typename aux::insert_<
+ UsedArgs, typename Tagged::key_type
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ // Borland needs the insane extra-indirection workaround below
+ // so that it doesn't magically drop the const qualifier from
+ // the argument type.
+ template <
+ class List
+ , class DeducedArgs
+ , class TagFn
+ , class Positional
+ , class UsedArgs
+ , class ArgumentPack
+ , class argument
+ , class Error
+ >
+ struct make_arg_list00
+ struct make_arg_list0
+ {
+ typedef typename List::arg argument;
+ typedef typename List::spec parameter_spec;
+ typedef typename tag_type<parameter_spec>::type tag_;
+ typedef is_named_argument<argument> is_tagged;
+ // If this argument is either explicitly tagged or a deduced
+ // parameter, we turn off positional matching.
+ typedef mpl::and_<
+ mpl::not_<
+ mpl::or_<is_deduced<parameter_spec>, is_tagged>
+ >
+ , Positional
+ > positional;
+ // If this parameter is explicitly tagged we add it to the
+ // used-parmeters set. We only really need to add parameters
+ // that are deduced, but we would need a way to check if
+ // a given tag corresponds to a deduced parameter spec.
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ is_tagged
+ , insert_tagged<UsedArgs, argument>
+ , mpl::identity<UsedArgs>
+ >::type used_args;
+ // If this parameter is neither explicitly tagged, nor
+ // positionally matched; deduce the tag from the deduced
+ // parameter specs.
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ mpl::or_<is_tagged, positional>
+ , mpl::pair<void_, used_args>
+ , deduce_tag<argument, ArgumentPack, DeducedArgs, used_args, TagFn>
+ >::type deduced_data;
+ // If this parameter is explicitly tagged..
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ is_tagged
+ , mpl::identity<argument> // .. just use it
+ , mpl::eval_if< // .. else, if positional matching is turned on..
+ positional
+ , mpl::apply_wrap2<TagFn, tag_, argument> // .. tag it positionally
+ , mpl::first<deduced_data> // .. else, use the deduced tag
+ >
+ >::type tagged;
+ // We build the arg_list incrementally as we go, prepending new
+ // nodes.
+ typedef typename mpl::if_<
+ mpl::and_<
+ is_same<Error, void_>
+ , is_same<tagged, void_>
+ >
+ , parameter_::unmatched_argument<argument>
+ , void_
+ >::type error;
+ typedef typename mpl::if_<
+ is_same<tagged, void_>
+ , ArgumentPack
+ , arg_list<tagged, ArgumentPack>
+ >::type argument_pack;
+ typedef typename make_arg_list_aux<
+ typename List::tail
+ , DeducedArgs
+ , TagFn
+ , positional
+ , typename deduced_data::second
+ , argument_pack
+ , error
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ template <
+ class List
+ , class DeducedArgs
+ , class TagFn
+ , class Positional
+ , class UsedArgs
+ , class ArgumentPack
+ , class Error
+ >
+ struct make_arg_list0
+ {
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ typename List::is_arg_const
+ , make_arg_list00<
+ List
+ , DeducedArgs
+ , TagFn
+ , Positional
+ , UsedArgs
+ , ArgumentPack
+ , typename List::arg const
+ , Error
+ >
+ , make_arg_list00<
+ List
+ , DeducedArgs
+ , TagFn
+ , Positional
+ , UsedArgs
+ , ArgumentPack
+ , typename List::arg
+ , Error
+ >
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ // Returns an ArgumentPack where the list of arguments has
+ // been tagged with keyword tags.
+ //
+ // List: A specialization of item<> (see below). Contains
+ // both the ordered ParameterSpecs, and the given arguments.
+ //
+ // DeducedArgs: A specialization of deduced_item<> (see below).
+ // A list containing only the deduced ParameterSpecs.
+ //
+ // TagFn: A metafunction class used to tag positional or deduced
+ // arguments with a keyword tag.
+ //
+ // Position: An mpl::bool_<> specialization indicating if positional
+ // matching is to be performed.
+ //
+ // DeducedSet: An mpl::set<> containing the keyword tags used so far.
+ //
+ // ArgumentPack: The ArgumentPack built so far. This is initially an
+ // empty_arg_list and is built incrementally.
