diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2011-03-14 18:35:17 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2011-03-14 18:35:17 (GMT)
commita135c6ff4dcded5661a2321512960b14cf8c15c8 (patch)
treeb0017ecfe702304f592b9d4e8b943784cff26fb2 /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp
parent02d6188ab335e6c62b8341b84579d9549d215118 (diff)
Updated Boost to 1.46.1.
This should hopefuily fix a hang on shutdown on Mac OS X. Resolves: #782 Release-Notes: Fixed a potential hang on shutdown on Mac OS X.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 517 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 243a9b6..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Marcin Kalicinski
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Sebastian Redl
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// For more information, see
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <boost/property_tree/ptree_fwd.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_tree/string_path.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_tree/stream_translator.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_tree/exceptions.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_tree/detail/ptree_utils.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/indexed_by.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
-#include <boost/optional.hpp>
-#include <utility> // for std::pair
-namespace boost { namespace property_tree
- /**
- * Property tree main structure. A property tree is a hierarchical data
- * structure which has one element of type @p Data in each node, as well
- * as an ordered sequence of sub-nodes, which are additionally identified
- * by a non-unique key of type @p Key.
- *
- * Key equivalency is defined by @p KeyCompare, a predicate defining a
- * strict weak ordering.
- *
- * Property tree defines a Container-like interface to the (key-node) pairs
- * of its direct sub-nodes. The iterators are bidirectional. The sequence
- * of nodes is held in insertion order, not key order.
- */
- template<class Key, class Data, class KeyCompare>
- class basic_ptree
- {
- public:
- // Internal types
- /**
- * Simpler way to refer to this basic_ptree\<C,K,P,A\> type.
- * Note that this is private, and made public only for doxygen.
- */
- typedef basic_ptree<Key, Data, KeyCompare> self_type;
- public:
- // Basic types
- typedef Key key_type;
- typedef Data data_type;
- typedef KeyCompare key_compare;
- // Container view types
- typedef std::pair<const Key, self_type> value_type;
- typedef std::size_t size_type;
- // The problem with the iterators is that I can't make them complete
- // until the container is complete. Sucks. Especially for the reverses.
- class iterator;
- class const_iterator;
- class reverse_iterator;
- class const_reverse_iterator;
- // Associative view types
- class assoc_iterator;
- class const_assoc_iterator;
- // Property tree view types
- typedef typename path_of<Key>::type path_type;
- // The big five
- /** Creates a node with no children and default-constructed data. */
- basic_ptree();
- /** Creates a node with no children and a copy of the given data. */
- explicit basic_ptree(const data_type &data);
- basic_ptree(const self_type &rhs);
- ~basic_ptree();
- /** Basic guarantee only. */
- self_type &operator =(const self_type &rhs);
- /** Swap with other tree. Only constant-time and nothrow if the
- * data type's swap is.
- */
- void swap(self_type &rhs);
- // Container view functions
- /** The number of direct children of this node. */
- size_type size() const;
- size_type max_size() const;
- /** Whether there are any direct children. */
- bool empty() const;
- iterator begin();
- const_iterator begin() const;
- iterator end();
- const_iterator end() const;
- reverse_iterator rbegin();
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
- reverse_iterator rend();
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
- value_type &front();
- const value_type &front() const;
- value_type &back();
- const value_type &back() const;
- /** Insert a copy of the given tree with its key just before the given
- * position in this node. This operation invalidates no iterators.
- * @return An iterator to the newly created child.
- */
- iterator insert(iterator where, const value_type &value);
- /** Range insert. Equivalent to:
- * @code
- * for(; first != last; ++first) insert(where, *first);
- * @endcode
- */
- template<class It> void insert(iterator where, It first, It last);
- /** Erase the child pointed at by the iterator. This operation
- * invalidates the given iterator, as well as its equivalent
- * assoc_iterator.
- * @return A valid iterator pointing to the element after the erased.
