diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2016-04-05 13:17:19 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2016-04-05 19:42:39 (GMT)
commit2b560b129b7a31fc8cc07f618e763c95a22bf832 (patch)
tree73e72cdc758b79d01485dc28dcedd48b26859ae8 /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/signals2/detail/auto_buffer.hpp
parent3c560e31b0f168da917e8d566db01fd1cd997d86 (diff)
Migrate to Boost.Signals2 from Boost.Signals
Boost.Signals was deprecated and is not improved further. This patch removes Boost.Signals from 3rdParty and adds Boost.Signals2 and its dependencies. Also removed the Qt signals compatibility file Swiften/Base/boost_bsignals.h. Test-Information: Build and ran unit tests on OS X 10.11.4. Confirmed successful login using Swift client. Change-Id: Ie6e3b2d15aac2462cda95401582f5287a479fb54
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/signals2/detail/auto_buffer.hpp')
1 files changed, 1138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/signals2/detail/auto_buffer.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/signals2/detail/auto_buffer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf12e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/signals2/detail/auto_buffer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1138 @@
+// Copyright Thorsten Ottosen, 2009.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+# pragma once
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:4996)
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator/reverse_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator/iterator_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
+#include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
+#include <boost/swap.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/aligned_storage.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/alignment_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/has_nothrow_copy.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/has_nothrow_assign.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/has_trivial_assign.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/has_trivial_constructor.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/has_trivial_destructor.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace boost
+namespace signals2
+namespace detail
+ //
+ // Policies for creating the stack buffer.
+ //
+ template< unsigned N >
+ struct store_n_objects
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned, value = N );
+ };
+ template< unsigned N >
+ struct store_n_bytes
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned, value = N );
+ };
+ namespace auto_buffer_detail
+ {
+ template< class Policy, class T >
+ struct compute_buffer_size
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned, value = Policy::value * sizeof(T) );
+ };
+ template< unsigned N, class T >
+ struct compute_buffer_size< store_n_bytes<N>, T >
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned, value = N );
+ };
+ template< class Policy, class T >
+ struct compute_buffer_objects
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned, value = Policy::value );
+ };
+ template< unsigned N, class T >
+ struct compute_buffer_objects< store_n_bytes<N>, T >
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned, value = N / sizeof(T) );
+ };
+ }
+ struct default_grow_policy
+ {
+ template< class SizeType >
+ static SizeType new_capacity( SizeType capacity )
+ {
+ //
+ // @remark: we grow the capacity quite agressively.
+ // this is justified since we aim to minimize
+ // heap-allocations, and because we mostly use
+ // the buffer locally.
+ return capacity * 4u;
+ }
+ template< class SizeType >
+ static bool should_shrink( SizeType size, SizeType capacity )
+ {
+ //
+ // @remark: when defining a new grow policy, one might
+ // choose that if the waated space is less
+ // than a certain percentage, then it is of
+ // little use to shrink.
+ //
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template< class T,
+ class StackBufferPolicy = store_n_objects<256>,
+ class GrowPolicy = default_grow_policy,
+ class Allocator = std::allocator<T> >
+ class auto_buffer;
+ template
+ <
+ class T,
+ class StackBufferPolicy,
+ class GrowPolicy,
+ class Allocator
+ >
+ class auto_buffer : Allocator
+ {
+ private:
+ enum { N = auto_buffer_detail::
