diff options
authorKevin Smith <>2013-01-12 18:41:34 (GMT)
committerSwift Review <>2013-01-13 10:36:26 (GMT)
commitf3bc816af1b0d61452de973963e453bf3b3f95a2 (patch)
treee895f8afa3580e6cff6f5ad2017d45bf147a17c2 /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/lex/lexer/lexertl/token.hpp
parent188fc285c6555eadd3c9d50ab8a94adcade78d89 (diff)
Adding in the spirit Boost stuff
Change-Id: I4f127ce61667243b64081b0aa309028d5077045f
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/lex/lexer/lexertl/token.hpp')
1 files changed, 654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/lex/lexer/lexertl/token.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/lex/lexer/lexertl/token.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90961af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/lex/lexer/lexertl/token.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_LEX_TOKEN_FEB_10_2008_0751PM)
+#define BOOST_SPIRIT_LEX_TOKEN_FEB_10_2008_0751PM
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma once
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/home/qi/detail/assign_to.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/home/support/attributes.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/home/support/argument.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/home/support/detail/lexer/generator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/home/support/detail/lexer/rules.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/home/support/detail/lexer/consts.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/home/support/utree/utree_traits_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/home/lex/lexer/terminals.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/include/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/include/at.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/include/value_at.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/variant.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/is_sequence.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/begin.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/insert.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG)
+#include <iosfwd>
+namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace lex { namespace lexertl
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // The token is the type of the objects returned by default by the
+ // iterator.
+ //
+ // template parameters:
+ // Iterator The type of the iterator used to access the
+ // underlying character stream.
+ // AttributeTypes A mpl sequence containing the types of all
+ // required different token values to be supported
+ // by this token type.
+ // HasState A mpl::bool_ indicating, whether this token type
+ // should support lexer states.
+ // Idtype The type to use for the token id (defaults to
+ // std::size_t).
+ //
+ // It is possible to use other token types with the spirit::lex
+ // framework as well. If you plan to use a different type as your token
+ // type, you'll need to expose the following things from your token type
+ // to make it compatible with spirit::lex:
+ //
+ // typedefs
+ // iterator_type The type of the iterator used to access the
+ // underlying character stream.
+ //
+ // id_type The type of the token id used.
+ //
+ // methods
+ // default constructor
+ // This should initialize the token as an end of
+ // input token.
+ // constructors The prototype of the other required
+ // constructors should be:
+ //
+ // token(int)
+ // This constructor should initialize the token as
+ // an invalid token (not carrying any specific
+ // values)
+ //
+ // where: the int is used as a tag only and its value is
+ // ignored
+ //
+ // and:
+ //
+ // token(Idtype id, std::size_t state,
+ // iterator_type first, iterator_type last);
+ //
+ // where: id: token id
+ // state: lexer state this token was matched in
+ // first, last: pair of iterators marking the matched
+ // range in the underlying input stream
+ //
+ // accessors
+ // id() return the token id of the matched input sequence
+ // id(newid) set the token id of the token instance
+ //
+ // state() return the lexer state this token was matched in
+ //
+ // value() return the token value
+ //
+ // Additionally, you will have to implement a couple of helper functions
+ // in the same namespace as the token type: a comparison operator==() to
+ // compare your token instances, a token_is_valid() function and different
+ // specializations of the Spirit customization point
+ // assign_to_attribute_from_value as shown below.
