diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2017-01-10 20:22:26 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2017-01-11 18:23:48 (GMT)
commit3b0cde2e6dbf26a01a59b0004e4041199731cbc8 (patch)
tree0b2ba6addb161f1d3e437a64685ea797341a149b /3rdParty/GoogleTest/src/googlemock/test/
parenta0c339f80e4585341179edef1898defd21a0d36a (diff)
Integrate googletest and googlemock libraries to 3rdParty
googletest and googlemock from release 1.8.0 have been copied to the 3rdParty folder. With this commit tests for Swift project can also written using googletest and googlemock APIs. The test runners will execute test suites written to either test library. Passing —-xml to a test runner will now create two test report XML files, namely $programName-report.cppunit.xml and $programName-report.gtest.xml. The ByteArrayTest has been converted to use googletest instead of googlemock to serve as an example and test the integration. Test-Information: Build all tests via ‘./scons test=all’ and verified all tests are run. Build all tests via ‘./scons test=all checker_report=1’ and verified that two report XML files are generated per test runner executed. Change-Id: I81a9fb2c7ea5612fc1b34eef70ed7e711bfeea81
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/GoogleTest/src/googlemock/test/')
1 files changed, 2644 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/GoogleTest/src/googlemock/test/ b/3rdParty/GoogleTest/src/googlemock/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59ea87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/GoogleTest/src/googlemock/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,2644 @@
+// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Author: (Zhanyong Wan)
+// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
+// This file tests the spec builder syntax.
+#include "gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h"
+#include <ostream> // NOLINT
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
+#include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
+namespace testing {
+namespace internal {
+// Helper class for testing the Expectation class template.
+class ExpectationTester {
+ public:
+ // Sets the call count of the given expectation to the given number.
+ void SetCallCount(int n, ExpectationBase* exp) {
+ exp->call_count_ = n;
+ }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace testing
+namespace {
+using testing::_;
+using testing::AnyNumber;
+using testing::AtLeast;
+using testing::AtMost;
+using testing::Between;
+using testing::Cardinality;
+using testing::CardinalityInterface;
+using testing::ContainsRegex;
+using testing::Const;
+using testing::DoAll;
+using testing::DoDefault;
+using testing::Eq;
+using testing::Expectation;
+using testing::ExpectationSet;
+using testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
+using testing::Gt;
+using testing::InSequence;
+using testing::Invoke;
+using testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
+using testing::IsNotSubstring;
+using testing::IsSubstring;
+using testing::Lt;
+using testing::Message;
+using testing::Mock;
+using testing::NaggyMock;
+using testing::Ne;
+using testing::Return;
+using testing::Sequence;
+using testing::SetArgPointee;
+using testing::internal::ExpectationTester;
+using testing::internal::FormatFileLocation;
+using testing::internal::kErrorVerbosity;
+using testing::internal::kInfoVerbosity;
+using testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity;
+using testing::internal::linked_ptr;
+using testing::internal::string;
+using testing::HasSubstr;
+using testing::internal::CaptureStdout;
+using testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout;
+class Incomplete;
+class MockIncomplete {
+ public:
+ // This line verifies that a mock method can take a by-reference
+ // argument of an incomplete type.
+ MOCK_METHOD1(ByRefFunc, void(const Incomplete& x));
+// Tells Google Mock how to print a value of type Incomplete.
+void PrintTo(const Incomplete& x, ::std::ostream* os);
+TEST(MockMethodTest, CanInstantiateWithIncompleteArgType) {
+ // Even though this mock class contains a mock method that takes
+ // by-reference an argument whose type is incomplete, we can still
+ // use the mock, as long as Google Mock knows how to print the
+ // argument.
+ MockIncomplete incomplete;
+ EXPECT_CALL(incomplete, ByRefFunc(_))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+// The definition of the printer for the argument type doesn't have to
+// be visible where the mock is used.
+void PrintTo(const Incomplete& /* x */, ::std::ostream* os) {
+ *os << "incomplete";
+class Result {};
+// A type that's not default constructible.
+class NonDefaultConstructible {
+ public:
+ explicit NonDefaultConstructible(int /* dummy */) {}
+class MockA {
+ public:
+ MockA() {}
+ MOCK_METHOD1(DoA, void(int n));
+ MOCK_METHOD1(ReturnResult, Result(int n));
+ MOCK_METHOD0(ReturnNonDefaultConstructible, NonDefaultConstructible());
+ MOCK_METHOD2(Binary, bool(int x, int y));
+ MOCK_METHOD2(ReturnInt, int(int x, int y));
+ private:
+class MockB {
+ public:
+ MockB() {}
+ MOCK_METHOD1(DoB, int(int n)); // NOLINT
+ private:
+class ReferenceHoldingMock {
+ public:
+ ReferenceHoldingMock() {}
+ MOCK_METHOD1(AcceptReference, void(linked_ptr<MockA>*));
+ private:
+// Tests that EXPECT_CALL and ON_CALL compile in a presence of macro
+// redefining a mock method name. This could happen, for example, when
+// the tested code #includes Win32 API headers which define many APIs
+// as macros, e.g. #define TextOut TextOutW.
+#define Method MethodW
+class CC {
+ public:
+ virtual ~CC() {}
+ virtual int Method() = 0;
+class MockCC : public CC {
+ public:
+ MockCC() {}
+ MOCK_METHOD0(Method, int());
+ private:
+// Tests that a method with expanded name compiles.
+TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, CompilesWithMethodNameExpandedFromMacro) {
+ MockCC cc;
+ ON_CALL(cc, Method());
+// Tests that the method with expanded name not only compiles but runs
+// and returns a correct value, too.
+TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WorksWithMethodNameExpandedFromMacro) {
+ MockCC cc;
+ ON_CALL(cc, Method()).WillByDefault(Return(42));
+ EXPECT_EQ(42, cc.Method());
+// Tests that a method with expanded name compiles.
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, CompilesWithMethodNameExpandedFromMacro) {
+ MockCC cc;
+ EXPECT_CALL(cc, Method());
+ cc.Method();
+// Tests that it works, too.
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WorksWithMethodNameExpandedFromMacro) {
+ MockCC cc;
+ EXPECT_CALL(cc, Method()).WillOnce(Return(42));
+ EXPECT_EQ(42, cc.Method());
+#undef Method // Done with macro redefinition tests.
+// Tests that ON_CALL evaluates its arguments exactly once as promised
+// by Google Mock.
+TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesFirstArgumentOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ MockA* pa = &a;
+ ON_CALL(*pa++, DoA(_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(&a + 1, pa);
+TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesSecondArgumentOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ int n = 0;
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(n++));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, n);
+// Tests that the syntax of ON_CALL() is enforced at run time.
+TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WithIsOptional) {
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(5))
+ .WillByDefault(Return());
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(_))
+ .With(_)
+ .WillByDefault(Return());
+TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WithCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
+ .With(_)
+ .With(_)
+ .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ }, ".With() cannot appear more than once in an ON_CALL()");
+TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WillByDefaultIsMandatory) {
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(5));
+ a.DoA(5);
+ }, "");
+TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WillByDefaultCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(5))
+ .WillByDefault(Return())
+ .WillByDefault(Return());
+ }, ".WillByDefault() must appear exactly once in an ON_CALL()");
+// Tests that EXPECT_CALL evaluates its arguments exactly once as
+// promised by Google Mock.
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesFirstArgumentOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ MockA* pa = &a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*pa++, DoA(_));
+ a.DoA(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(&a + 1, pa);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesSecondArgumentOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(n++));
+ a.DoA(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, n);
+// Tests that the syntax of EXPECT_CALL() is enforced at run time.
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithIsOptional) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5))
+ .Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6))
+ .With(_)
+ .Times(0);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6))
+ .With(_)
+ .With(_);
+ }, ".With() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL()");
+ a.DoA(6);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithMustBeFirstClause) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .Times(1)
+ .With(_);
+ }, ".With() must be the first clause in an EXPECT_CALL()");
+ a.DoA(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
+ .WillOnce(Return())
+ .With(_);
+ }, ".With() must be the first clause in an EXPECT_CALL()");
+ a.DoA(2);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesCanBeInferred) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return());
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
+ .WillOnce(Return())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return());
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(2);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .Times(1)
+ .Times(2);
+ }, ".Times() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL()");
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesMustBeBeforeInSequence) {
+ MockA a;
+ Sequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .InSequence(s)
+ .Times(1);
+ }, ".Times() cannot appear after ");
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceIsOptional) {
+ MockA a;
+ Sequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
+ .InSequence(s);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceCanAppearMultipleTimes) {
+ MockA a;
+ Sequence s1, s2;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .InSequence(s1, s2)
+ .InSequence(s1);
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceMustBeBeforeAfter) {
+ MockA a;
+ Sequence s;
+ Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
+ .After(e)
+ .InSequence(s);
+ }, ".InSequence() cannot appear after ");
+ a.DoA(2);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceMustBeBeforeWillOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ Sequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return())
+ .InSequence(s);
+ }, ".InSequence() cannot appear after ");
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, AfterMustBeBeforeWillOnce) {
+ MockA a;
+ Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
+ .WillOnce(Return())
+ .After(e);
+ }, ".After() cannot appear after ");
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillIsOptional) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
+ .WillOnce(Return());
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillCanAppearMultipleTimes) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .WillOnce(Return())
+ .WillOnce(Return())
+ .WillOnce(Return());
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillMustBeBeforeWillRepeatedly) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return())
+ .WillOnce(Return());
+ }, ".WillOnce() cannot appear after ");
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyIsOptional) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return());
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
+ .WillOnce(Return())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return());
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(2);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyCannotAppearMultipleTimes) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return());
+ }, ".WillRepeatedly() cannot appear more than once in an "
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyMustBeBeforeRetiresOnSaturation) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .RetiresOnSaturation()
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return());
+ }, ".WillRepeatedly() cannot appear after ");
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, RetiresOnSaturationIsOptional) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .RetiresOnSaturation();
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, RetiresOnSaturationCannotAppearMultipleTimes) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .RetiresOnSaturation()
+ .RetiresOnSaturation();
+ }, ".RetiresOnSaturation() cannot appear more than once");
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, DefaultCardinalityIsOnce) {
+ {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ a.DoA(1);
+ }
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ }, "to be called once");
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ }, "to be called once");
+// Tests that Google Mock doesn't print a warning when the number of
+// WillOnce() is adequate.
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, DoesNotWarnOnAdequateActionCount) {
+ CaptureStdout();
+ {
+ MockB b;
+ // It's always fine to omit WillOnce() entirely.
+ .Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
+ .Times(AtMost(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))
+ .Times(1)
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
+ // It's fine for the number of WillOnce()s to equal the upper bound.
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(3))
+ .Times(Between(1, 2))
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ // It's fine for the number of WillOnce()s to be smaller than the
+ // upper bound when there is a WillRepeatedly().
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(4))
+ .Times(AtMost(3))
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ // Satisfies the above expectations.
+ b.DoB(2);
+ b.DoB(3);
+ }
+ EXPECT_STREQ("", GetCapturedStdout().c_str());
+// Tests that Google Mock warns on having too many actions in an
+// expectation compared to its cardinality.
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarnsOnTooManyActions) {
+ CaptureStdout();
+ {
+ MockB b;
+ // Warns when the number of WillOnce()s is larger than the upper bound.
+ .Times(0)
+ .WillOnce(Return(1)); // #1
+ .Times(AtMost(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2)); // #2
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
+ .Times(1)
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2))
+ .RetiresOnSaturation(); // #3
+ // Warns when the number of WillOnce()s equals the upper bound and
+ // there is a WillRepeatedly().
+ .Times(0)
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(1)); // #4
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))
+ .Times(1)
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2)); // #5
+ // Satisfies the above expectations.
+ b.DoB(1);
+ b.DoB(2);
+ }
+ const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
+ IsSubstring,
+ "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Expected to be never called, but has 1 WillOnce().",
+ output); // #1
+ IsSubstring,
+ "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Expected to be called at most once, "
+ "but has 2 WillOnce()s.",
+ output); // #2
+ IsSubstring,
+ "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))...\n"
+ "Expected to be called once, but has 2 WillOnce()s.",
+ output); // #3
+ IsSubstring,
+ "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Expected to be never called, but has 0 WillOnce()s "
+ "and a WillRepeatedly().",
+ output); // #4
+ IsSubstring,
+ "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))...\n"
+ "Expected to be called once, but has 1 WillOnce() "
+ "and a WillRepeatedly().",
+ output); // #5
+// Tests that Google Mock warns on having too few actions in an
+// expectation compared to its cardinality.
+TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarnsOnTooFewActions) {
+ MockB b;
+ .Times(Between(2, 3))
+ .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ CaptureStdout();
+ b.DoB();
+ const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
+ IsSubstring,
+ "Too few actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Expected to be called between 2 and 3 times, "
+ "but has only 1 WillOnce().",
+ output);
+ b.DoB();
+// Tests the semantics of ON_CALL().
+// Tests that the built-in default action is taken when no ON_CALL()
+// is specified.
+TEST(OnCallTest, TakesBuiltInDefaultActionWhenNoOnCall) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+// Tests that the built-in default action is taken when no ON_CALL()
+// matches the invocation.
+TEST(OnCallTest, TakesBuiltInDefaultActionWhenNoOnCallMatches) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(1))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(2));
+// Tests that the last matching ON_CALL() action is taken.
