diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
commit0efa7c32aaf21a29b42b5926cc116007056843be (patch)
tree882f663a5dd0e65694bf6077b71086dd77fd7ff8 /3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools
parent1d20eabbc32274b491b4c2bedf73d19933d97bfd (diff)
Moved some modules into separate git modules.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/CppUnit b/3rdParty/CppUnit
new file mode 160000
+Subproject b4c34eb947c6497c6387c55c7581ec875f4e7d4
diff --git a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/Algorithm.h b/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/Algorithm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e5746a2..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/Algorithm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#include <cppunit/Portability.h>
-template<class SequenceType, class ValueType>
-removeFromSequence( SequenceType &sequence,
- const ValueType &valueToRemove )
- for ( unsigned int index =0; index < sequence.size(); ++index )
- {
- if ( sequence[ index ] == valueToRemove )
- sequence.erase( sequence.begin() + index );
- }
diff --git a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/StringTools.h b/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/StringTools.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a6b6d7..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/StringTools.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include <cppunit/Portability.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <cppunit/portability/CppUnitVector.h>
-/*! \brief Tool functions to manipulate string.
- */
-struct StringTools
- typedef CppUnitVector<std::string> Strings;
- static std::string CPPUNIT_API toString( int value );
- static std::string CPPUNIT_API toString( double value );
- static Strings CPPUNIT_API split( const std::string &text,
- char separator );
- static std::string CPPUNIT_API wrap( const std::string &text,
- int wrapColumn = CPPUNIT_WRAP_COLUMN );
diff --git a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/XmlDocument.h b/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/XmlDocument.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ee7325..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/XmlDocument.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#include <cppunit/Portability.h>
-#pragma warning( push )
-#pragma warning( disable: 4251 ) // X needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class Z
-#include <string>
-class XmlElement;
-/*! \brief A XML Document.
- *
- * A XmlDocument represents a XML file. It holds a pointer on the root XmlElement
- * of the document. It also holds the encoding and style sheet used.
- *
- * By default, the XML document is stand-alone and tagged with enconding "ISO-8859-1".
- */
-class CPPUNIT_API XmlDocument
- /*! \brief Constructs a XmlDocument object.
- * \param encoding Encoding used in the XML file (default is Latin-1, ISO-8859-1 ).
- * \param styleSheet Name of the XSL style sheet file used. If empty then no
- * style sheet will be specified in the output.
- */
- XmlDocument( const std::string &encoding = "",
- const std::string &styleSheet = "" );
- /// Destructor.
- virtual ~XmlDocument();
- std::string encoding() const;
- void setEncoding( const std::string &encoding = "" );
- std::string styleSheet() const;
- void setStyleSheet( const std::string &styleSheet = "" );
- bool standalone() const;
- /*! \brief set the output document as standalone or not.
- *
- * For the output document, specify wether it's a standalone XML
- * document, or not.
- *
- * \param standalone if true, the output will be specified as standalone.
- * if false, it will be not.
- */
- void setStandalone( bool standalone );
- void setRootElement( XmlElement *rootElement );
- XmlElement &rootElement() const;
- std::string toString() const;
- /// Prevents the use of the copy constructor.
- XmlDocument( const XmlDocument &copy );
- /// Prevents the use of the copy operator.
- void operator =( const XmlDocument &copy );
- std::string m_encoding;
- std::string m_styleSheet;
- XmlElement *m_rootElement;
- bool m_standalone;
-#pragma warning( pop )
diff --git a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/XmlElement.h b/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/XmlElement.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b36bd2..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/tools/XmlElement.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#include <cppunit/Portability.h>
-#pragma warning( push )
-#pragma warning( disable: 4251 ) // X needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class Z
-#include <cppunit/portability/CppUnitDeque.h>
-#include <string>
-class XmlElement;
-// template class CPPUNIT_API std::deque<XmlElement *>;
-/*! \brief A XML Element.
- *
- * A XML element has:
- * - a name, specified on construction,
- * - a content, specified on construction (may be empty),
- * - zero or more attributes, added with addAttribute(),
- * - zero or more child elements, added with addElement().
- */
-class CPPUNIT_API XmlElement
- /*! \brief Constructs an element with the specified name and string content.
- * \param elementName Name of the element. Must not be empty.
- * \param content Content of the element.
- */
- XmlElement( std::string elementName,
- std::string content ="" );
- /*! \brief Constructs an element with the specified name and numeric content.
- * \param elementName Name of the element. Must not be empty.
- * \param numericContent Content of the element.
- */
- XmlElement( std::string elementName,
- int numericContent );
- /*! \brief Destructs the element and its child elements.
- */
- virtual ~XmlElement();
- /*! \brief Returns the name of the element.
- * \return Name of the element.
- */
- std::string name() const;
- /*! \brief Returns the content of the element.
- * \return Content of the element.
- */
- std::string content() const;
- /*! \brief Sets the name of the element.
- * \param name New name for the element.
- */
- void setName( const std::string &name );
- /*! \brief Sets the content of the element.
- * \param content New content for the element.
- */
- void setContent( const std::string &content );
- /*! \overload void setContent( const std::string &content )
- */
- void setContent( int numericContent );
- /*! \brief Adds an attribute with the specified string value.
- * \param attributeName Name of the attribute. Must not be an empty.
- * \param value Value of the attribute.
- */
- void addAttribute( std::string attributeName,
- std::string value );
- /*! \brief Adds an attribute with the specified numeric value.
- * \param attributeName Name of the attribute. Must not be empty.
- * \param numericValue Numeric value of the attribute.
- */
- void addAttribute( std::string attributeName,
- int numericValue );
- /*! \brief Adds a child element to the element.
- * \param element Child element to add. Must not be \c NULL.
- */
- void addElement( XmlElement *element );
- /*! \brief Returns the number of child elements.
- * \return Number of child elements (element added with addElement()).
- */
- int elementCount() const;
- /*! \brief Returns the child element at the specified index.
- * \param index Zero based index of the element to return.
- * \returns Element at the specified index. Never \c NULL.
- * \exception std::invalid_argument if \a index < 0 or index >= elementCount().
- */
- XmlElement *elementAt( int index ) const;
- /*! \brief Returns the first child element with the specified name.
- * \param name Name of the child element to return.
- * \return First child element found which is named \a name.
- * \exception std::invalid_argument if there is no child element with the specified
- * name.
- */
- XmlElement *elementFor( const std::string &name ) const;
- /*! \brief Returns a XML string that represents the element.
- * \param indent String of spaces representing the amount of 'indent'.
- * \return XML string that represents the element, its attributes and its
- * child elements.
- */
- std::string toString( const std::string &indent = "" ) const;
- typedef std::pair<std::string,std::string> Attribute;
- std::string attributesAsString() const;
- std::string escape( std::string value ) const;
- std::string m_name;
- std::string m_content;
- typedef CppUnitDeque<Attribute> Attributes;
- Attributes m_attributes;
- typedef CppUnitDeque<XmlElement *> Elements;
- Elements m_elements;
-#pragma warning( pop )