+ compute_buffer_objects<StackBufferPolicy,T>::value };
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, is_stack_buffer_empty = N == 0u );
+ typedef auto_buffer<T, store_n_objects<0>, GrowPolicy, Allocator>
+ local_buffer;
+ public:
+ typedef Allocator allocator_type;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef typename Allocator::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename Allocator::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef T* pointer;
+ typedef typename Allocator::pointer allocator_pointer;
+ typedef const T* const_pointer;
+ typedef T& reference;
+ typedef const T& const_reference;
+ typedef pointer iterator;
+ typedef const_pointer const_iterator;
+ typedef boost::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
+ typedef boost::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
+ typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c< boost::has_trivial_assign<T>::value
+ && sizeof(T) <= sizeof(long double),
+ const value_type,
+ const_reference >::type
+ optimized_const_reference;
+ private:
+ pointer allocate( size_type capacity_arg )
+ {
+ if( capacity_arg > N )
+ return &*get_allocator().allocate( capacity_arg );
+ else
+ return static_cast<T*>( members_.address() );
+ }
+ void deallocate( pointer where, size_type capacity_arg )
+ {
+ if( capacity_arg <= N )
+ return;
+ get_allocator().deallocate( allocator_pointer(where), capacity_arg );
+ }
+ template< class I >
+ static void copy_impl( I begin, I end, pointer where, std::random_access_iterator_tag )
+ {
+ copy_rai( begin, end, where, boost::has_trivial_assign<T>() );
+ }
+ static void copy_rai( const T* begin, const T* end,
+ pointer where, const boost::true_type& )
+ {
+ std::memcpy( where, begin, sizeof(T) * std::distance(begin,end) );
+ }
+ template< class I, bool b >
+ static void copy_rai( I begin, I end,
+ pointer where, const boost::integral_constant<bool, b>& )
+ {
+ std::uninitialized_copy( begin, end, where );
+ }
+ template< class I >
+ static void copy_impl( I begin, I end, pointer where, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag )
+ {
+ std::uninitialized_copy( begin, end, where );
+ }
+ template< class I >
+ static void copy_impl( I begin, I end, pointer where )
+ {
+ copy_impl( begin, end, where,
+ typename std::iterator_traits<I>::iterator_category() );
+ }
+ template< class I, class I2 >
+ static void assign_impl( I begin, I end, I2 where )
+ {
+ assign_impl( begin, end, where, boost::has_trivial_assign<T>() );
+ }
+ template< class I, class I2 >
+ static void assign_impl( I begin, I end, I2 where, const boost::true_type& )
+ {
+ std::memcpy( where, begin, sizeof(T) * std::distance(begin,end) );
+ }
+ template< class I, class I2 >
+ static void assign_impl( I begin, I end, I2 where, const boost::false_type& )
+ {
+ for( ; begin != end; ++begin, ++where )
+ *where = *begin;
+ }
+ void unchecked_push_back_n( size_type n, const boost::true_type& )
+ {
+ std::uninitialized_fill( end(), end() + n, T() );
+ size_ += n;
+ }
+ void unchecked_push_back_n( size_type n, const boost::false_type& )
+ {
+ for( size_type i = 0u; i < n; ++i )
+ unchecked_push_back();
+ }
+ void auto_buffer_destroy( pointer where, const boost::false_type& )
+ {
+ (*where).~T();
+ }
+ void auto_buffer_destroy( pointer, const boost::true_type& )
+ { }
+ void auto_buffer_destroy( pointer where )
+ {
+ auto_buffer_destroy( where, boost::has_trivial_destructor<T>() );
+ }
+ void destroy_back_n( size_type n, const boost::false_type& )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( n > 0 );
+ pointer buffer = buffer_ + size_ - 1u;
+ pointer new_end = buffer - n;
+ for( ; buffer > new_end; --buffer )
+ auto_buffer_destroy( buffer );
+ }
+ void destroy_back_n( size_type n, const boost::true_type& )
+ { }
+ void destroy_back_n( size_type n )
+ {
+ destroy_back_n( n, boost::has_trivial_destructor<T>() );
+ }
+ void auto_buffer_destroy( const boost::false_type& x )
+ {
+ if( size_ )
+ destroy_back_n( size_, x );
+ deallocate( buffer_, members_.capacity_ );
+ }
+ void auto_buffer_destroy( const boost::true_type& )
+ {
+ deallocate( buffer_, members_.capacity_ );
+ }
+ pointer move_to_new_buffer( size_type new_capacity, const boost::false_type& )
+ {
+ pointer new_buffer = allocate( new_capacity ); // strong
+ boost::multi_index::detail::scope_guard guard =
+ boost::multi_index::detail::make_obj_guard( *this,