+TEST(OnCallTest, PicksLastMatchingOnCall) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(3));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(2))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(2));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(1))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB(2));
+// Tests the semantics of EXPECT_CALL().
+// Tests that any call is allowed when no EXPECT_CALL() is specified.
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, AllowsAnyCallWhenNoSpec) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB());
+ // There is no expectation on DoB(int).
+ b.DoB();
+ // DoB(int) can be called any number of times.
+ b.DoB(1);
+ b.DoB(2);
+// Tests that the last matching EXPECT_CALL() fires.
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, PicksLastMatchingExpectCall) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests lower-bound violation.
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, CatchesTooFewCalls) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(5))
+ .Times(AtLeast(2));
+ b.DoB(5);
+ }, "Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(5))...\n"
+ " Expected: to be called at least twice\n"
+ " Actual: called once - unsatisfied and active");
+// Tests that the cardinality can be inferred when no Times(...) is
+// specified.
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, InfersCardinalityWhenThereIsNoWillRepeatedly) {
+ {
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
+ }
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ }, "to be called twice");
+ { // NOLINT
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(b.DoB(), "to be called twice");
+ }
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, InfersCardinality1WhenThereIsWillRepeatedly) {
+ {
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ }
+ { // NOLINT
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
+ }
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ }, "to be called at least once");
+// Tests that the n-th action is taken for the n-th matching
+// invocation.
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, NthMatchTakesNthAction) {
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2))
+ .WillOnce(Return(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, b.DoB());
+// Tests that the WillRepeatedly() action is taken when the WillOnce(...)
+// list is exhausted.
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, TakesRepeatedActionWhenWillListIsExhausted) {
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
+// Tests that the default action is taken when the WillOnce(...) list is
+// exhausted and there is no WillRepeatedly().
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, TakesDefaultActionWhenWillListIsExhausted) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .Times(1);
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .WillOnce(Return(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ CaptureStdout();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1)); // Shouldn't generate a warning as the
+ // expectation has no action clause at all.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
+ const std::string output1 = GetCapturedStdout();
+ EXPECT_STREQ("", output1.c_str());
+ CaptureStdout();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ const std::string output2 = GetCapturedStdout();
+ EXPECT_THAT(output2.c_str(),
+ HasSubstr("Actions ran out in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Called 3 times, but only 2 WillOnce()s are specified"
+ " - returning default value."));
+ EXPECT_THAT(output2.c_str(),
+ HasSubstr("Actions ran out in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Called 4 times, but only 2 WillOnce()s are specified"
+ " - returning default value."));
+TEST(FunctionMockerMessageTest, ReportsExpectCallLocationForExhausedActions) {
+ MockB b;
+ std::string expect_call_location = FormatFileLocation(__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(AnyNumber()).WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ CaptureStdout();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
+ // The warning message should contain the call location.
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, expect_call_location, output);
+ ReportsDefaultActionLocationOfUninterestingCallsForNaggyMock) {
+ std::string on_call_location;
+ CaptureStdout();
+ {
+ NaggyMock<MockB> b;
+ on_call_location = FormatFileLocation(__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillByDefault(Return(0));
+ b.DoB(0);
+ }
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, on_call_location, GetCapturedStdout());
+// Tests that an uninteresting call performs the default action.
+TEST(UninterestingCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
+ // When there is an ON_CALL() statement, the action specified by it
+ // should be taken.
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(a.Binary(1, 2));
+ // When there is no ON_CALL(), the default value for the return type
+ // should be returned.
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+// Tests that an unexpected call performs the default action.
+TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
+ // When there is an ON_CALL() statement, the action specified by it
+ // should be taken.
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(0, 0));
+ a.Binary(0, 0);
+ bool result = false;
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = a.Binary(1, 2),
+ "Unexpected mock function call");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+ // When there is no ON_CALL(), the default value for the return type
+ // should be returned.
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0))
+ .Times(0);
+ int n = -1;
+ "Unexpected mock function call");
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, n);
+// Tests that when an unexpected void function generates the right
+// failure message.
+TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, GeneratesFailureForVoidFunction) {
+ // First, tests the message when there is only one EXPECT_CALL().
+ MockA a1;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a1, DoA(1));
+ a1.DoA(1);
+ // Ideally we should match the failure message against a regex, but
+ // EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE doesn't support that, so we test for
+ // multiple sub-strings instead.
+ a1.DoA(9),
+ "Unexpected mock function call - returning directly.\n"
+ " Function call: DoA(9)\n"
+ "Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match:");
+ a1.DoA(9),
+ " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
+ " Actual: 9\n"
+ " Expected: to be called once\n"
+ " Actual: called once - saturated and active");
+ // Next, tests the message when there are more than one EXPECT_CALL().
+ MockA a2;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a2, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a2, DoA(3));
+ a2.DoA(1);
+ a2.DoA(2),
+ "Unexpected mock function call - returning directly.\n"
+ " Function call: DoA(2)\n"
+ "Google Mock tried the following 2 expectations, but none matched:");
+ a2.DoA(2),
+ "tried expectation #0: EXPECT_CALL(a2, DoA(1))...\n"
+ " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
+ " Actual: 2\n"
+ " Expected: to be called once\n"
+ " Actual: called once - saturated and active");
+ a2.DoA(2),
+ "tried expectation #1: EXPECT_CALL(a2, DoA(3))...\n"
+ " Expected arg #0: is equal to 3\n"
+ " Actual: 2\n"
+ " Expected: to be called once\n"
+ " Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active");
+ a2.DoA(3);
+// Tests that an unexpected non-void function generates the right
+// failure message.
+TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, GeneartesFailureForNonVoidFunction) {
+ MockB b1;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b1, DoB(1));
+ b1.DoB(1);
+ b1.DoB(2),
+ "Unexpected mock function call - returning default value.\n"
+ " Function call: DoB(2)\n"
+ " Returns: 0\n"
+ "Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match:");
+ b1.DoB(2),
+ " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
+ " Actual: 2\n"
+ " Expected: to be called once\n"
+ " Actual: called once - saturated and active");
+// Tests that Google Mock explains that an retired expectation doesn't
+// match the call.
+TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, RetiredExpectation) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
+ .RetiresOnSaturation();
+ b.DoB(1);
+ b.DoB(1),
+ " Expected: the expectation is active\n"
+ " Actual: it is retired");
+// Tests that Google Mock explains that an expectation that doesn't
+// match the arguments doesn't match the call.
+TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, UnmatchedArguments) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1));
+ b.DoB(2),
+ " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
+ " Actual: 2\n");
+ b.DoB(1);
+// Tests that Google Mock explains that an expectation with
+// unsatisfied pre-requisites doesn't match the call.
+TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, UnsatisifiedPrerequisites) {
+ Sequence s1, s2;
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
+ .InSequence(s1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .InSequence(s1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(3))
+ .InSequence(s2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(4))
+ .InSequence(s1, s2);
+ ::testing::TestPartResultArray failures;
+ {
+ ::testing::ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter reporter(&failures);
+ b.DoB(4);
+ // Now 'failures' contains the Google Test failures generated by
+ // the above statement.
+ }
+ // There should be one non-fatal failure.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, failures.size());
+ const ::testing::TestPartResult& r = failures.GetTestPartResult(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(::testing::TestPartResult::kNonFatalFailure, r.type());
+ // Verifies that the failure message contains the two unsatisfied
+ // pre-requisites but not the satisfied one.
+ EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(
+ // PCRE has trouble using (.|\n) to match any character, but
+ // supports the (?s) prefix for using . to match any character.
+ "(?s)the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:\n"
+ ".*: pre-requisite #0\n"
+ ".*: pre-requisite #1"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(
+ // POSIX RE doesn't understand the (?s) prefix, but has no trouble
+ // with (.|\n).
+ "the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:\n"
+ "(.|\n)*: pre-requisite #0\n"
+ "(.|\n)*: pre-requisite #1"));
+ // We can only use Google Test's own simple regex.
+ EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(
+ "the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(": pre-requisite #0"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(": pre-requisite #1"));
+#endif // GTEST_USES_PCRE
+ b.DoB(1);
+ b.DoB(3);
+ b.DoB(4);
+ ReturnValueIsMandatoryWhenNotDefaultConstructible) {
+ MockA a;
+ // TODO( We should really verify the output message,
+ // but we cannot yet due to that EXPECT_DEATH only captures stderr
+ // while Google Mock logs to stdout.
+ EXPECT_ANY_THROW(a.ReturnNonDefaultConstructible());
+ EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(a.ReturnNonDefaultConstructible(), "");
+// Tests that an excessive call (one whose arguments match the
+// matchers but is called too many times) performs the default action.
+TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
+ // When there is an ON_CALL() statement, the action specified by it
+ // should be taken.
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(0, 0));
+ a.Binary(0, 0);
+ bool result = false;
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = a.Binary(0, 0),
+ "Mock function called more times than expected");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+ // When there is no ON_CALL(), the default value for the return type
+ // should be returned.
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0))
+ .Times(0);
+ int n = -1;
+ "Mock function called more times than expected");
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, n);
+// Tests that when a void function is called too many times,
+// the failure message contains the argument values.
+TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, GeneratesFailureForVoidFunction) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(_))
+ .Times(0);
+ a.DoA(9),
+ "Mock function called more times than expected - returning directly.\n"
+ " Function call: DoA(9)\n"
+ " Expected: to be never called\n"
+ " Actual: called once - over-saturated and active");
+// Tests that when a non-void function is called too many times, the
+// failure message contains the argument values and the return value.
+TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, GeneratesFailureForNonVoidFunction) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_));
+ b.DoB(1);
+ b.DoB(2),
+ "Mock function called more times than expected - "
+ "returning default value.\n"
+ " Function call: DoB(2)\n"
+ " Returns: 0\n"
+ " Expected: to be called once\n"
+ " Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active");
+// Tests using sequences.
+TEST(InSequenceTest, AllExpectationInScopeAreInSequence) {
+ MockA a;
+ {
+ InSequence dummy;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ }
+ a.DoA(2);
+ }, "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+TEST(InSequenceTest, NestedInSequence) {
+ MockA a;
+ {
+ InSequence dummy;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ {
+ InSequence dummy2;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
+ }
+ }
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(3);
+ }, "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(3);
+TEST(InSequenceTest, ExpectationsOutOfScopeAreNotAffected) {
+ MockA a;
+ {
+ InSequence dummy;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ }
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
+ a.DoA(2);
+ }, "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a.DoA(3);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+// Tests that any order is allowed when no sequence is used.
+TEST(SequenceTest, AnyOrderIsOkByDefault) {
+ {
+ MockA a;
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ a.DoA(1);
+ b.DoB();
+ }
+ { // NOLINT
+ MockA a;
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ b.DoB();
+ a.DoA(1);
+ }
+// Tests that the calls must be in strict order when a complete order
+// is specified.
+TEST(SequenceTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSaidSo1) {
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ Sequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(1))
+ .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(2))
+ .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3))
+ .InSequence(s);
+ a.ReturnResult(1);
+ // May only be called after a.ReturnResult(2).
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a.ReturnResult(2);
+ a.ReturnResult(3);
+// Tests that the calls must be in strict order when a complete order
+// is specified.
+TEST(SequenceTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSaidSo2) {
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ Sequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(1))
+ .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(2))
+ .InSequence(s);
+ // May only be called after a.ReturnResult(1).
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a.ReturnResult(1);
+ a.ReturnResult(2);
+// Tests specifying a DAG using multiple sequences.
+class PartialOrderTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ PartialOrderTest() {
+ ON_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ // Specifies this partial ordering:
+ //
+ // a.ReturnResult(1) ==>
+ // a.ReturnResult(2) * n ==> a.ReturnResult(3)
+ // b.DoB() * 2 ==>
+ Sequence x, y;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(1))
+ .InSequence(x);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b_, DoB())
+ .Times(2)
+ .InSequence(y);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(2))
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .InSequence(x, y);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(3))
+ .InSequence(x);
+ }
+ MockA a_;
+ MockB b_;
+TEST_F(PartialOrderTest, CallsMustConformToSpecifiedDag1) {
+ a_.ReturnResult(1);
+ b_.DoB();
+ // May only be called after the second DoB().
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a_.ReturnResult(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ b_.DoB();
+ a_.ReturnResult(3);
+TEST_F(PartialOrderTest, CallsMustConformToSpecifiedDag2) {
+ // May only be called after ReturnResult(1).
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a_.ReturnResult(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a_.ReturnResult(1);
+ b_.DoB();
+ b_.DoB();
+ a_.ReturnResult(3);
+TEST_F(PartialOrderTest, CallsMustConformToSpecifiedDag3) {
+ // May only be called last.
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a_.ReturnResult(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a_.ReturnResult(1);
+ b_.DoB();
+ b_.DoB();
+ a_.ReturnResult(3);
+TEST_F(PartialOrderTest, CallsMustConformToSpecifiedDag4) {
+ a_.ReturnResult(1);
+ b_.DoB();
+ b_.DoB();
+ a_.ReturnResult(3);
+ // May only be called before ReturnResult(3).
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a_.ReturnResult(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
+TEST(SequenceTest, Retirement) {
+ MockA a;
+ Sequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(_))
+ .InSequence(s)
+ .RetiresOnSaturation();
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .InSequence(s);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(1);
+// Tests Expectation.
+TEST(ExpectationTest, ConstrutorsWork) {
+ MockA a;
+ Expectation e1; // Default ctor.