- */
- iterator erase(iterator where);
- /** Range erase. Equivalent to:
- * @code
- * while(first != last;) first = erase(first);
- * @endcode
- */
- iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
- /** Equivalent to insert(begin(), value). */
- iterator push_front(const value_type &value);
- /** Equivalent to insert(end(), value). */
- iterator push_back(const value_type &value);
- /** Equivalent to erase(begin()). */
- void pop_front();
- /** Equivalent to erase(boost::prior(end())). */
- void pop_back();
- /** Reverses the order of direct children in the property tree. */
- void reverse();
- /** Sorts the direct children of this node according to the predicate.
- * The predicate is passed the whole pair of key and child.
- */
- template<class Compare> void sort(Compare comp);
- /** Sorts the direct children of this node according to key order. */
- void sort();
- // Equality
- /** Two property trees are the same if they have the same data, the keys
- * and order of their children are the same, and the children compare
- * equal, recursively.
- */
- bool operator ==(const self_type &rhs) const;
- bool operator !=(const self_type &rhs) const;
- // Associative view
- /** Returns an iterator to the first child, in order. */
- assoc_iterator ordered_begin();
- /** Returns an iterator to the first child, in order. */
- const_assoc_iterator ordered_begin() const;
- /** Returns the not-found iterator. Equivalent to end() in a real
- * associative container.
- */
- assoc_iterator not_found();
- /** Returns the not-found iterator. Equivalent to end() in a real
- * associative container.
- */
- const_assoc_iterator not_found() const;
- /** Find a child with the given key, or not_found() if there is none.
- * There is no guarantee about which child is returned if multiple have
- * the same key.
- */
- assoc_iterator find(const key_type &key);
- /** Find a child with the given key, or not_found() if there is none.
- * There is no guarantee about which child is returned if multiple have
- * the same key.
- */
- const_assoc_iterator find(const key_type &key) const;
- /** Find the range of children that have the given key. */
- std::pair<assoc_iterator, assoc_iterator>
- equal_range(const key_type &key);
- /** Find the range of children that have the given key. */
- std::pair<const_assoc_iterator, const_assoc_iterator>
- equal_range(const key_type &key) const;
- /** Count the number of direct children with the given key. */
- size_type count(const key_type &key) const;
- /** Erase all direct children with the given key and return the count.
- */
- size_type erase(const key_type &key);
- /** Get the iterator that points to the same element as the argument.
- * @note A valid assoc_iterator range (a, b) does not imply that
- * (to_iterator(a), to_iterator(b)) is a valid range.
- */
- iterator to_iterator(assoc_iterator it);
- /** Get the iterator that points to the same element as the argument.
- * @note A valid const_assoc_iterator range (a, b) does not imply that
- * (to_iterator(a), to_iterator(b)) is a valid range.
- */
- const_iterator to_iterator(const_assoc_iterator it) const;
- // Property tree view
- /** Reference to the actual data in this node. */
- data_type &data();
- /** Reference to the actual data in this node. */
- const data_type &data() const;
- /** Clear this tree completely, of both data and children. */
- void clear();
- /** Get the child at the given path, or throw @c ptree_bad_path.
- * @note Depending on the path, the result at each level may not be
- * completely determinate, i.e. if the same key appears multiple
- * times, which child is chosen is not specified. This can lead
- * to the path not being resolved even though there is a
- * descendant with this path. Example:
- * @code
- * a -> b -> c
- * -> b
- * @endcode
- * The path "a.b.c" will succeed if the resolution of "b" chooses
- * the first such node, but fail if it chooses the second.