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Iterator = char const*
+ , typename AttributeTypes = mpl::vector0<>
+ , typename HasState = mpl::true_
+ , typename Idtype = std::size_t>
+ struct token;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // This specialization of the token type doesn't contain any item data and
+ // doesn't support working with lexer states.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Iterator, typename Idtype>
+ struct token<Iterator, lex::omit, mpl::false_, Idtype>
+ {
+ typedef Iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef mpl::false_ has_state;
+ typedef Idtype id_type;
+ typedef unused_type token_value_type;
+ // default constructed tokens correspond to EOI tokens
+ token() : id_(id_type(boost::lexer::npos)) {}
+ // construct an invalid token
+ explicit token(int) : id_(id_type(0)) {}
+ token(id_type id, std::size_t) : id_(id) {}
+ token(id_type id, std::size_t, token_value_type)
+ : id_(id) {}
+ token_value_type& value() { static token_value_type u; return u; }
+ token_value_type const& value() const { return unused; }
+#if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG)
+ token(id_type id, std::size_t, Iterator const& first
+ , Iterator const& last)
+ : matched_(first, last)
+ , id_(id) {}
+ token(id_type id, std::size_t, Iterator const&, Iterator const&)
+ : id_(id) {}
+ // this default conversion operator is needed to allow the direct
+ // usage of tokens in conjunction with the primitive parsers defined
+ // in Qi
+ operator id_type() const { return id_; }
+ // Retrieve or set the token id of this token instance.
+ id_type id() const { return id_; }
+ void id(id_type newid) { id_ = newid; }
+ std::size_t state() const { return 0; } // always '0' (INITIAL state)
+ bool is_valid() const
+ {
+ return 0 != id_ && id_type(boost::lexer::npos) != id_;
+ }
+#if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG)
+ // workaround for MSVC10 which has problems copying a default
+ // constructed iterator_range
+ token& operator= (token const& rhs)
+ {
+ if (this != &rhs)
+ {
+ id_ = rhs.id_;
+ if (is_valid())
+ matched_ = rhs.matched_;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ std::pair<Iterator, Iterator> matched_;
+ protected:
+ id_type id_; // token id, 0 if nothing has been matched
+ };
+#if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG)
+ template <typename Char, typename Traits, typename Iterator
+ , typename AttributeTypes, typename HasState, typename Idtype>
+ inline std::basic_ostream<Char, Traits>&
+ operator<< (std::basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& os
+ , token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> const& t)
+ {
+ if (t.is_valid()) {
+ Iterator end = t.matched_.second;
+ for (Iterator it = t.matched_.first; it != end; ++it)
+ os << *it;
+ }
+ else {
+ os << "<invalid token>";
+ }
+ return os;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // This specialization of the token type doesn't contain any item data but
+ // supports working with lexer states.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Iterator, typename Idtype>
+ struct token<Iterator, lex::omit, mpl::true_, Idtype>
+ : token<Iterator, lex::omit, mpl::false_, Idtype>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef token<Iterator, lex::omit, mpl::false_, Idtype> base_type;
+ public:
+ typedef typename base_type::id_type id_type;
+ typedef Iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef mpl::true_ has_state;
+ typedef unused_type token_value_type;
+ // default constructed tokens correspond to EOI tokens
+ token() : state_(boost::lexer::npos) {}
+ // construct an invalid token
+ explicit token(int) : base_type(0), state_(boost::lexer::npos) {}
+ token(id_type id, std::size_t state)
+ : base_type(id, boost::lexer::npos), state_(state) {}
+ token(id_type id, std::size_t state, token_value_type)
+ : base_type(id, boost::lexer::npos, unused)
+ , state_(state) {}
+ token(id_type id, std::size_t state
+ , Iterator const& first, Iterator const& last)
+ : base_type(id, boost::lexer::npos, first, last)
+ , state_(state) {}
+ std::size_t state() const { return state_; }
+ // workaround for MSVC10 which has problems copying a default
+ // constructed iterator_range
+ token& operator= (token const& rhs)
+ {
+ if (this != &rhs)
+ {
+ this->base_type::operator=(static_cast<base_type const&>(rhs));
+ state_ = rhs.state_;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ protected:
+ std::size_t state_; // lexer state this token was matched in
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // The generic version of the token type derives from the
+ // specialization above and adds a single data member holding the item
+ // data carried by the token instance.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Meta-function to calculate the type of the variant data item to be
+ // stored with each token instance.