+ // Ctor from various forms of EXPECT_CALL.
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ Expectation e3 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3)).With(_);
+ {
+ Sequence s;
+ Expectation e4 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(4)).Times(1);
+ Expectation e5 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5)).InSequence(s);
+ }
+ Expectation e6 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6)).After(e2);
+ Expectation e7 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(7)).WillOnce(Return());
+ Expectation e8 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(8)).WillRepeatedly(Return());
+ Expectation e9 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(9)).RetiresOnSaturation();
+ Expectation e10 = e2; // Copy ctor.
+ EXPECT_THAT(e1, Ne(e2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(e2, Eq(e10));
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(3);
+ a.DoA(4);
+ a.DoA(5);
+ a.DoA(6);
+ a.DoA(7);
+ a.DoA(8);
+ a.DoA(9);
+TEST(ExpectationTest, AssignmentWorks) {
+ MockA a;
+ Expectation e1;
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(e1, Ne(e2));
+ e1 = e2;
+ EXPECT_THAT(e1, Eq(e2));
+ a.DoA(1);
+// Tests ExpectationSet.
+TEST(ExpectationSetTest, MemberTypesAreCorrect) {
+ ::testing::StaticAssertTypeEq<Expectation, ExpectationSet::value_type>();
+TEST(ExpectationSetTest, ConstructorsWork) {
+ MockA a;
+ Expectation e1;
+ const Expectation e2;
+ ExpectationSet es1; // Default ctor.
+ ExpectationSet es2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)); // Ctor from EXPECT_CALL.
+ ExpectationSet es3 = e1; // Ctor from Expectation.
+ ExpectationSet es4(e1); // Ctor from Expectation; alternative syntax.
+ ExpectationSet es5 = e2; // Ctor from const Expectation.
+ ExpectationSet es6(e2); // Ctor from const Expectation; alternative syntax.
+ ExpectationSet es7 = es2; // Copy ctor.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, es1.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, es2.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, es3.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, es4.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, es5.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, es6.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, es7.size());
+ EXPECT_THAT(es3, Ne(es2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(es4, Eq(es3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(es5, Eq(es4));
+ EXPECT_THAT(es6, Eq(es5));
+ EXPECT_THAT(es7, Eq(es2));
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectationSetTest, AssignmentWorks) {
+ ExpectationSet es1;
+ ExpectationSet es2 = Expectation();
+ es1 = es2;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, es1.size());
+ EXPECT_THAT(*(es1.begin()), Eq(Expectation()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(es1, Eq(es2));
+TEST(ExpectationSetTest, InsertionWorks) {
+ ExpectationSet es1;
+ Expectation e1;
+ es1 += e1;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, es1.size());
+ EXPECT_THAT(*(es1.begin()), Eq(e1));
+ MockA a;
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ es1 += e2;
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, es1.size());
+ ExpectationSet::const_iterator it1 = es1.begin();
+ ExpectationSet::const_iterator it2 = it1;
+ ++it2;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*it1 == e1 || *it2 == e1); // e1 must be in the set.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*it1 == e2 || *it2 == e2); // e2 must be in the set too.
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectationSetTest, SizeWorks) {
+ ExpectationSet es;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, es.size());
+ es += Expectation();
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, es.size());
+ MockA a;
+ es += EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, es.size());
+ a.DoA(1);
+TEST(ExpectationSetTest, IsEnumerable) {
+ ExpectationSet es;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(es.begin() == es.end());
+ es += Expectation();
+ ExpectationSet::const_iterator it = es.begin();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(it != es.end());
+ EXPECT_THAT(*it, Eq(Expectation()));
+ ++it;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(it== es.end());
+// Tests the .After() clause.
+TEST(AfterTest, SucceedsWhenPartialOrderIsSatisfied) {
+ MockA a;
+ ExpectationSet es;
+ es += EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ es += EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
+ .After(es);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(3);
+TEST(AfterTest, SucceedsWhenTotalOrderIsSatisfied) {
+ MockA a;
+ MockB b;
+ // The following also verifies that const Expectation objects work
+ // too. Do not remove the const modifiers.
+ const Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ const Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())
+ .Times(2)
+ .After(e1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).After(e2);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ b.DoB();
+ b.DoB();
+ a.DoA(2);
+// Calls must be in strict order when specified so using .After().
+TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSpecifiedSo1) {
+ MockA a;
+ MockB b;
+ // Define ordering:
+ // a.DoA(1) ==> b.DoB() ==> a.DoA(2)
+ Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())
+ .After(e1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
+ .After(e2);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ // May only be called after DoB().
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.DoA(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ b.DoB();
+ a.DoA(2);
+// Calls must be in strict order when specified so using .After().
+TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSpecifiedSo2) {
+ MockA a;
+ MockB b;
+ // Define ordering:
+ // a.DoA(1) ==> b.DoB() * 2 ==> a.DoA(2)
+ Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())
+ .Times(2)
+ .After(e1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
+ .After(e2);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ b.DoB();
+ // May only be called after the second DoB().
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.DoA(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ b.DoB();
+ a.DoA(2);
+// Calls must satisfy the partial order when specified so.
+TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustSatisfyPartialOrderWhenSpecifiedSo) {
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ // Define ordering:
+ // a.DoA(1) ==>
+ // a.DoA(2) ==> a.ReturnResult(3)
+ Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ const ExpectationSet es = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3))
+ .After(e, es);
+ // May only be called last.
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.ReturnResult(3);
+// Calls must satisfy the partial order when specified so.
+TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustSatisfyPartialOrderWhenSpecifiedSo2) {
+ MockA a;
+ // Define ordering:
+ // a.DoA(1) ==>
+ // a.DoA(2) ==> a.DoA(3)
+ Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ const ExpectationSet es = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
+ .After(e, es);
+ a.DoA(2);
+ // May only be called last.
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.DoA(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(3);
+// .After() can be combined with .InSequence().
+TEST(AfterTest, CanBeUsedWithInSequence) {
+ MockA a;
+ Sequence s;
+ Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
+ .InSequence(s)
+ .After(e);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ // May only be after DoA(2).
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.DoA(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(3);
+// .After() can be called multiple times.
+TEST(AfterTest, CanBeCalledManyTimes) {
+ MockA a;
+ Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ Expectation e3 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(4))
+ .After(e1)
+ .After(e2)
+ .After(e3);
+ a.DoA(3);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(4);
+// .After() accepts up to 5 arguments.
+TEST(AfterTest, AcceptsUpToFiveArguments) {
+ MockA a;
+ Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ Expectation e3 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
+ ExpectationSet es1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(4));
+ ExpectationSet es2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6))
+ .After(e1, e2, e3, es1, es2);
+ a.DoA(5);
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.DoA(4);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(3);
+ a.DoA(6);
+// .After() allows input to contain duplicated Expectations.