+ &auto_buffer::deallocate,
+ new_buffer,
+ new_capacity );
+ copy_impl( begin(), end(), new_buffer ); // strong
+ guard.dismiss(); // nothrow
+ return new_buffer;
+ }
+ pointer move_to_new_buffer( size_type new_capacity, const boost::true_type& )
+ {
+ pointer new_buffer = allocate( new_capacity ); // strong
+ copy_impl( begin(), end(), new_buffer ); // nothrow
+ return new_buffer;
+ }
+ void reserve_impl( size_type new_capacity )
+ {
+ pointer new_buffer = move_to_new_buffer( new_capacity,
+ boost::has_nothrow_copy<T>() );
+ (*this).~auto_buffer();
+ buffer_ = new_buffer;
+ members_.capacity_ = new_capacity;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( size_ <= members_.capacity_ );
+ }
+ size_type new_capacity_impl( size_type n )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( n > members_.capacity_ );
+ size_type new_capacity = GrowPolicy::new_capacity( members_.capacity_ );
+ // @todo: consider to check for allocator.max_size()
+ return (std::max)(new_capacity,n);
+ }
+ static void swap_helper( auto_buffer& l, auto_buffer& r,
+ const boost::true_type& )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( l.is_on_stack() && r.is_on_stack() );
+ auto_buffer temp( l.begin(), l.end() );
+ assign_impl( r.begin(), r.end(), l.begin() );
+ assign_impl( temp.begin(), temp.end(), r.begin() );
+ boost::swap( l.size_, r.size_ );
+ boost::swap( l.members_.capacity_, r.members_.capacity_ );
+ }
+ static void swap_helper( auto_buffer& l, auto_buffer& r,
+ const boost::false_type& )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( l.is_on_stack() && r.is_on_stack() );
+ size_type min_size = (std::min)(l.size_,r.size_);
+ size_type max_size = (std::max)(l.size_,r.size_);
+ size_type diff = max_size - min_size;
+ auto_buffer* smallest = l.size_ == min_size ? &l : &r;
+ auto_buffer* largest = smallest == &l ? &r : &l;
+ // @remark: the implementation below is not as fast
+ // as it could be if we assumed T had a default
+ // constructor.
+ size_type i = 0u;
+ for( ; i < min_size; ++i )
+ boost::swap( (*smallest)[i], (*largest)[i] );
+ for( ; i < max_size; ++i )
+ smallest->unchecked_push_back( (*largest)[i] );
+ largest->pop_back_n( diff );
+ boost::swap( l.members_.capacity_, r.members_.capacity_ );
+ }
+ void one_sided_swap( auto_buffer& temp ) // nothrow
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !temp.is_on_stack() );
+ this->~auto_buffer();
+ // @remark: must be nothrow
+ get_allocator() = temp.get_allocator();
+ members_.capacity_ = temp.members_.capacity_;
+ buffer_ = temp.buffer_;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( temp.size_ >= size_ + 1u );
+ size_ = temp.size_;
+ temp.buffer_ = 0;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( temp.is_valid() );
+ }
+ template< class I >
+ void insert_impl( const_iterator before, I begin_arg, I end_arg,
+ std::input_iterator_tag )
+ {
+ for( ; begin_arg != end_arg; ++begin_arg )
+ {
+ before = insert( before, *begin_arg );
+ ++before;
+ }
+ }
+ void grow_back( size_type n, const boost::true_type& )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( size_ + n <= members_.capacity_ );
+ size_ += n;
+ }
+ void grow_back( size_type n, const boost::false_type& )
+ {
+ unchecked_push_back_n(n);
+ }
+ void grow_back( size_type n )
+ {
+ grow_back( n, boost::has_trivial_constructor<T>() );
+ }
+ void grow_back_one( const boost::true_type& )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( size_ + 1 <= members_.capacity_ );
+ size_ += 1;
+ }
+ void grow_back_one( const boost::false_type& )
+ {
+ unchecked_push_back();
+ }
+ void grow_back_one()
+ {
+ grow_back_one( boost::has_trivial_constructor<T>() );
+ }
+ template< class I >
+ void insert_impl( const_iterator before, I begin_arg, I end_arg,
+ std::forward_iterator_tag )
+ {
+ difference_type n = std::distance(begin_arg, end_arg);
+ if( size_ + n <= members_.capacity_ )
+ {
+ bool is_back_insertion = before == cend();
+ if( !is_back_insertion )
+ {
+ grow_back( n );
+ iterator where = const_cast<T*>(before);
+ std::copy( before, cend() - n, where + n );
+ assign_impl( begin_arg, end_arg, where );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unchecked_push_back( begin_arg, end_arg );
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ return;
+ }
+ auto_buffer temp( new_capacity_impl( size_ + n ) );
+ temp.unchecked_push_back( cbegin(), before );