+ //
+ template <
+ class List
+ , class DeducedArgs
+ , class TagFn
+ , class Positional
+ , class DeducedSet
+ , class ArgumentPack
+ , class Error
+ >
+ struct make_arg_list_aux
+ {
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ is_same<List, void_>
+ , mpl::identity<mpl::pair<ArgumentPack, Error> >
+ , make_arg_list0<List, DeducedArgs, TagFn, Positional, DeducedSet, ArgumentPack, Error>
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ // VC6.5 was choking on the default parameters for make_arg_list_aux, so
+ // this just forwards to that adding in the defaults.
+ template <
+ class List
+ , class DeducedArgs
+ , class TagFn
+ , class EmitErrors = mpl::true_
+ >
+ struct make_arg_list
+ {
+ typedef typename make_arg_list_aux<
+ List, DeducedArgs, TagFn, mpl::true_, aux::set0, empty_arg_list, void_
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ // A parameter spec item typelist.
+ template <class Spec, class Arg, class Tail = void_>
+ struct item
+ {
+ typedef Spec spec;
+ typedef is_const<Arg> is_arg_const;
+ typedef Arg arg;
+ typedef Tail tail;
+ };
+ template <class Spec, class Arg, class Tail>
+ struct make_item
+ {
+ typedef item<Spec, Arg, typename Tail::type> type;
+ };
+ // Creates a item typelist.
+ template <class Spec, class Arg, class Tail>
+ struct make_items
+ {
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ is_same<Arg, void_>
+ , mpl::identity<void_>
+ , make_item<Spec, Arg, Tail>
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ // A typelist that stored deduced parameter specs.
+ template <class ParameterSpec, class Tail = void_>
+ struct deduced_item
+ {
+ typedef ParameterSpec spec;
+ typedef Tail tail;
+ };
+ // Evaluate Tail and construct deduced_item list.
+ template <class Spec, class Tail>
+ struct make_deduced_item
+ {
+ typedef deduced_item<Spec, typename Tail::type> type;
+ };
+ template <class Spec, class Tail>
+ struct make_deduced_items
+ {
+ typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
+ is_same<Spec, void_>
+ , mpl::identity<void_>
+ , mpl::eval_if<
+ is_deduced<Spec>
+ , make_deduced_item<Spec, Tail>
+ , Tail
+ >
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ // Generates:
+ //
+ // make<
+ // parameter_spec#0, argument_type#0
+ // , make<
+ // parameter_spec#1, argument_type#1
+ // , ... mpl::identity<aux::empty_arg_list>
+ // ...>
+ // >
+#define BOOST_PARAMETER_make_arg_list(z, n, names) \
+ BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(0,names)< \
+ BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(1,names), n), \
+#define BOOST_PARAMETER_right_angle(z, n, text) >
+#define BOOST_PARAMETER_build_arg_list(n, make, parameter_spec, argument_type) \
+ n, BOOST_PARAMETER_make_arg_list, (make)(parameter_spec)(argument_type)) \
+ mpl::identity<void_> \
+#define BOOST_PARAMETER_make_deduced_list(z, n, names) \
+ BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(0,names)< \
+#define BOOST_PARAMETER_build_deduced_list(n, make, parameter_spec) \
+ n, BOOST_PARAMETER_make_deduced_list, (make)(parameter_spec)) \
+ mpl::identity<void_> \
+ struct tag_keyword_arg
+ {
+ template <class K, class T>
+ struct apply
+ : tag<K,T>
+ {};
+ };
+ struct tag_template_keyword_arg
+ {
+ template <class K, class T>
+ struct apply
+ {
+ typedef template_keyword<K,T> type;
+ };
+ };
+} // namespace aux
+ typedef BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(0,names),i) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(1,names),i);
+#define BOOST_PARAMETER_TEMPLATE_ARGS(z, n, text) class BOOST_PP_CAT(PS, n) = void_
+ class PS0
+struct parameters
+ typedef typename BOOST_PARAMETER_build_deduced_list(
+ BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY, aux::make_deduced_items, PS
+ )::type deduced_list;
+ // if the elements of NamedList match the criteria of overload
+ // resolution, returns a type which can be constructed from
+ // parameters. Otherwise, this is not a valid metafunction (no nested
+ // ::type).
+ // If NamedList satisfies the PS0, PS1, ..., this is a
+ // metafunction returning parameters. Otherwise it
+ // has no nested ::type.
+ template <class ArgumentPackAndError>
+ struct match_base
+ : mpl::if_<
+ // mpl::and_<
+ // aux::satisfies_requirements_of<NamedList,PS0>
+ // , mpl::and_<
+ // aux::satisfies_requirements_of<NamedList,PS1>...