+TEST(AfterTest, AcceptsDuplicatedInput) {
+ MockA a;
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ // Define ordering:
+ // DoA(1) ==>
+ // DoA(2) ==> ReturnResult(3)
+ Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ ExpectationSet es;
+ es += e1;
+ es += e2;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3))
+ .After(e1, e2, es, e1);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ // May only be after DoA(2).
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ a.DoA(2);
+ a.ReturnResult(3);
+// An Expectation added to an ExpectationSet after it has been used in
+// an .After() has no effect.
+TEST(AfterTest, ChangesToExpectationSetHaveNoEffectAfterwards) {
+ MockA a;
+ ExpectationSet es1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
+ .After(es1);
+ es1 += e2;
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(3);
+ a.DoA(2);
+// Tests that Google Mock correctly handles calls to mock functions
+// after a mock object owning one of their pre-requisites has died.
+// Tests that calls that satisfy the original spec are successful.
+TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Success1) {
+ MockB* const b1 = new MockB;
+ MockA* const a = new MockA;
+ MockB* const b2 = new MockB;
+ {
+ InSequence dummy;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b1->DoB(1));
+ delete b1;
+ // a's pre-requisite has died.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(a->Binary(0, 1));
+ delete b2;
+ // a's successor has died.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(a->Binary(1, 2));
+ delete a;
+// Tests that calls that satisfy the original spec are successful.
+TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Success2) {
+ MockB* const b1 = new MockB;
+ MockA* const a = new MockA;
+ MockB* const b2 = new MockB;
+ {
+ InSequence dummy;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ }
+ delete a; // a is trivially satisfied.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b1->DoB(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b2->DoB(2));
+ delete b1;
+ delete b2;
+// Tests that it's OK to delete a mock object itself in its action.
+// Suppresses warning on unreferenced formal parameter in MSVC with
+// -W4.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable:4100)
+ACTION_P(Delete, ptr) { delete ptr; }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(pop)
+TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, CanDeleteSelfInActionReturningVoid) {
+ MockA* const a = new MockA;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).WillOnce(Delete(a));
+ a->DoA(42); // This will cause a to be deleted.
+TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, CanDeleteSelfInActionReturningValue) {
+ MockA* const a = new MockA;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, ReturnResult(_))
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(Delete(a), Return(Result())));
+ a->ReturnResult(42); // This will cause a to be deleted.
+// Tests that calls that violate the original spec yield failures.
+TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Failure1) {
+ MockB* const b1 = new MockB;
+ MockA* const a = new MockA;
+ MockB* const b2 = new MockB;
+ {
+ InSequence dummy;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ }
+ delete a; // a is trivially satisfied.
+ b2->DoB(2);
+ }, "Unexpected mock function call");
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b1->DoB(1));
+ delete b1;
+ delete b2;
+// Tests that calls that violate the original spec yield failures.
+TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Failure2) {
+ MockB* const b1 = new MockB;
+ MockA* const a = new MockA;
+ MockB* const b2 = new MockB;
+ {
+ InSequence dummy;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ }
+ "Actual: never called");
+ "Unexpected mock function call");
+ "Unexpected mock function call");
+ delete a;
+ delete b2;
+class EvenNumberCardinality : public CardinalityInterface {
+ public:
+ // Returns true iff call_count calls will satisfy this cardinality.
+ virtual bool IsSatisfiedByCallCount(int call_count) const {
+ return call_count % 2 == 0;
+ }
+ // Returns true iff call_count calls will saturate this cardinality.
+ virtual bool IsSaturatedByCallCount(int /* call_count */) const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Describes self to an ostream.
+ virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "called even number of times";
+ }
+Cardinality EvenNumber() {
+ return Cardinality(new EvenNumberCardinality);
+ AllPrerequisitesAreSatisfiedWorksForNonMonotonicCardinality) {
+ MockA* a = new MockA;
+ Sequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(1))
+ .Times(EvenNumber())
+ .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(2))
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(3))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ a->DoA(3);
+ a->DoA(1);
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a->DoA(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(delete a, "to be called even number of times");
+// The following tests verify the message generated when a mock
+// function is called.
+struct Printable {
+inline void operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const Printable&) {
+ os << "Printable";
+struct Unprintable {
+ Unprintable() : value(0) {}
+ int value;
+class MockC {
+ public:
+ MockC() {}
+ MOCK_METHOD6(VoidMethod, void(bool cond, int n, string s, void* p,
+ const Printable& x, Unprintable y));
+ MOCK_METHOD0(NonVoidMethod, int()); // NOLINT
+ private:
+class VerboseFlagPreservingFixture : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ VerboseFlagPreservingFixture()
+ : saved_verbose_flag_(GMOCK_FLAG(verbose)) {}
+ ~VerboseFlagPreservingFixture() { GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_verbose_flag_; }
+ private:
+ const string saved_verbose_flag_;
+ GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(VerboseFlagPreservingFixture);
+// Tests that an uninteresting mock function call on a naggy mock
+// generates a warning without the stack trace when
+// --gmock_verbose=warning is specified.
+ UninterestingCallOnNaggyMockGeneratesNoStackTraceWhenVerboseWarning) {
+ GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
+ NaggyMock<MockC> c;
+ CaptureStdout();
+ c.VoidMethod(false, 5, "Hi", NULL, Printable(), Unprintable());
+ const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "GMOCK WARNING", output);
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsNotSubstring, "Stack trace:", output);
+// Tests that an uninteresting mock function call on a naggy mock
+// generates a warning containing the stack trace when
+// --gmock_verbose=info is specified.
+ UninterestingCallOnNaggyMockGeneratesFyiWithStackTraceWhenVerboseInfo) {
+ GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kInfoVerbosity;
+ NaggyMock<MockC> c;
+ CaptureStdout();
+ c.VoidMethod(false, 5, "Hi", NULL, Printable(), Unprintable());
+ const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "GMOCK WARNING", output);
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "Stack trace:", output);
+# ifndef NDEBUG
+ // We check the stack trace content in dbg-mode only, as opt-mode
+ // may inline the call we are interested in seeing.
+ // Verifies that a void mock function's name appears in the stack
+ // trace.
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "VoidMethod(", output);
+ // Verifies that a non-void mock function's name appears in the
+ // stack trace.
+ CaptureStdout();
+ c.NonVoidMethod();
+ const std::string output2 = GetCapturedStdout();
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "NonVoidMethod(", output2);
+# endif // NDEBUG
+// Tests that an uninteresting mock function call on a naggy mock
+// causes the function arguments and return value to be printed.
+ UninterestingCallOnNaggyMockPrintsArgumentsAndReturnValue) {
+ // A non-void mock function.