+ temp.unchecked_push_back( begin_arg, end_arg );
+ temp.unchecked_push_back( before, cend() );
+ one_sided_swap( temp );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ public:
+ bool is_valid() const // invariant
+ {
+ // @remark: allowed for N==0 and when
+ // using a locally instance
+ // in insert()/one_sided_swap()
+ if( buffer_ == 0 )
+ return true;
+ if( members_.capacity_ < N )
+ return false;
+ if( !is_on_stack() && members_.capacity_ <= N )
+ return false;
+ if( buffer_ == members_.address() )
+ if( members_.capacity_ > N )
+ return false;
+ if( size_ > members_.capacity_ )
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ auto_buffer()
+ : members_( N ),
+ buffer_( static_cast<T*>(members_.address()) ),
+ size_( 0u )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ auto_buffer( const auto_buffer& r )
+ : members_( (std::max)(r.size_,size_type(N)) ),
+ buffer_( allocate( members_.capacity_ ) ),
+ size_( 0 )
+ {
+ copy_impl( r.begin(), r.end(), buffer_ );
+ size_ = r.size_;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ auto_buffer& operator=( const auto_buffer& r ) // basic
+ {
+ if( this == &r )
+ return *this;
+ difference_type diff = size_ - r.size_;
+ if( diff >= 0 )
+ {
+ pop_back_n( static_cast<size_type>(diff) );
+ assign_impl( r.begin(), r.end(), begin() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( members_.capacity_ >= r.size() )
+ {
+ unchecked_push_back_n( static_cast<size_type>(-diff) );
+ assign_impl( r.begin(), r.end(), begin() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // @remark: we release memory as early as possible
+ // since we only give the basic guarantee
+ (*this).~auto_buffer();
+ buffer_ = 0;
+ pointer new_buffer = allocate( r.size() );
+ boost::multi_index::detail::scope_guard guard =
+ boost::multi_index::detail::make_obj_guard( *this,
+ &auto_buffer::deallocate,
+ new_buffer,
+ r.size() );
+ copy_impl( r.begin(), r.end(), new_buffer );
+ guard.dismiss();
+ buffer_ = new_buffer;
+ members_.capacity_ = r.size();
+ size_ = members_.capacity_;
+ }
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT( size() == r.size() );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ explicit auto_buffer( size_type capacity_arg )
+ : members_( (std::max)(capacity_arg, size_type(N)) ),
+ buffer_( allocate(members_.capacity_) ),
+ size_( 0 )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ auto_buffer( size_type size_arg, optimized_const_reference init_value )
+ : members_( (std::max)(size_arg, size_type(N)) ),
+ buffer_( allocate(members_.capacity_) ),
+ size_( 0 )
+ {
+ std::uninitialized_fill( buffer_, buffer_ + size_arg, init_value );
+ size_ = size_arg;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ auto_buffer( size_type capacity_arg, const allocator_type& a )
+ : allocator_type( a ),
+ members_( (std::max)(capacity_arg, size_type(N)) ),
+ buffer_( allocate(members_.capacity_) ),
+ size_( 0 )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ auto_buffer( size_type size_arg, optimized_const_reference init_value,
+ const allocator_type& a )
+ : allocator_type( a ),
+ members_( (std::max)(size_arg, size_type(N)) ),
+ buffer_( allocate(members_.capacity_) ),
+ size_( 0 )
+ {
+ std::uninitialized_fill( buffer_, buffer_ + size_arg, init_value );
+ size_ = size_arg;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ template< class ForwardIterator >
+ auto_buffer( ForwardIterator begin_arg, ForwardIterator end_arg )
+ :
+ members_( std::distance(begin_arg, end_arg) ),
+ buffer_( allocate(members_.capacity_) ),
+ size_( 0 )
+ {
+ copy_impl( begin_arg, end_arg, buffer_ );
+ size_ = members_.capacity_;
+ if( members_.capacity_ < N )
+ members_.capacity_ = N;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ template< class ForwardIterator >
+ auto_buffer( ForwardIterator begin_arg, ForwardIterator end_arg,
+ const allocator_type& a )
+ : allocator_type( a ),
+ members_( std::distance(begin_arg, end_arg) ),
+ buffer_( allocate(members_.capacity_) ),
+ size_( 0 )
+ {
+ copy_impl( begin_arg, end_arg, buffer_ );
+ size_ = members_.capacity_;
+ if( members_.capacity_ < N )
+ members_.capacity_ = N;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ ~auto_buffer()
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ if( buffer_ ) // do we need this check? Yes, but only
+ // for N = 0u + local instances in one_sided_swap()