+ //
+ // Note: The iterator pair needs to be the first type in the list of
+ // types supported by the generated variant type (this is being
+ // used to identify whether the stored data item in a particular
+ // token instance needs to be converted from the pair of
+ // iterators (see the first of the assign_to_attribute_from_value
+ // specializations below).
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename IteratorPair, typename AttributeTypes>
+ struct token_value_typesequence
+ {
+ typedef typename mpl::insert<
+ AttributeTypes
+ , typename mpl::begin<AttributeTypes>::type
+ , IteratorPair
+ >::type sequence_type;
+ typedef typename make_variant_over<sequence_type>::type type;
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // The type of the data item stored with a token instance is defined
+ // by the template parameter 'AttributeTypes' and may be:
+ //
+ // lex::omit: no data item is stored with the token
+ // instance (this is handled by the
+ // specializations of the token class
+ // below)
+ // mpl::vector0<>: each token instance stores a pair of
+ // iterators pointing to the matched input
+ // sequence
+ // mpl::vector<...>: each token instance stores a variant being
+ // able to store the pair of iterators pointing
+ // to the matched input sequence, or any of the
+ // types a specified in the mpl::vector<>
+ //
+ // All this is done to ensure the token type is as small (in terms
+ // of its byte-size) as possible.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename IteratorPair, typename AttributeTypes>
+ struct token_value_type
+ : mpl::eval_if<
+ mpl::or_<
+ is_same<AttributeTypes, mpl::vector0<> >
+ , is_same<AttributeTypes, mpl::vector<> > >
+ , mpl::identity<IteratorPair>
+ , token_value_typesequence<IteratorPair, AttributeTypes> >
+ {};
+ }
+ template <typename Iterator, typename AttributeTypes, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype>
+ struct token : token<Iterator, lex::omit, HasState, Idtype>
+ {
+ private: // precondition assertions
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((mpl::is_sequence<AttributeTypes>::value ||
+ is_same<AttributeTypes, lex::omit>::value));
+ typedef token<Iterator, lex::omit, HasState, Idtype> base_type;
+ protected:
+ // If no additional token value types are given, the the token will
+ // hold the plain pair of iterators pointing to the matched range
+ // in the underlying input sequence. Otherwise the token value is
+ // stored as a variant and will again hold the pair of iterators but
+ // is able to hold any of the given data types as well. The conversion
+ // from the iterator pair to the required data type is done when it is
+ // accessed for the first time.
+ typedef iterator_range<Iterator> iterpair_type;
+ public:
+ typedef typename base_type::id_type id_type;
+ typedef typename detail::token_value_type<
+ iterpair_type, AttributeTypes
+ >::type token_value_type;
+ typedef Iterator iterator_type;
+ // default constructed tokens correspond to EOI tokens
+ token() : value_(iterpair_type(iterator_type(), iterator_type())) {}
+ // construct an invalid token
+ explicit token(int)
+ : base_type(0)
+ , value_(iterpair_type(iterator_type(), iterator_type())) {}
+ token(id_type id, std::size_t state, token_value_type const& value)
+ : base_type(id, state, value)
+ , value_(value) {}
+ token(id_type id, std::size_t state, Iterator const& first
+ , Iterator const& last)
+ : base_type(id, state, first, last)
+ , value_(iterpair_type(first, last)) {}
+ token_value_type& value() { return value_; }
+ token_value_type const& value() const { return value_; }
+ // workaround for MSVC10 which has problems copying a default
+ // constructed iterator_range
+ token& operator= (token const& rhs)
+ {
+ if (this != &rhs)
+ {
+ this->base_type::operator=(static_cast<base_type const&>(rhs));
+ if (this->is_valid())
+ value_ = rhs.value_;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ protected:
+ token_value_type value_; // token value, by default a pair of iterators
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // tokens are considered equal, if their id's match (these are unique)
+ template <typename Iterator, typename AttributeTypes, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype>
+ inline bool
+ operator== (token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> const& lhs,
+ token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> const& rhs)
+ {
+ return ==;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // This overload is needed by the multi_pass/functor_input_policy to
+ // validate a token instance. It has to be defined in the same namespace
+ // as the token class itself to allow ADL to find it.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Iterator, typename AttributeTypes, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype>
+ inline bool
+ token_is_valid(token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> const& t)
+ {
+ return t.is_valid();
+ }
+namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // We have to provide specializations for the customization point
+ // assign_to_attribute_from_value allowing to extract the needed value
+ // from the token.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // This is called from the parse function of token_def if the token_def
+ // has been defined to carry a special attribute type
+ template <typename Attribute, typename Iterator, typename AttributeTypes
+ , typename HasState, typename Idtype>
+ struct assign_to_attribute_from_value<Attribute
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {
+ static void
+ call(lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> const& t
+ , Attribute& attr)
+ {
+ // The goal of this function is to avoid the conversion of the pair of
+ // iterators (to the matched character sequence) into the token value
+ // of the required type being done more than once. For this purpose it
+ // checks whether the stored value type is still the default one (pair
+ // of iterators) and if yes, replaces the pair of iterators with the
+ // converted value to be returned from subsequent calls.