+ NaggyMock<MockB> b;
+ CaptureStdout();
+ b.DoB();
+ const std::string output1 = GetCapturedStdout();
+ IsSubstring,
+ "Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.\n"
+ " Function call: DoB()\n"
+ " Returns: 0\n", output1.c_str());
+ // Makes sure the return value is printed.
+ // A void mock function.
+ NaggyMock<MockC> c;
+ CaptureStdout();
+ c.VoidMethod(false, 5, "Hi", NULL, Printable(), Unprintable());
+ const std::string output2 = GetCapturedStdout();
+ EXPECT_THAT(output2.c_str(),
+ ContainsRegex(
+ "Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly\\.\n"
+ " Function call: VoidMethod"
+ "\\(false, 5, \"Hi\", NULL, @.+ "
+ "Printable, 4-byte object <00-00 00-00>\\)"));
+ // A void function has no return value to print.
+// Tests how the --gmock_verbose flag affects Google Mock's output.
+class GMockVerboseFlagTest : public VerboseFlagPreservingFixture {
+ public:
+ // Verifies that the given Google Mock output is correct. (When
+ // should_print is true, the output should match the given regex and
+ // contain the given function name in the stack trace. When it's
+ // false, the output should be empty.)
+ void VerifyOutput(const std::string& output, bool should_print,
+ const string& expected_substring,
+ const string& function_name) {
+ if (should_print) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(output.c_str(), HasSubstr(expected_substring));
+# ifndef NDEBUG
+ // We check the stack trace content in dbg-mode only, as opt-mode
+ // may inline the call we are interested in seeing.
+ EXPECT_THAT(output.c_str(), HasSubstr(function_name));
+# else
+ // Suppresses 'unused function parameter' warnings.
+ static_cast<void>(function_name);
+# endif // NDEBUG
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_STREQ("", output.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ // Tests how the flag affects expected calls.
+ void TestExpectedCall(bool should_print) {
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, 1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(true));
+ // A void-returning function.
+ CaptureStdout();
+ a.DoA(5);
+ VerifyOutput(
+ GetCapturedStdout(),
+ should_print,
+ "Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5))...\n"
+ " Function call: DoA(5)\n"
+ "Stack trace:\n",
+ "DoA");
+ // A non-void-returning function.
+ CaptureStdout();
+ a.Binary(2, 1);
+ VerifyOutput(
+ GetCapturedStdout(),
+ should_print,
+ "Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, 1))...\n"
+ " Function call: Binary(2, 1)\n"
+ " Returns: true\n"
+ "Stack trace:\n",
+ "Binary");
+ }
+ // Tests how the flag affects uninteresting calls on a naggy mock.
+ void TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(bool should_print) {
+ NaggyMock<MockA> a;
+ const string note =
+ "NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this "
+ "call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding "
+ "an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. "
+ "See"
+ "knowing-when-to-expect for details.";
+ // A void-returning function.
+ CaptureStdout();
+ a.DoA(5);
+ VerifyOutput(
+ GetCapturedStdout(),
+ should_print,
+ "Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly.\n"
+ " Function call: DoA(5)\n" +
+ note,
+ "DoA");
+ // A non-void-returning function.
+ CaptureStdout();
+ a.Binary(2, 1);
+ VerifyOutput(
+ GetCapturedStdout(),
+ should_print,
+ "Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.\n"
+ " Function call: Binary(2, 1)\n"
+ " Returns: false\n" +
+ note,
+ "Binary");
+ }
+// Tests that --gmock_verbose=info causes both expected and
+// uninteresting calls to be reported.
+TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Info) {
+ GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kInfoVerbosity;
+ TestExpectedCall(true);
+ TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(true);
+// Tests that --gmock_verbose=warning causes uninteresting calls to be
+// reported.
+TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Warning) {
+ GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
+ TestExpectedCall(false);
+ TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(true);
+// Tests that --gmock_verbose=warning causes neither expected nor
+// uninteresting calls to be reported.
+TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Error) {
+ GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
+ TestExpectedCall(false);
+ TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(false);
+// Tests that --gmock_verbose=SOME_INVALID_VALUE has the same effect
+// as --gmock_verbose=warning.
+TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, InvalidFlagIsTreatedAsWarning) {
+ GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "invalid"; // Treated as "warning".
+ TestExpectedCall(false);
+ TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(true);
+// A helper class that generates a failure when printed. We use it to
+// ensure that Google Mock doesn't print a value (even to an internal
+// buffer) when it is not supposed to do so.
+class PrintMeNot {};
+void PrintTo(PrintMeNot /* dummy */, ::std::ostream* /* os */) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Google Mock is printing a value that shouldn't be "
+ << "printed even to an internal buffer.";
+class LogTestHelper {
+ public:
+ LogTestHelper() {}
+ MOCK_METHOD1(Foo, PrintMeNot(PrintMeNot));
+ private:
+class GMockLogTest : public VerboseFlagPreservingFixture {
+ protected:
+ LogTestHelper helper_;
+TEST_F(GMockLogTest, DoesNotPrintGoodCallInternallyIfVerbosityIsWarning) {
+ GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper_, Foo(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(PrintMeNot()));
+ helper_.Foo(PrintMeNot()); // This is an expected call.
+TEST_F(GMockLogTest, DoesNotPrintGoodCallInternallyIfVerbosityIsError) {
+ GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper_, Foo(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(PrintMeNot()));
+ helper_.Foo(PrintMeNot()); // This is an expected call.
+TEST_F(GMockLogTest, DoesNotPrintWarningInternallyIfVerbosityIsError) {
+ GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
+ ON_CALL(helper_, Foo(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(PrintMeNot()));
+ helper_.Foo(PrintMeNot()); // This should generate a warning.
+// Tests Mock::AllowLeak().