+ auto_buffer_destroy( boost::has_trivial_destructor<T>() );
+ }
+ public:
+ bool empty() const
+ {
+ return size_ == 0;
+ }
+ bool full() const
+ {
+ return size_ == members_.capacity_;
+ }
+ bool is_on_stack() const
+ {
+ return members_.capacity_ <= N;
+ }
+ size_type size() const
+ {
+ return size_;
+ }
+ size_type capacity() const
+ {
+ return members_.capacity_;
+ }
+ public:
+ pointer data()
+ {
+ return buffer_;
+ }
+ const_pointer data() const
+ {
+ return buffer_;
+ }
+ allocator_type& get_allocator()
+ {
+ return static_cast<allocator_type&>(*this);
+ }
+ const allocator_type& get_allocator() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<const allocator_type&>(*this);
+ }
+ public:
+ iterator begin()
+ {
+ return buffer_;
+ }
+ const_iterator begin() const
+ {
+ return buffer_;
+ }
+ iterator end()
+ {
+ return buffer_ + size_;
+ }
+ const_iterator end() const
+ {
+ return buffer_ + size_;
+ }
+ reverse_iterator rbegin()
+ {
+ return reverse_iterator(end());
+ }
+ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
+ {
+ return const_reverse_iterator(end());
+ }
+ reverse_iterator rend()
+ {
+ return reverse_iterator(begin());
+ }
+ const_reverse_iterator rend() const
+ {
+ return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
+ }
+ const_iterator cbegin() const
+ {
+ return const_cast<const auto_buffer*>(this)->begin();
+ }
+ const_iterator cend() const
+ {
+ return const_cast<const auto_buffer*>(this)->end();
+ }
+ const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
+ {
+ return const_cast<const auto_buffer*>(this)->rbegin();
+ }
+ const_reverse_iterator crend() const
+ {
+ return const_cast<const auto_buffer*>(this)->rend();
+ }
+ public:
+ reference front()
+ {
+ return buffer_[0];
+ }
+ optimized_const_reference front() const
+ {
+ return buffer_[0];
+ }
+ reference back()
+ {
+ return buffer_[size_-1];
+ }
+ optimized_const_reference back() const
+ {
+ return buffer_[size_-1];
+ }
+ reference operator[]( size_type n )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( n < size_ );
+ return buffer_[n];
+ }
+ optimized_const_reference operator[]( size_type n ) const
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( n < size_ );
+ return buffer_[n];
+ }
+ void unchecked_push_back()
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !full() );
+ new (buffer_ + size_) T;
+ ++size_;
+ }
+ void unchecked_push_back_n( size_type n )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( size_ + n <= members_.capacity_ );
+ unchecked_push_back_n( n, boost::has_trivial_assign<T>() );
+ }
+ void unchecked_push_back( optimized_const_reference x ) // non-growing
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !full() );
+ new (buffer_ + size_) T( x );
+ ++size_;
+ }
+ template< class ForwardIterator >
+ void unchecked_push_back( ForwardIterator begin_arg,
+ ForwardIterator end_arg ) // non-growing
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( size_ + std::distance(begin_arg, end_arg) <= members_.capacity_ );
+ copy_impl( begin_arg, end_arg, buffer_ + size_ );
+ size_ += std::distance(begin_arg, end_arg);
+ }
+ void reserve_precisely( size_type n )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( members_.capacity_ >= N );
+ if( n <= members_.capacity_ )
+ return;
+ reserve_impl( n );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( members_.capacity_ == n );
+ }
+ void reserve( size_type n ) // strong
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( members_.capacity_ >= N );
+ if( n <= members_.capacity_ )
+ return;
+ reserve_impl( new_capacity_impl( n ) );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( members_.capacity_ >= n );
+ }
+ void push_back()
+ {
+ if( size_ != members_.capacity_ )
+ {
+ unchecked_push_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reserve( size_ + 1u );
+ unchecked_push_back();
+ }
+ }
+ void push_back( optimized_const_reference x )
+ {
+ if( size_ != members_.capacity_ )
+ {
+ unchecked_push_back( x );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reserve( size_ + 1u );
+ unchecked_push_back( x );
+ }
+ }
+ template< class ForwardIterator >
+ void push_back( ForwardIterator begin_arg, ForwardIterator end_arg )
+ {
+ difference_type diff = std::distance(begin_arg, end_arg);
+ if( size_ + diff > members_.capacity_ )
+ reserve( size_ + diff );
+ unchecked_push_back( begin_arg, end_arg );
+ }