- */
- self_type &get_child(const path_type &path);
- /** Get the child at the given path, or throw @c ptree_bad_path. */
- const self_type &get_child(const path_type &path) const;
- /** Get the child at the given path, or return @p default_value. */
- self_type &get_child(const path_type &path, self_type &default_value);
- /** Get the child at the given path, or return @p default_value. */
- const self_type &get_child(const path_type &path,
- const self_type &default_value) const;
- /** Get the child at the given path, or return boost::null. */
- optional<self_type &> get_child_optional(const path_type &path);
- /** Get the child at the given path, or return boost::null. */
- optional<const self_type &>
- get_child_optional(const path_type &path) const;
- /** Set the node at the given path to the given value. Create any
- * missing parents. If the node at the path already exists, replace it.
- * @return A reference to the inserted subtree.
- * @note Because of the way paths work, it is not generally guaranteed
- * that a node newly created can be accessed using the same path.
- * @note If the path could refer to multiple nodes, it is unspecified
- * which one gets replaced.
- */
- self_type &put_child(const path_type &path, const self_type &value);
- /** Add the node at the given path. Create any missing parents. If there
- * already is a node at the path, add another one with the same key.
- * @param path Path to the child. The last fragment must not have an
- * index.
- * @return A reference to the inserted subtree.
- * @note Because of the way paths work, it is not generally guaranteed
- * that a node newly created can be accessed using the same path.
- */
- self_type &add_child(const path_type &path, const self_type &value);
- /** Take the value of this node and attempt to translate it to a
- * @c Type object using the supplied translator.
- * @throw ptree_bad_data if the conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type, class Translator>
- typename boost::enable_if<detail::is_translator<Translator>, Type>::type
- get_value(Translator tr) const;
- /** Take the value of this node and attempt to translate it to a
- * @c Type object using the default translator.
- * @throw ptree_bad_data if the conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type>
- Type get_value() const;
- /** Take the value of this node and attempt to translate it to a
- * @c Type object using the supplied translator. Return @p default_value
- * if this fails.
- */
- template<class Type, class Translator>
- Type get_value(const Type &default_value, Translator tr) const;
- /** Make get_value do the right thing for string literals. */
- template <class Ch, class Translator>
- typename boost::enable_if<
- detail::is_character<Ch>,
- std::basic_string<Ch>
- >::type
- get_value(const Ch *default_value, Translator tr) const;
- /** Take the value of this node and attempt to translate it to a
- * @c Type object using the default translator. Return @p default_value
- * if this fails.
- */
- template<class Type>
- typename boost::disable_if<detail::is_translator<Type>, Type>::type
- get_value(const Type &default_value) const;
- /** Make get_value do the right thing for string literals. */
- template <class Ch>
- typename boost::enable_if<
- detail::is_character<Ch>,
- std::basic_string<Ch>
- >::type
- get_value(const Ch *default_value) const;
- /** Take the value of this node and attempt to translate it to a
- * @c Type object using the supplied translator. Return boost::null if
- * this fails.
- */
- template<class Type, class Translator>
- optional<Type> get_value_optional(Translator tr) const;
- /** Take the value of this node and attempt to translate it to a
- * @c Type object using the default translator. Return boost::null if
- * this fails.
- */
- template<class Type>
- optional<Type> get_value_optional() const;
- /** Replace the value at this node with the given value, translated
- * to the tree's data type using the supplied translator.
- * @throw ptree_bad_data if the conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type, class Translator>
- void put_value(const Type &value, Translator tr);
- /** Replace the value at this node with the given value, translated
- * to the tree's data type using the default translator.
- * @throw ptree_bad_data if the conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type>
- void put_value(const Type &value);
- /** Shorthand for get_child(path).get_value(tr). */
- template<class Type, class Translator>
- typename boost::enable_if<detail::is_translator<Translator>, Type>::type
- get(const path_type &path, Translator tr) const;
- /** Shorthand for get_child(path).get_value\<Type\>(). */
- template<class Type>
- Type get(const path_type &path) const;
- /** Shorthand for get_child(path, empty_ptree())
- * .get_value(default_value, tr).