+ if (0 == t.value().which()) {
+ // first access to the token value
+ typedef iterator_range<Iterator> iterpair_type;
+ iterpair_type const& ip = boost::get<iterpair_type>(t.value());
+ // Interestingly enough we use the assign_to() framework defined in
+ // Spirit.Qi allowing to convert the pair of iterators to almost any
+ // required type (assign_to(), if available, uses the standard Spirit
+ // parsers to do the conversion).
+ spirit::traits::assign_to(ip.begin(), ip.end(), attr);
+ // If you get an error during the compilation of the following
+ // assignment expression, you probably forgot to list one or more
+ // types used as token value types (in your token_def<...>
+ // definitions) in your definition of the token class. I.e. any token
+ // value type used for a token_def<...> definition has to be listed
+ // during the declaration of the token type to use. For instance let's
+ // assume we have two token_def's:
+ //
+ // token_def<int> number; number = "...";
+ // token_def<std::string> identifier; identifier = "...";
+ //
+ // Then you'll have to use the following token type definition
+ // (assuming you are using the token class):
+ //
+ // typedef mpl::vector<int, std::string> token_values;
+ // typedef token<base_iter_type, token_values> token_type;
+ //
+ // where: base_iter_type is the iterator type used to expose the
+ // underlying input stream.
+ //
+ // This token_type has to be used as the second template parameter
+ // to the lexer class:
+ //
+ // typedef lexer<base_iter_type, token_type> lexer_type;
+ //
+ // again, assuming you're using the lexer<> template for your
+ // tokenization.
+ typedef lex::lexertl::token<
+ Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> token_type;
+ spirit::traits::assign_to(
+ attr, const_cast<token_type&>(t).value()); // re-assign value
+ }
+ else {
+ // reuse the already assigned value
+ spirit::traits::assign_to(boost::get<Attribute>(t.value()), attr);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Attribute, typename Iterator, typename AttributeTypes
+ , typename HasState, typename Idtype>
+ struct assign_to_container_from_value<Attribute
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> >
+ : assign_to_attribute_from_value<Attribute
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {};
+ template <typename Iterator, typename AttributeTypes
+ , typename HasState, typename Idtype>
+ struct assign_to_container_from_value<utree
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> >
+ : assign_to_attribute_from_value<utree
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {};
+ template <typename Iterator>
+ struct assign_to_container_from_value<
+ iterator_range<Iterator>, iterator_range<Iterator> >
+ {
+ static void
+ call(iterator_range<Iterator> const& val, iterator_range<Iterator>& attr)
+ {
+ attr = val;
+ }
+ };
+ // These are called from the parse function of token_def if the token type
+ // has no special attribute type assigned
+ template <typename Attribute, typename Iterator, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype>
+ struct assign_to_attribute_from_value<Attribute
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, mpl::vector0<>, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {
+ static void
+ call(lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, mpl::vector0<>, HasState, Idtype> const& t
+ , Attribute& attr)
+ {
+ // The default type returned by the token_def parser component (if
+ // it has no token value type assigned) is the pair of iterators
+ // to the matched character sequence.