+ iterator insert( const_iterator before, optimized_const_reference x ) // basic
+ {
+ // @todo: consider if we want to support x in 'this'
+ if( size_ < members_.capacity_ )
+ {
+ bool is_back_insertion = before == cend();
+ iterator where = const_cast<T*>(before);
+ if( !is_back_insertion )
+ {
+ grow_back_one();
+ std::copy( before, cend() - 1u, where + 1u );
+ *where = x;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unchecked_push_back( x );
+ }
+ return where;
+ }
+ auto_buffer temp( new_capacity_impl( size_ + 1u ) );
+ temp.unchecked_push_back( cbegin(), before );
+ iterator result = temp.end();
+ temp.unchecked_push_back( x );
+ temp.unchecked_push_back( before, cend() );
+ one_sided_swap( temp );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ return result;
+ }
+ void insert( const_iterator before, size_type n,
+ optimized_const_reference x )
+ {
+ // @todo: see problems above
+ if( size_ + n <= members_.capacity_ )
+ {
+ grow_back( n );
+ iterator where = const_cast<T*>(before);
+ std::copy( before, cend() - n, where + n );
+ std::fill( where, where + n, x );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ return;
+ }
+ auto_buffer temp( new_capacity_impl( size_ + n ) );
+ temp.unchecked_push_back( cbegin(), before );
+ std::uninitialized_fill_n( temp.end(), n, x );
+ temp.size_ += n;
+ temp.unchecked_push_back( before, cend() );
+ one_sided_swap( temp );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ }
+ template< class ForwardIterator >
+ void insert( const_iterator before,
+ ForwardIterator begin_arg, ForwardIterator end_arg ) // basic
+ {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>
+ ::iterator_category category;
+ insert_impl( before, begin_arg, end_arg, category() );
+ }
+ void pop_back()
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !empty() );
+ auto_buffer_destroy( buffer_ + size_ - 1, boost::has_trivial_destructor<T>() );
+ --size_;
+ }
+ void pop_back_n( size_type n )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( n <= size_ );
+ if( n )
+ {
+ destroy_back_n( n );
+ size_ -= n;
+ }
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ pop_back_n( size_ );
+ }
+ iterator erase( const_iterator where )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !empty() );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( cbegin() <= where );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( cend() > where );
+ unsigned elements = cend() - where - 1u;
+ if( elements > 0u )
+ {
+ const_iterator start = where + 1u;
+ std::copy( start, start + elements,
+ const_cast<T*>(where) );
+ }
+ pop_back();
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !full() );
+ iterator result = const_cast<T*>( where );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( result <= end() );
+ return result;
+ }
+ iterator erase( const_iterator from, const_iterator to )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !(std::distance(from,to)>0) ||
+ !empty() );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( cbegin() <= from );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( cend() >= to );
+ unsigned elements = std::distance(to,cend());
+ if( elements > 0u )
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( elements > 0u );
+ std::copy( to, to + elements,
+ const_cast<T*>(from) );
+ }
+ pop_back_n( std::distance(from,to) );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !full() );
+ iterator result = const_cast<T*>( from );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( result <= end() );
+ return result;
+ }
+ void shrink_to_fit()
+ {
+ if( is_on_stack() || !GrowPolicy::should_shrink(size_,members_.capacity_) )
+ return;
+ reserve_impl( size_ );
+ members_.capacity_ = (std::max)(size_type(N),members_.capacity_);
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_on_stack() || size_ == members_.capacity_ );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !is_on_stack() || size_ <= members_.capacity_ );
+ }
+ pointer uninitialized_grow( size_type n ) // strong
+ {
+ if( size_ + n <= members_.capacity_ )
+ reserve( size_ + n );
+ pointer res = end();
+ size_ += n;
+ return res;
+ }
+ void uninitialized_shrink( size_type n ) // nothrow
+ {
+ // @remark: test for wrap-around
+ BOOST_ASSERT( size_ - n <= members_.capacity_ );
+ size_ -= n;
+ }
+ void uninitialized_resize( size_type n )
+ {
+ if( n > size() )
+ uninitialized_grow( n - size() );