+ // ..., mpl::true_
+ // ...> >
+# define BOOST_PARAMETER_satisfies(z, n, text) \
+ mpl::and_< \
+ aux::satisfies_requirements_of< \
+ typename mpl::first<ArgumentPackAndError>::type \
+ , BOOST_PP_CAT(PS, n)> \
+ ,
+ mpl::and_<
+ is_same<typename mpl::second<ArgumentPackAndError>::type, void_>
+ mpl::true_
+ >
+# undef BOOST_PARAMETER_satisfies
+ , mpl::identity<parameters>
+ , void_
+ >
+ {};
+ // Specializations are to be used as an optional argument to
+ // eliminate overloads via SFINAE
+ template<
+ // Borland simply can't handle default arguments in member
+ // class templates. People wishing to write portable code can
+ // explicitly specify BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY arguments
+ )
+ >
+ struct match
+ : match_base<
+ typename aux::make_arg_list<
+ typename BOOST_PARAMETER_build_arg_list(
+ BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY, aux::make_items, PS, A
+ )::type
+ , deduced_list
+ , aux::tag_keyword_arg
+ , mpl::false_ // Don't emit errors when doing SFINAE
+ >::type
+ >::type
+ {};
+# else
+ {
+ typedef parameters<
+ > type;
+ };
+# endif
+ // Metafunction that returns an ArgumentPack.
+ // TODO, bind has to instantiate the error type in the result
+ // of make_arg_list.
+ template <
+ // Borland simply can't handle default arguments in member
+ // class templates. People wishing to write portable code can
+ // explicitly specify BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY arguments
+ )
+ >
+ struct bind
+ {
+ typedef typename aux::make_arg_list<
+ typename BOOST_PARAMETER_build_arg_list(
+ BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY, aux::make_items, PS, A
+ )::type
+ , deduced_list
+ , aux::tag_template_keyword_arg
+ >::type result;
+ typedef typename mpl::first<result>::type type;
+ };
+ //
+ // The function call operator is used to build an arg_list that
+ // labels the positional parameters and maintains whatever other
+ // tags may have been specified by the caller.
+ //
+ // !!!NOTE!!!
+ //
+ // The make_arg_list<> produces a reversed arg_list, so
+ // we need to pass the arguments to its constructor
+ // reversed.
+ //
+ aux::empty_arg_list operator()() const
+ {
+ return aux::empty_arg_list();
+ }
+ template<class A0>
+ typename mpl::first<
+ typename aux::make_arg_list<
+ aux::item<
+ PS0,A0
+ >
+ , deduced_list
+ , aux::tag_keyword_arg
+ >::type
+ >::type
+ operator()(A0& a0) const
+ {
+ typedef typename aux::make_arg_list<
+ aux::item<
+ PS0,A0
+ >
+ , deduced_list
+ , aux::tag_keyword_arg
+ >::type result;
+ typedef typename mpl::first<result>::type result_type;
+ typedef typename mpl::second<result>::type error;
+ error();
+ return result_type(
+ a0
+ // , void_(), void_(), void_() ...
+ , aux::void_reference() BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT)
+ );
+ }
+ template<class A0, class A1>
+ typename mpl::first<
+ typename aux::make_arg_list<
+ aux::item<
+ PS0,A0
+ , aux::item<
+ PS1,A1
+ >
+ >
+ , deduced_list
+ , aux::tag_keyword_arg
+ >::type
+ >::type
+ operator()(A0& a0, A1& a1) const
+ {
+ typedef typename aux::make_arg_list<
+ aux::item<
+ PS0,A0
+ , aux::item<
+ PS1,A1
+ >
+ >
+ , deduced_list
+ , aux::tag_keyword_arg
+ >::type result;
+ typedef typename mpl::first<result>::type result_type;
+ typedef typename mpl::second<result>::type error;
+ error();
+ return result_type(
+ a1,a0
+ // , void_(), void_() ...
+ , aux::void_reference() BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT)
+ );
+ }
+ // Higher arities are handled by the preprocessor
+ 3,BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY,<boost/parameter/aux_/overloads.hpp> \
+ ))
+#include BOOST_PP_ITERATE()
+} // namespace parameter
+} // namespace boost
+#endif // BOOST_PARAMETERS_031014_HPP