+TEST(AllowLeakTest, AllowsLeakingUnusedMockObject) {
+ MockA* a = new MockA;
+ Mock::AllowLeak(a);
+TEST(AllowLeakTest, CanBeCalledBeforeOnCall) {
+ MockA* a = new MockA;
+ Mock::AllowLeak(a);
+ ON_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).WillByDefault(Return());
+ a->DoA(0);
+TEST(AllowLeakTest, CanBeCalledAfterOnCall) {
+ MockA* a = new MockA;
+ ON_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).WillByDefault(Return());
+ Mock::AllowLeak(a);
+TEST(AllowLeakTest, CanBeCalledBeforeExpectCall) {
+ MockA* a = new MockA;
+ Mock::AllowLeak(a);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(_));
+ a->DoA(0);
+TEST(AllowLeakTest, CanBeCalledAfterExpectCall) {
+ MockA* a = new MockA;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ Mock::AllowLeak(a);
+TEST(AllowLeakTest, WorksWhenBothOnCallAndExpectCallArePresent) {
+ MockA* a = new MockA;
+ ON_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).WillByDefault(Return());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ Mock::AllowLeak(a);
+// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
+// when none of its methods has expectations.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, NoMethodHasExpectations) {
+ MockB b;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b));
+ // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
+ // freely call them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
+// when some, but not all, of its methods have expectations *and* the
+// verification succeeds.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, SomeMethodsHaveExpectationsAndSucceed) {
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ b.DoB();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b));
+ // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
+ // freely call them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
+// when some, but not all, of its methods have expectations *and* the
+// verification fails.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, SomeMethodsHaveExpectationsAndFail) {
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ bool result = true;
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b),
+ "Actual: never called");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+ // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
+ // freely call them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
+// when all of its methods have expectations.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, AllMethodsHaveExpectations) {
+ MockB b;
+ .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ b.DoB();
+ b.DoB(1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b));
+ // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
+ // freely call them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
+// when a method has more than one expectation.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, AMethodHasManyExpectations) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0))
+ .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ b.DoB(1);
+ bool result = true;
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b),
+ "Actual: never called");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+ // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
+ // freely call them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that we can call VerifyAndClearExpectations() on the same
+// mock object multiple times.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, CanCallManyTimes) {
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB());
+ b.DoB();
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ b.DoB(1);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b);
+ // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
+ // freely call them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that we can clear a mock object's default actions when none
+// of its methods has default actions.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, NoMethodHasDefaultActions) {
+ MockB b;
+ // If this crashes or generates a failure, the test will catch it.
+ Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+// Tests that we can clear a mock object's default actions when some,
+// but not all of its methods have default actions.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, SomeMethodsHaveDefaultActions) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB())
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
+ // Verifies that the default action of int DoB() was removed.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+// Tests that we can clear a mock object's default actions when all of
+// its methods have default actions.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, AllMethodsHaveDefaultActions) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB())
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(2));
+ Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
+ // Verifies that the default action of int DoB() was removed.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ // Verifies that the default action of int DoB(int) was removed.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(0));
+// Tests that we can clear a mock object's default actions when a
+// method has more than one ON_CALL() set on it.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, AMethodHasManyDefaultActions) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(0))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(2));
+ Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
+ // Verifies that the default actions (there are two) of int DoB(int)
+ // were removed.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that we can call VerifyAndClear() on a mock object multiple
+// times.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, CanCallManyTimes) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB())
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that VerifyAndClear() works when the verification succeeds.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Success) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB())
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ b.DoB();
+ b.DoB(1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b));
+ // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
+ // freely call them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that VerifyAndClear() works when the verification fails.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Failure) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ b.DoB(1);
+ bool result = true;
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b),
+ "Actual: never called");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+ // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
+ // freely call them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that VerifyAndClear() works when the default actions and
+// expectations are set on a const mock object.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Const) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(Const(b), DoB())
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(Const(b), DoB())
+ .WillOnce(DoDefault())
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ b.DoB();
+ b.DoB();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b));
+ // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
+ // freely call them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that we can set default actions and expectations on a mock
+// object after VerifyAndClear() has been called on it.
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, CanSetDefaultActionsAndExpectationsAfterwards) {
+ MockB b;
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB())
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ b.DoB(1);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
+ .WillOnce(Return(3));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(4));
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, b.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, b.DoB(1));
+// Tests that calling VerifyAndClear() on one mock object does not
+// affect other mock objects (either of the same type or not).
+TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, DoesNotAffectOtherMockObjects) {
+ MockA a;
+ MockB b1;
+ MockB b2;
+ ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(DoDefault())
+ .WillOnce(Return(false));
+ ON_CALL(b1, DoB())
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b1, DoB(_))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ ON_CALL(b2, DoB())
+ .WillByDefault(Return(3));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b2, DoB(_));
+ b2.DoB(0);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b2);
+ // Verifies that the default actions and expectations of a and b1
+ // are still in effect.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(a.Binary(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(a.Binary(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b1.DoB());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b1.DoB(0));
+ DestroyingChainedMocksDoesNotDeadlockThroughExpectations) {
+ linked_ptr<MockA> a(new MockA);
+ ReferenceHoldingMock test_mock;
+ // EXPECT_CALL stores a reference to a inside test_mock.
+ EXPECT_CALL(test_mock, AcceptReference(_))
+ .WillRepeatedly(SetArgPointee<0>(a));
+ // Throw away the reference to the mock that we have in a. After this, the
+ // only reference to it is stored by test_mock.
+ a.reset();
+ // When test_mock goes out of scope, it destroys the last remaining reference
+ // to the mock object originally pointed to by a. This will cause the MockA
+ // destructor to be called from inside the ReferenceHoldingMock destructor.
+ // The state of all mocks is protected by a single global lock, but there
+ // should be no deadlock.
+ DestroyingChainedMocksDoesNotDeadlockThroughDefaultAction) {
+ linked_ptr<MockA> a(new MockA);
+ ReferenceHoldingMock test_mock;
+ // ON_CALL stores a reference to a inside test_mock.
+ ON_CALL(test_mock, AcceptReference(_))
+ .WillByDefault(SetArgPointee<0>(a));
+ // Throw away the reference to the mock that we have in a. After this, the
+ // only reference to it is stored by test_mock.
+ a.reset();
+ // When test_mock goes out of scope, it destroys the last remaining reference
+ // to the mock object originally pointed to by a. This will cause the MockA
+ // destructor to be called from inside the ReferenceHoldingMock destructor.
+ // The state of all mocks is protected by a single global lock, but there
+ // should be no deadlock.
+// Tests that a mock function's action can call a mock function
+// (either the same function or a different one) either as an explicit
+// action or as a default action without causing a dead lock. It
+// verifies that the action is not performed inside the critical
+// section.
+TEST(SynchronizationTest, CanCallMockMethodInAction) {
+ MockA a;
+ MockC c;
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(_))
+ .WillByDefault(IgnoreResult(InvokeWithoutArgs(&c,
+ &MockC::NonVoidMethod)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
+ .WillOnce(Invoke(&a, &MockA::DoA))
+ .RetiresOnSaturation();
+ EXPECT_CALL(c, NonVoidMethod());
+ a.DoA(1);
+ // This will match the second EXPECT_CALL() and trigger another a.DoA(1),
+ // which will in turn match the first EXPECT_CALL() and trigger a call to
+ // c.NonVoidMethod() that was specified by the ON_CALL() since the first
+ // EXPECT_CALL() did not specify an action.
+} // namespace
+// Allows the user to define his own main and then invoke gmock_main
+// from it. This might be necessary on some platforms which require
+// specific setup and teardown.
+int gmock_main(int argc, char **argv) {
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
+ // Ensures that the tests pass no matter what value of
+ // --gmock_catch_leaked_mocks and --gmock_verbose the user specifies.
+ testing::GMOCK_FLAG(catch_leaked_mocks) = true;
+ testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity;
+ return RUN_ALL_TESTS();