+ spirit::traits::assign_to(t.value().begin(), t.value().end(), attr);
+ }
+ };
+// template <typename Attribute, typename Iterator, typename HasState
+// , typename Idtype>
+// struct assign_to_container_from_value<Attribute
+// , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, mpl::vector0<>, HasState, Idtype> >
+// : assign_to_attribute_from_value<Attribute
+// , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, mpl::vector0<>, HasState, Idtype> >
+// {};
+ // same as above but using mpl::vector<> instead of mpl::vector0<>
+ template <typename Attribute, typename Iterator, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype>
+ struct assign_to_attribute_from_value<Attribute
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, mpl::vector<>, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {
+ static void
+ call(lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, mpl::vector<>, HasState, Idtype> const& t
+ , Attribute& attr)
+ {
+ // The default type returned by the token_def parser component (if
+ // it has no token value type assigned) is the pair of iterators
+ // to the matched character sequence.
+ spirit::traits::assign_to(t.value().begin(), t.value().end(), attr);
+ }
+ };
+// template <typename Attribute, typename Iterator, typename HasState
+// , typename Idtype>
+// struct assign_to_container_from_value<Attribute
+// , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, mpl::vector<>, HasState, Idtype> >
+// : assign_to_attribute_from_value<Attribute
+// , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, mpl::vector<>, HasState, Idtype> >
+// {};
+ // This is called from the parse function of token_def if the token type
+ // has been explicitly omitted (i.e. no attribute value is used), which
+ // essentially means that every attribute gets initialized using default
+ // constructed values.
+ template <typename Attribute, typename Iterator, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype>
+ struct assign_to_attribute_from_value<Attribute
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, lex::omit, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {
+ static void
+ call(lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, lex::omit, HasState, Idtype> const& t
+ , Attribute& attr)
+ {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Attribute, typename Iterator, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype>
+ struct assign_to_container_from_value<Attribute
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, lex::omit, HasState, Idtype> >
+ : assign_to_attribute_from_value<Attribute
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, lex::omit, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {};
+ // This is called from the parse function of lexer_def_
+ template <typename Iterator, typename AttributeTypes, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype_, typename Idtype>
+ struct assign_to_attribute_from_value<
+ fusion::vector2<Idtype_, iterator_range<Iterator> >
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {
+ static void
+ call(lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> const& t
+ , fusion::vector2<Idtype_, iterator_range<Iterator> >& attr)
+ {
+ // The type returned by the lexer_def_ parser components is a
+ // fusion::vector containing the token id of the matched token
+ // and the pair of iterators to the matched character sequence.
+ typedef iterator_range<Iterator> iterpair_type;
+ typedef fusion::vector2<Idtype_, iterator_range<Iterator> >
+ attribute_type;
+ iterpair_type const& ip = boost::get<iterpair_type>(t.value());
+ attr = attribute_type(, ip);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Iterator, typename AttributeTypes, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype_, typename Idtype>
+ struct assign_to_container_from_value<
+ fusion::vector2<Idtype_, iterator_range<Iterator> >
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> >
+ : assign_to_attribute_from_value<
+ fusion::vector2<Idtype_, iterator_range<Iterator> >
+ , lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {};
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Overload debug output for a single token, this integrates lexer tokens
+ // with Qi's simple_trace debug facilities
+ template <typename Iterator, typename Attribute, typename HasState
+ , typename Idtype>
+ struct token_printer_debug<
+ lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, Attribute, HasState, Idtype> >
+ {
+ typedef lex::lexertl::token<Iterator, Attribute, HasState, Idtype> token_type;
+ template <typename Out>
+ static void print(Out& out, token_type const& val)
+ {
+ out << '[';
+ spirit::traits::print_token(out, val.value());
+ out << ']';
+ }
+ };