+ else if( n < size() )
+ uninitialized_shrink( size() - n );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( size() == n );
+ }
+ // nothrow - if both buffer are on the heap, or
+ // - if one buffer is on the heap and one has
+ // 'has_allocated_buffer() == false', or
+ // - if copy-construction cannot throw
+ // basic - otherwise (better guarantee impossible)
+ // requirement: the allocator must be no-throw-swappable
+ void swap( auto_buffer& r )
+ {
+ bool on_stack = is_on_stack();
+ bool r_on_stack = r.is_on_stack();
+ bool both_on_heap = !on_stack && !r_on_stack;
+ if( both_on_heap )
+ {
+ boost::swap( get_allocator(), r.get_allocator() );
+ boost::swap( members_.capacity_, r.members_.capacity_ );
+ boost::swap( buffer_, r.buffer_ );
+ boost::swap( size_, r.size_ );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( r.is_valid() );
+ return;
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT( on_stack || r_on_stack );
+ bool exactly_one_on_stack = (on_stack && !r_on_stack) ||
+ (!on_stack && r_on_stack);
+ //
+ // Remark: we now know that we can copy into
+ // the unused stack buffer.
+ //
+ if( exactly_one_on_stack )
+ {
+ auto_buffer* one_on_stack = on_stack ? this : &r;
+ auto_buffer* other = on_stack ? &r : this;
+ pointer new_buffer = static_cast<T*>(other->members_.address());
+ copy_impl( one_on_stack->begin(), one_on_stack->end(),
+ new_buffer ); // strong
+ one_on_stack->~auto_buffer(); // nothrow
+ boost::swap( get_allocator(), r.get_allocator() ); // assume nothrow
+ boost::swap( members_.capacity_, r.members_.capacity_ );
+ boost::swap( size_, r.size_ );
+ one_on_stack->buffer_ = other->buffer_;
+ other->buffer_ = new_buffer;
+ BOOST_ASSERT( other->is_on_stack() );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( !one_on_stack->is_on_stack() );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( r.is_valid() );
+ return;
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT( on_stack && r_on_stack );
+ swap_helper( *this, r, boost::has_trivial_assign<T>() );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( is_valid() );
+ BOOST_ASSERT( r.is_valid() );
+ }
+ private:
+ typedef boost::aligned_storage< N * sizeof(T),
+ boost::alignment_of<T>::value >
+ storage;
+ struct members_type : storage /* to enable EBO */
+ {
+ size_type capacity_;
+ members_type( size_type capacity )
+ : capacity_(capacity)
+ { }
+ void* address() const
+ { return const_cast<storage&>(static_cast<const storage&>(*this)).address(); }
+ };
+ members_type members_;
+ pointer buffer_;
+ size_type size_;
+ };
+ template< class T, class SBP, class GP, class A >
+ inline void swap( auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& l, auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& r )
+ {
+ l.swap( r );
+ }
+ template< class T, class SBP, class GP, class A >
+ inline bool operator==( const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& l,
+ const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& r )
+ {
+ if( l.size() != r.size() )
+ return false;
+ return std::equal( l.begin(), l.end(), r.begin() );
+ }
+ template< class T, class SBP, class GP, class A >
+ inline bool operator!=( const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& l,
+ const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& r )
+ {
+ return !(l == r);
+ }
+ template< class T, class SBP, class GP, class A >
+ inline bool operator<( const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& l,
+ const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& r )
+ {
+ return std::lexicographical_compare( l.begin(), l.end(),
+ r.begin(), r.end() );
+ }
+ template< class T, class SBP, class GP, class A >
+ inline bool operator>( const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& l,
+ const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& r )
+ {
+ return (r < l);
+ }
+ template< class T, class SBP, class GP, class A >
+ inline bool operator<=( const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& l,
+ const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& r )
+ {
+ return !(r > l);
+ }
+ template< class T, class SBP, class GP, class A >
+ inline bool operator>=( const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& l,
+ const auto_buffer<T,SBP,GP,A>& r )
+ {
+ return !(l < r);
+ }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace signals2
+#pragma warning(pop)