- * That is, return the translated value if possible, and the default
- * value if the node doesn't exist or conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type, class Translator>
- Type get(const path_type &path,
- const Type &default_value,
- Translator tr) const;
- /** Make get do the right thing for string literals. */
- template <class Ch, class Translator>
- typename boost::enable_if<
- detail::is_character<Ch>,
- std::basic_string<Ch>
- >::type
- get(const path_type &path, const Ch *default_value, Translator tr)const;
- /** Shorthand for get_child(path, empty_ptree())
- * .get_value(default_value).
- * That is, return the translated value if possible, and the default
- * value if the node doesn't exist or conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type>
- typename boost::disable_if<detail::is_translator<Type>, Type>::type
- get(const path_type &path, const Type &default_value) const;
- /** Make get do the right thing for string literals. */
- template <class Ch>
- typename boost::enable_if<
- detail::is_character<Ch>,
- std::basic_string<Ch>
- >::type
- get(const path_type &path, const Ch *default_value) const;
- /** Shorthand for:
- * @code
- * if(optional\<self_type&\> node = get_child_optional(path))
- * return node->get_value_optional(tr);
- * return boost::null;
- * @endcode
- * That is, return the value if it exists and can be converted, or nil.
- */
- template<class Type, class Translator>
- optional<Type> get_optional(const path_type &path, Translator tr) const;
- /** Shorthand for:
- * @code
- * if(optional\<const self_type&\> node = get_child_optional(path))
- * return node->get_value_optional();
- * return boost::null;
- * @endcode
- */
- template<class Type>
- optional<Type> get_optional(const path_type &path) const;
- /** Set the value of the node at the given path to the supplied value,
- * translated to the tree's data type. If the node doesn't exist, it is
- * created, including all its missing parents.
- * @return The node that had its value changed.
- * @throw ptree_bad_data if the conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type, class Translator>
- self_type &put(const path_type &path, const Type &value, Translator tr);
- /** Set the value of the node at the given path to the supplied value,
- * translated to the tree's data type. If the node doesn't exist, it is
- * created, including all its missing parents.
- * @return The node that had its value changed.
- * @throw ptree_bad_data if the conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type>
- self_type &put(const path_type &path, const Type &value);
- /** If the node identified by the path does not exist, create it,
- * including all its missing parents.
- * If the node already exists, add a sibling with the same key.
- * Set the newly created node's value to the given paremeter,
- * translated with the supplied translator.
- * @param path Path to the child. The last fragment must not have an
- * index.
- * @param value The value to add.
- * @param tr The translator to use.
- * @return The node that was added.
- * @throw ptree_bad_data if the conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type, class Translator>
- self_type &add(const path_type &path,
- const Type &value,
- Translator tr);
- /** If the node identified by the path does not exist, create it,
- * including all its missing parents.
- * If the node already exists, add a sibling with the same key.
- * Set the newly created node's value to the given paremeter,
- * translated with the supplied translator.
- * @param path Path to the child. The last fragment must not have an
- * index.
- * @param value The value to add.
- * @return The node that was added.
- * @throw ptree_bad_data if the conversion fails.
- */
- template<class Type>
- self_type &add(const path_type &path, const Type &value);
- private:
- // Hold the data of this node
- data_type m_data;
- // Hold the children - this is a void* because we can't complete the
- // container type within the class.
- void* m_children;
- // Getter tree-walk. Not const-safe! Gets the node the path refers to,
- // or null. Destroys p's value.
- self_type* walk_path(path_type& p) const;
- // Modifer tree-walk. Gets the parent of the node referred to by the
- // path, creating nodes as necessary. p is the path to the remaining
- // child.
- self_type& force_path(path_type& p);
- // This struct contains typedefs for the concrete types.
- struct subs;
- friend struct subs;
- friend class iterator;
- friend class const_iterator;
- friend class reverse_iterator;
- friend class const_reverse_iterator;
- };
-#include <boost/property_tree/detail/ptree_implementation.hpp>